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This paper makes a systematic elaboration of the Plant Disease Economy, something like it's raising background, conception, intension study field, study task and study method. It also makes an elaboration about the relationship of Plant Disease Economy, Eco-Province and Sustainable Development. As a fire-new economic formation, it promote the development of sustainable Agriculture Economy; It also promotes the development of the Ecology Technology and Electron Information Technology. It promotes the sustainable development of Economic Society, as well as it improve the farmer's quality and add the farmer' income. Sustainable Development is the guiding ideology of development strategy in the development of economy and society all over the world at present. It stresses the development of economy and society, resource utilization and beautiful environment harmony each other. Plant Disease Economy and Sustainable Development have the essential relation: Sustainable Development is the object of Plant Disease Econ
    omy; Sustainable Development request establishing rational Plant Disease Economy System.
    Under the background of the entirely well-to-do society construction, and aim at the request of the Eco-Province construction and Sustainable Development this paper raise the strategy of Fujian Plant Disease Economy Construction: (1) Consolidating the organization ability of the Station of Plant Protection and the Center Plant Quarantine. (2) Making the legal system perfect, and criterion the plant disease integrated
    prevention technology. (3) Taking full advantage of Information
    Technology, Electronic Computer Technology and Remote Sensing Technology. (4) Developing the Modern Biology Technology, improve the fastness of crop; improve efficiency of the Biology Prevention. (5) Increasing the devotion of science and technology.
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