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Modern financial industry has edged into the core sector and leading industry of the social economy. The inherent characteristics of high debt management make financial industry a high-risk industry. Accompanied by the deepening of economic liberalization and economic globalization, mutual dependence of the world economy is increasingly high which makes the susceptibility, interactive and destructiveness of financial crisis become more and more evident. The outbreak of financial crises gives not only a serious blow to the country but also an incalculable impact to global financial market and the development of the world economy since the 1930s. Although China has not been involved in these major financial crises, the inherent economic vulnerability still exists and the potential pressure of financial risks should not be overlooked. Therefore, the establishment, analysis and monitoring of early warning indicators as well as the building of early-warning financial risk model which suites China's actual situation will lend a hand to strengthen risk-resisting ability of our financial industry, resist the impact of the international financial crisis, and promote China's economic development and safeguard social stability.
     The full text is divided into five chapters and specific structure is outlined as follows:
     Chapter I outlines the foreword which introduces the background and significance of topics, the structure, research methods and innovation.
     Chapter II gives a brief review of the fruits of researches at home and abroad which will lubricates the following in-depth research. There is a reservoir of study concerning the modern theory of financial crisis and early warning model. Many fruitful results which are accumulated through years provide a lot of useful lessons to us, but they still can not skip shortcomings, we serve a review of previous studies and literature.
     Chapter III establishes the quantitative model and outlines the corresponding empirical analysis. First of all, this chapter expounds on the framework of early warning system. Then an illustration of early warning indicators has been given which is followed by the introduction of early warning model and other related measures.
     Chapters IV must be given prime priority. First of all, this chapter establishes early warning systems for sub-markets-----macroeconomic market, financial market (which is further broke down into currency crisis and the banking crisis) and asset bubble risk. Secondly,taking advantage of the early- warning crisis index, this paper provide a definition of the critical value and simulate the historical information of crisis and employ ARIMA to forecast the financial risks in 2008. Finally, we interpret the general factor score as financial crisis index which can successfully portray the fluctuations of China's financial risks and output early warning indicator system the to reflect the coldness and hotness of our economy.
     Chapter V explores the conclusions. This paper has initially set up an early warning crisis model which is able to mirror China's actual situation and draws some meaningful conclusions. The drawbacks can be offseted in the furure by virtue of our endeavor step by step and the multi-level dynamic crisis early warning system is guaranteed.
     On the grounds of domestic and international economic theory and empirical research, this paper investigates status quo and features of China's financial risks from the perspective of various aspects. Some meaningful conclusions have been arrived at in this paper:
     1. Empirical analysis shows that in the macro-economy early warning model, crisis signals surfaced in 1994 and 1995 on account of the high CPI while certain fluctuations also revealing in the period from 1996 to 1997 as a result of that early warning indicators possess a recovery period. After that macro-economy keeps a sustained stable trend; in the currency crisis early warning model, from 1994 to 1995 crisis signals have been found, Implementation of devaluation policy in 1994 made it possible for exchange rate to drop nearly 50 percent. Since then, the foreign exchange market pressure index run at a relatively low level with little volatility and China's foreign exchange market remained stable. In banking crisis early warning model, From December 1998 to June 2000 issued the first warning signal and from October 2003 to June 2004 issued a second warning signal. China has witnessed many collapses of financial institutions and bank run events in both stages. Asset bubble early warning model simulated totally four crises from March 1994 to December 1994, from July 1995 to March 1997, from November 2001 to August 2002 and from May 2006 to November 2007 in which phases the stock market and real estate market were prosperous.
     2. Applying Logit models to establish the early warning system which consists of macroeconomic crisis model, financial crisis model (including currency crisis early warning model and banking crisis early warning model) and asset bubble early warning model. Satisfactory fitting effects have been captured. By means of ARIMA model, we perform a short-term forecast for early warning indicators in the next year. The outcomes declares that in 2008, macro-economy market and financial market are in perfect condition along with the small probability of crisis, whereas the stock market and real estate market still harbor potential uncertainty which demand cautious concern in spite of a decrease in crisis compared to 2007.
     3.This paper attempts to study the root causes of China's financial risks through factor analysis. Four common factors which are integrated from 23 original indexes reflect, respectively, financial market risks, macro-economy risks, asset bubble risks and global economy. Its contribution rate of variance showed that financial markets and macro-economy market play the most important role in China's financial risks which should be given the top priority.
     4. The fact that the asset bubble risk, to some extent, dominates our country's overall economic situation compels us to show more concern on it. In our country, in order to prevent the bubble economy and eliminate the bubble economy, the equilibrium of total value and structure between real property (including services) and market have to be maintained. In addition, strengthening the building of legal system and improving the capital market can not be taken slightly.
     5. Changes in the global economy also have an impact on China's financial development. Therefore, as an effective barrier to guard against financial risks, China must actively promote international monetary cooperation and policy coordination and establish efficient mechanism for handling the crisis and set up multilateral intervention and assistance mechanisms which are concurred in enhancing the overall capacity to defense and avoid risks.
     6. Making use of comprehensive factor score to integrate China's financial risk index, cyclical fluctuations are preferable imitated. The overall financial risk drops a little in 2008 as opposed to 2007, but still in hazard zone.
     7. The output of early warning signal system proves that China's financial risks in 2008 lies in the yellow zone (vigorous region). Growth rate of industrial added value, inflation rate and the price - earnings ratio of stock market and the ratio of deposits to M2 and fluctuations of the stock price in 2008 are in the red zone (overheating region) which will be the potential risks. They need dominant monitoring. M2/GDP, house prices index, growth rate of foreign exchange reserves, and growth rate of GDP, M2 multiplier and the ratio of fiscal revenue to GDP are at the yellow light area (vigorous region). This shows that risk control emphasis should be put on bank credit system, macro-economy and financial bubble areas in 2008. The remaining indicators stay in green areas (normal region) which in the coming year will maintain a stable growth trend.
     This paper has initially set up an early warning system which can reflect China's actual situation and verify some meaningful conclusions, but a variety of deficiencies still can not be evaded. Limited to the availability of data indicators and the imperfect financial markets, this paper only study macro-economy market, monetary market, banking system and the asset bubble, failing to consider other markets. Associated by the continuous development of financial market and continuing deepening of reforms, more and more micro indicators which represent the internal operation of financial institutions will be injected in the model in the foreseeable future. We will also gradually improve the multi-level dynamic crisis early warning system and broaden study sphere to other markets so as to establish a more effective early warning system of financial risks which is bound to play a proactive role. Failing to issue any warning signals does not follow that there is no possibility of potential financial crisis. Early warning system is still indispensable to China.
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    ② 根据 IMF 在《世界经济展望 1998》中的分类,金融危机大致可以分为以下四大类:货币危机、银行危机、外国债务危机和系统性金融危机。
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    ① 金融风险是金融活动中普遍存在的,只要有金融活动就存在金融风险。金融风险具有引发、积累为金融危机的可能性,金融危机是金融风险的“极限效应”。金融风险具有转化为金融危机的可能性,但不具有必然性。中国改革开放以来并没有爆发过金融危机,因此下文主要讨论中国近年来的金融风险状况。
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