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Science park needs related assistance of surrounding areas and industries, because it had promoted development of country, and formed unique context and composition (Shin, 2001). Most literatures have examined linkage networks between different forms of economic sectors and intersectors (Marshall, 1988).
     Hsin-Chu science-based industry park has been established for almost twenty years. Many issues which include the development, industry and urban environment are discussed by economist and planner. One aspect of the economic impact, most of researches approve of the development of the Hsin-Chu science-based industry park in regional prosperity. The other aspect of the spatial structure impact, besides the approval, there are a few comments which are negative gradually.
     In the past, there are many researches which discuss the social and economic impact of the establishment of Hsin-Chu science-based industry park or the relationship between regions and science park. However, there are few research to discuss the spatial issues and spatial impact. Therefore, this research will discuss the spatial structure changing of the population distribution and community, and the impact of the growth management policy setting on the park's neighborhood after the establishment of the Hsin-Chu science-based industry park.
     I.C. industry is the highest industry in the year produced-valve of Taiwan. Not only it became the most economic source, it also promoted to go up other related industries grade, among Hsin-chu science-based industrial park's is very important. And introduced by IC of Hsin-chu Science-Based park, it caused change about the local industry system. But the variant process in producing space and promoting innovation, cooperating research activities, the relationship between competitive behavior and development in production network, these subjects of debate are lacking in discussion by correlated research. Therefore this research hopes to look about the relationship between Hsin-Chu Integrated Circuits industry and local production network by the research and development, analysis of innovated activities and local foundation's investigation matched.
     This research has two purposes as the following statement :
     1. To understand the key factors and issues of the neighborhood spatial changing after the establishment of the Hsin-Chu science-based industry park, via the analysis of the changing of the population and community. It is not only the basis to solute the relative problems, but also the references to set up the Tainan science-based industry park.
     2. If the development process of the science park or the science city will succeed, it must have the power and capacity to develop a regional land use plan and growth management system. So this research will propose the development strategies between science park and neighborhood area in terms of the analysis of the existed growth management policy.
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