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After walking out of the real estate slump in 1998, the rapidly developed housing industry of Hangzhou has been a new impetus of regional economy and the focus of consumption. With the sustaining boom of housing market, the housing price has kept on rising for several years. By the soar of housing price, the problem whether bubbles really exist, whether the housing market is healthy has been the focus of the argument.
    Starting from the summarizing of theory of real estate bubbles and real estate early-warning , This paper analyses the actuality of Hangzhou housing
    market from supply demand and market character. Then we study the law of
    housing price fluctuation.
    Next, we estimate the bubbles quantificationally through three different methods. We try to establish the regional real estate early warning system to judge the healthy and alert degree of housing market because we can't obtain the dangerous degree of bubble burst.
    Finally, This paper particularly analyses the potential risk of housing market from Endogenuous and external factor, puts forward some solutions to prevent the potential risk through market mechanism accordingly.
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