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Because of the weak base of technology and the shortage in R&D capability, the improvement of technology level in developing countries mainly comes from the international technology diffusion from developed countries. As one of the main channels of technology diffusion, import is very important to China who is short in innovation and imports much. This dissertation focuses on the effect of import-oriented international technology diffusion in China and explores how to induce and improve it by making proper policy.
     Firstly, we discuss the inherent logical relation in technology difference, international trade and technology diffusion. Then we analyze the mechanism of international technology diffusion in the channel of import and some factors that affect. Through these, we build a basic analysis frame of import, technology and the technology progress in developing countries to provide theory basis to the later empirical study.
     We must appraise the international technology diffusion and make suggestion to promote it or restrict it in the background of technology development phase of that country. So, at first, we study on the technology development phase of China through the respect of industry technology base, R&D input and output capability. Then, we carry on the empirical study of China. On the basis of the above research, we find that: (1) the effect of import through technology diffusion on China’s TFP is positive and significant. (2)We may change the structure of China’s import to promote the effect of international technology diffusion. (3)It is essential for China to step on the juice of human capital cultivating. Foreign R&D should have mattered more than the domestic R&D in the technology progress of China theoretically. But we see an opposite result in empirical study. It is mainly because that China is lack of capability to absorb the technology diffusion. We use human capital and domestic R&D as variable that measure the absorptive capability, and compare the results. We find that the low human capital level baffle the absorption of technology diffusion more. (4)The domestic R&D activities are very important. They are not only the immediate sources of domestic innovations, but also the essential factor of promoting the capability to absorb and use the technology diffusion. Now that China is lack of the absorptive capability, domestic R&D matters much to the technology progress of China. (5)Because most contribution of import to technology progress comes from the knowledge diffusion, it is impossible to ignore the affection of intellectual property right protection. The condition of intellectual property right protection immediately determines the possible extension and degree of technology diffusion. From mechanism analysis, we can see that the strong intellectual property right protection will affect the import-oriented technology diffusion in two opposite ways. The total effect changes from countries and domestic technology background. From the empirical study we can see that the effect of strengthening intellectual property right protection on China’s TFP is positive and significant.
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