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In the last ten years, the Creative Industries have been developing greatly in some developed countries, such as USA, UK, Singapore, Japan, and Korea. In these areas, the Creative Industries had been a very important part of the national economy and had been definite as the key industries in which the governments should invest heavily. In China, in those cities in Southeast of China especially, the Creative Industries are flourishing these years.
     Comparative to the flourish of the Creative Industries, however, there are just few researches in the area of management in creative industries. Especially, the research on Knowledge-Creation Mechanism (or Knowledge-Creating Process) is weak. Both the young of the creative industries and the weakness of the traditional researches about (Original) Knowledge-Creation Mechanism in Innovation Management are the reason.
     For an in-depth exploration of the knowledge creation mechanism of the creative organization, this dissertation studies and synthesizes the theories of three areas: creative industries, creativity (and the psychology of creativity) and technological innovation. Using standardized methods of case-study, on the basis, this dissertation researches the creative process of knowledge creation mechanisms in creative organization and puts forward ideas to describe the knowledge-creating process as "Tai-chi model." Subsequently, this article also uses the methods of mathematical statistics to certify the "Tai-chi model" by exploratory empirical research. Ultimately, this article reached the following important conclusions:
     1. Knowledge-creation mechanism of creative organization can be described as "Tai Chi model". It includes 6 links which compose two-ways knowledge flow spirals.
     2. The smoothness of the Two-ways flow of Tai Chi knowledge-creating spirals significant positive impact the creative performance of the creative organization.
     3. The preceding two conclusions are significantly whether the business of the creative organization is "science" or "art".
     Based on these research results, this paper puts forward a series of management strategies which the creative organizations can used to improve their creative performance, and designs a dynamic organizational structure: billiards model. These strategies and model suggests that the Knowledge-Creating Process is two spirals with 6 links, and ALL links must be smoothed if the manager want to improve the performance of creativity.
     Finally, this study also raises a comparative analysis between the Tai-chi model and the SECI model.
     On the one hand, this study deepens and expands the theory of innovation management - especially the "knowledge creation management", on the other hand, this research can be used to guiding the management of creative organizations to enhance the creative performance, and guiding the designers of industrial policy and Creative Park to develop the creative industries. In addition, this paper may be used to reference in the further research on the management of technological innovation (especially on the topic of "original innovation").
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