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Since the metaphase of 20~(th) century, along with the advancing of popularity of higher education all over the world, the current of diversification in the configuration and formal of higher education is increasingly marked ness. Altitude vocational education as a part which related to the development of the economy has become the power which makes the progress of both economy and society. This is the common experience from the development of economy in most countries.
     Since the 1970s, Australian higher vocational education which gives priority to the institutes of TAFE has come through a high speed progress for nearly 40 years. In this period, the institutes of TAFE become bigger and stronger, and rum into the object followed by other countries. With the depth of communication between China and Australia in economy and culture, learning the successful Australian higher vocational education mode has been a heated topic to many Chinese researchers. But for the related current, the research about Australian institutes of TAFE is at the very beginning, based on the comprehensive analysis and research on the institutes of TAFE, the thesis summarizes its reasons of success and failure and further put on forward suggestions in order to use its experience for reference.
     The thesis consists of six parts:
     Part one is mainly introduced the reason of the subject, the summarizing of literatures, and the method of the study. In addition, it describes the definitions of TAFE and the institutes of TAFE; Part two is mainly analyzed the cause and the phase of the development of the institutes of TAFE as well as the exterior power of the institutes of TAFE; Part three is mainly analyzed the the status and operation of the institutes of TAFE in Australia; Part four is the most important part, it is aimed to analyze the target, setup of the specialty, course, form of teaching organization, teachers, and management of the institutes of TAFE; Part five is based on the foregoing, then sum up the characteristics and problems about the institutes of TAFE; Part six is mainly leaning from the successful experience of the institutes of TAFE in Australia, then provides some constructive suggestions to develop our own.
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