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In recent years, along with the higher education scale expansion, the higher vocational education of our country obtained a fast fierce development. On the condition that the national finance investment is insufficient, our country has adopted the high charge policy to higher vocational education. To some extent, the high sum of tuition alleviated a fast development need of higher vocational education, and pushed the popularize of our country’s higher education forward. However, along with the development of higher vocational education, a series of problem is drawn up. It has become an urgent task for us how to get a reasonable standard of tuition of the higher vocational education institutions
     This text commences from the theories analysis, analyzing the attribute of the product of the higher vocational education ----quasi-private goods, and the nature of tuition of the higher vocational education ---- price division of higher vocational education ,and then we learn that the mechanism of the higher vocational education tuition is a kind of hybrid mechanism combining the market price and governmental control .
     On this foundation, this text put forward the target mode of mechanism of the higher vocational education tuition, which society public participate in ,the markets regulate and governments control .In this kind of mode, the higher vocational college is the market participant of making tuition standard, government of the working talent is a service, macro view management and inspect, social public participates broadly among them.
     At last, taking this kind of ideal target mode as foundation, the measure to perfect the mechanism of higher vocational education tuition is put forward----reforming the management system of the higher vocational education, adjusting relationship among higher vocational colleges, government and society, establishing and perfecting related systems and laws of tuition management, and perfecting guaranteeing measure such as minority compensating systems and diversified money raising system of higher vocational colleges etc.
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