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As an independent educational system, tertiary vocational education's practice and development should be guided and supported by its own theory and system. This system should have 3 attributes: Firstly, its utility to direct the practice; secondly, its openness; thirdly, intrinsic logic and self-consistency. The theory must be based on certain curriculum concept. From the point of exploring school-based curriculum, this paper made a research about the tertiary vocational education, which develops rapidly in China. It presents the widely gathered and latest information, carries out the investigation to reflect the concrete circumstances, makes in-depth reviews of the history and international comparison, works on exploring the curriculum of vocational colleges. Therefore, it not only concentrates on the objective analysis of the concrete problems but also dedicates to subjective judgment of abstract theories. The final conclusion was drawn in the process of summarizing the theoretical basis and principles, analyzing the exploration and defining the measuring standard of the school-based curriculum in vocational colleges. Formally, the purpose of the paper is to construct the pattern of exploring the school-based curriculum in vocational colleges. More importantly, with the help of researching the exploring patterns and the transformation of the school-based curriculum, it aims to make innovation of the conceptual system, thinking patterns, language system and the practical ways, as well as to standardize its way to develop.This paper is divided into five chapters. Following are its main achievements:1. Based on the definition of the concept and connotation about exploring the school-based curriculum in vocational colleges, it analyzes and expounds the features of the curriculum of tertiary vocational education, as well as its theoretical basis in philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy.2. After reviewing the process of China's tertiary vocational education in over 20 years and surveying some vocational colleges, this paper objectively analyzes its curriculum and the present conditions. Meanwhile, it comparatively studies the main curriculum patterns of vocational colleges abroad.
    3. It draws a conclusion of the structure, type, and process of the school-based curriculum in vocational college in China.4. Directed by the theory of exploring the school-based curriculum, the paper probes into the establishment of object, policy for improvement, mechanism for operating, and so on. It is dedicated to pondering on exploring the school-based curriculum, including creatively drawing a conclusion in converting the perspective of vocational education, developing the employment-oriented curriculum, establishing the specific feature of tertiary vocational education, defining the term dual-teacher, setting the model of the cooperation between colleges and enterprises, inventing multi-evaluation system, promoting support from the administration of the college, and boosting the whole person development. This paper also aims to perfect the theoretical system of the exploring the school-based curriculum in vocational colleges so as to guide the practice of constructing the curriculum of tertiary vocational education.
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