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斧翅沙芥(Pugionium dolabratum Maxim.)为二年生草本植物,属于十字花科沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.),是一种集药用、保健、饲用、固沙等功用于一体的多功能沙生蔬菜。由于长期掠夺性采挖,该物种减少和灭绝的速度与日俱增,其早在1992年就被列入《内蒙古珍稀濒危植物志》,课题组曾试验采用迁地保护方式,来实现保护和扩大这一珍贵物种,但在多次引种于呼和浩特、包头等地的斧翅沙芥,露地植株其二年生返青率极低,保护地返青率能达80~90%,但种子的质量和产量均很低,因此本文以呼和浩特内蒙古农业大学科技园区日光温室栽培的斧翅沙芥(Pugionium dolabratum Maxim.)为研究对象,对斧翅沙芥的开花生物学、繁育系统及胚胎学等方面进行研究,旨在揭示温室斧翅沙芥开花生物学特性,探讨有性生殖对斧翅沙芥繁殖发育的影响,为斧翅沙芥温室繁种及迁地保护提供依据,主要结果如下:
Pugionium dolabratum Maxim belongs to the biennial herbs,the Cruciferae, and Pugionium Gaertn,It is a kind of vegetable, with officinal, hygienical, feeding and sand-fixation functions. Because of a long period predacity collection, the extinction and reduction of this species had been accelerated. It is as early as 1992, the study has been included in《The Rare and Threatened Flora of Inner Mongolia》.The discussion group has ever tried to introducted achieving protection and expansion of this valuable species. But the plants’s turning green rate is 0 in Hohhot and Baotou. Although the rate can reach 80 to 90 percent in protecting cultivation, the quality and quantity is quite low. That is why this paper is aimed to the study of this species planted in the Science solar-greenhouse of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University. The cultivation of Pugionium dolabratum Maxim is planted to study in this thesis, linculding flowering biology, breeding system,and embryology. We attempted to reveal the characteristic of the flowing biology, and discussion of the flowing biological characteristics’s reproduction and development of P.dolabratum. The main results are as follow:
     1)P.cornutum, growing period is 153d, the florescence is 44d, one single flower blooming period 3-4d. P.cornutum reaches its full boom in18:00―20:00 on the campus.
     2)The germination rate of pollens in full-bloom stage is more big than initial flowering stage and last flowering stage. So the viability of pollen is most storage is in full-bloom stage.
     3)The the testing method of pollen viability of Pdolabrotum maxim is in vitro germination. The pollen of Pdolabrotum maxim Germination percentage reached highest on the media supplemented with 25% sucrose and 0.005% boric acid. The most congenial germination growing time and temperatureof pollen germination is 12h and 25℃。
     4)The storage of pollen is Low temperature (4℃).The acception of female stigma is strongest in the latter 12 hours to blossom. After 48 hours,weakens gradually is the optimum stage to pollinated .
     5)P. dolabratum should be a kind of cross-pollinating and entomophilies plant without capability of selfing by the total value of OCI ,the value of P/0, and the experimentation of bagged so on.
     6)P.dolabrotum is anther wall development follows the dicotyledon type, glandular tapetum.During the sexual reproduction, Tapetum is the secretory type.The cytokinesis of the microspore mother cell was of the successive type. The microspore tetrahedron. The mature pollen grains are 3-celled, 3-colpo-rate.
     The above mentioned study had supplied the gap of Pugionium dolabratum Maxim botany, the basic data to the crossbreed and preproduction techniques, and the new way of resours protection of Pugionium dolabratum Maxim. This study had broad applicaion prospect.
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