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Business method patents is one of controversial problems in the field of intellectual property.The business method patents experience a transformation from unpatentable to patentable, and the key in the changing course is the innovation about the business method.This paper studies the business method patents from the innovation of business method and makes a empirical analysis combining with the banking industry.
     First, this paper discusses the development of business method patents from the development of world trade and the information revolution progress; defines the business methods, business methods innovation, and other related to the banking business methods; discusses theoretical basis of the business methods patents from the Industrial Economics theory,System Economics theory, technology innovation theory and the finance innovation theory;researches the status quo of the banking business method patents from the patent system theory and the studies of the banking business method patents from domestic and overseas.
     This paper analyses the content and technology of the banking business method innovation, and sums up the IT-developing background of the banking business method innovation. Then expatiate the motivation of the banking business method innovation from the three aspects such as non-mediatation of finance marker, competitive pressure among the commercial banks and the IT industry's inbreak to the banking business. And the paper gives the two demonstration analyse about the changing of the currency form and the banks, the impact of the business innovation to the management is also investigated.
     Secondly, This paper studies the evolvement of the banking business method patent system and the economic sense of the business method patents based on the research on the performance of the patent system to the innovation protect. The paper makes a detailed and comprehensive study on evolution course of the business method patents in the USPTO, EPO and JPO from the perspective of cases and legislative. What could be found from the study on the cases related to the business method in USPTO,after the two case of SSB and AT & T since the late 1990s, both the business method and the software could be patentable as long as it can produce "useful, concrete and tangible result";Comparing to the United States and Japan, the inventions in the EPO must include technical features. Comparing to the judicial practice in the United States and Europe,the Japanese have not happened any case about the business method patents.Instead, the guidelines for the computer-related patents provides the patentable standard, besides, the judicial practice of software patent in Japan depends on the guidelines. All the guidelines have been changed with the technology development of computer hardware and software, and so,in the research of the business method patents in Japan, this paper would focus on its guidelines amend the evolving course and the main amending contend.
     This paper also outlines the legislation about the business method patents in China, and finds that "technical" is the core to the patentable judgment, the inventions must include many aspects such as"in a technical field"and"a person in the technical field", "using technical means","solving technical problems", "have a technical effect"and"with technical characteristics".
     Thirdly, as the empirical research, this paper searches the business method patents in banking industry in USPTO, JPO, EPO and SIPO; and make a depth study on the search result basing on the analysis of patent information and the patent maps; and make some conclusion of that, the patent protection awareness of the overall banking in china have increased to some extend; the patent management of the domestic bank have improved than before;the patent structure of the domestic bank have the advantage only on the amount, and lack the assurance of quality; the ability and the speed of the banking innovation in China needs to be further enhance; the overseas banks have more core patent in the field of business method technology; the banks from United States, Britain, Japan, South Korea would pose threat in the field of business method patent technology.
     Finally, This paper studies the countermeasures of the business method innovation and the patent management of the domestic banking based on the analyse from both the macro-policy and the industry developing condition. This paper exposes the micro-strategy of the business method innovation to the domestic banks from the three aspects of mechanisms, service products and the intermediate business; researches the strategy for the technology management, technology development and the business innovation of the domestic banks; make a detail research on the patent management strategy for the domestic banks from the five aspects, such as strengthening the business method innovation and the patent protection awareness of domestic banks; improving the patent management level and carrying out the patent development strategy; using the patent documents effectively; establishing corresponding organizations and so on.
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    [128]EPO Decision T 0208/84-3.5.1
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    [131]EPO Decision T1194/97.
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    [133]EPO Decision T931/95-3.5.1.
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    [135]EPO Decision T641/00.
    [136] Article 52(1) European Patent Convention: European patents shall be granted for any inventions which are susceptible of industrial application, which are new and which involve an inventive step.
    [137] Article 54 European Patent Convention: An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of the art.
    [138] Article 56 European Patent Convention: An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art.
    [139] Article 57 European Patent Convention: An invention shall be considered as susceptible of industrial application if it can be made or used in any kind of industry, including agriculture.
    [140] Article 52(2) European Patent Convention: The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions within the meaning of paragraph 1: discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; aesthetic creation; schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers; presentations of information.
    [141] Article 52(3) European Patent Convention: The provisions of paragraph 2 shall exclude patentability of the subject-matter or activities referred to in that provision only to the extent to which a European patent application or European patent relates to subject-matter or activities as such.
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    [144] Rule 27: Content of the description: (1) The description shall: (a) specify the technical field to which the invention relates; (c) disclose the invention,as claimed,in such terms that the technical problem (even if not expressly stated as such) and its solution can be understood,and state any advantageous effects of the invention with reference to the background art.
    [145] Rule 29: Form and content of claims: (1) The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the invention.
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    [151] EPO Decision T 26/81.
    [152] EPO Dicision T641/00.
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    [161]JPO Comments on the Draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty and the Draft Regulations and practice Guidelines(2001)[EB/OL],http://listbox.wipo.int/wilma/scp-eforum/2001/msg00021/jpo_splt.doc,2006-12-26.
    [162]Henry Koda,Business Model Patent(2000)[M],Nikei Kogyo Shinbunsa,Tokyo,Japan.
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    [164]Report on Comparative Study Carded Out under Trilateral project[R],Trilateral Technical Meeting(14-16 june 2000) Japanese Patent Office,Tokyo.
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    [166]Yarmis Skulikaris,Examination Practice at the European Patent Office (2002)[C].Prepare for International Forum for Protection of Computer-related and Business Model Invention,EPO.
    [167]Jan Galama,EC Proposal for a Directive on the Patentability of Computer-implemented Inventions[C],UNICE' S Working Group on Patents(2002),Prepared for International Forum for Protection of Computer-related and Business Model Inventions.
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