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在全球知识经济增长的现实背景下, 本文从微观层次研究了企业技术最优增长及企业技术投入与劳动、资本投入间的优化配比问题。
    首先,在对传统生产函数模型进行考察分析的基础上,对传统生产函数进行了重新定义:(1) 将生产投入的要素归结为劳动、资本、技术和其它生产要素;(2)技术是指生产厂商可以从生产要素市场上获得的、具有一定成本和价格的独立的生产要素;(3) 生产总成本中,不仅包括劳动和资本的投入成本,也包括技术和其它生产要素的成本,因而,技术的增长也是有成本、有代价的。
    第四,构建了技术突变条件下的最优技术增长率模型。将技术作为不同于劳动和资本的特殊生产要素进行考察,即当技术量的积累达到一定程度时,技术增长会产生突变,在此条件下, 运用汤姆突变理论中的尖点突变模型,解释了技术突变现象,讨论了劳动和资本的不同组合变化下,在临界点附近技术突然跃升或下降的突变性质;构建了技术突变完成后的技术增长率优化理论模型。
At a microscopic sphere, this dissertation mainly concentrates on optimum development of technology in an enterprise, on optimum proportion of investments among technology, labor, and capital.
    First, the concept of traditional production function is re-defined, after its mathematical model goes through a further analysis. (1) The key factors of production investment refer to labor, capital, technology and other factors. (2) The term technology refers to those independent production factors which can be acquired in the market of production factors and whose cost and price are locked. (3) Total production costs include not only the costs of labor and capital investments, but also the costs of technology and other production factors. Thus technological growth costs some. It brings some price.
     Second, the generality and the specialty of the factor of technology are discussed. As an independent production factor, technology participates in production activities. Its growth includes two kinds of cases. One kind is gradual change or continuous growth. Under this condition, technological growth runs on the same track as other production factors run on. The other kind refers to mutation or discrete change. Under this condition, technical growth runs on a different track from the one on which other production factors, such as labor and capital run.
    Third, in the case of gradual technological growth, the mathematical model of the optimum technological growth rate is built. Under different combinations of production factors, the optimum technological investment is studied. Cases in which technological factors take the place of labor and capital factors are analyzed. The attribute of the production function with three factors is analyzed and the theoretical model of optimum technological growth rate under continuous change is set up.
    Fourth, the theoretical model of optimum technological growth rate under discrete change is erected. Technology is a unique production factor because technological growth experiences a mutation when technological increase accumulates to a certain extent. Under this condition, the point-mutation model in Tom’s mutation theory is applied to explain the phenomenon of technological
    mutation, to discuss the attribute of technological mutation at the turning point under different combinations of labor and capital factors, to build the theoretical model of optimum technological growth rate after discrete technological change.
    Finally, practical data from a steel company in China are utilized with these mathematical models in a positive study. A quantitative computation of the optimum technological growth rate between real investment and optimum investment is carried out. Technological investment level and the potentiality of development under certain conditions in an enterprise are investigated. Consequently, the enterprise’s production and technical management achieve an excellent direction.
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