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    4、在产业系统基本演化方程中,通过考虑技术创新因素影响参数的变化,阐明了技术创新对产业系统演化行为的影响作用;运用一个动态随机模型,描述了创新改变产业系统中原有技术扩散和竞争均衡的过程; 分析总结了技术创新与产业系统协同演化的机制与过程,并在此基础上,建立和研究了技术创新积累效应混沌模型,并对模型混沌的政策条件进行了模拟分析,指出创新政策力对产业系统技术创新积累效应的动态行为能够产生重要影响,可以使系统产生混沌的行为。
This article is mainly about the problems of self-organization evolution and evolutionary chaos in industrial system and innovation processes through setting up nonlinear dynamical model. Our analysis is based on the self-organization theory and method and the evolution economics theory. Our main content and achievement are as follows.
    1. By discussing the learning, searching and choice behavior under interaction of the innovation producers and their users, we built a new self-organization model about the innovation processes and illustrated that the innovation processes is a self-organization evolution processes involving bifurcation and catastrophe, that the innovation maturity degree holds many kinds of state, that the innovation processes may vary repeatedly between many states, that the formation and spreading of innovation should belong the same processes, that the innovation is not a linear, determined evolution processes, is not only a processes of stochastic evolution, but a self-organization processes.
    2. We analyzed the feature of the whole industry system evolution processes and the chaos of the evolution model through the aid of the Logistic equation. The empirical analysis shows that the Logistic equation can well describe the whole evolution processes of China’s several industrial system, that China’s energy industrial system finds Chaos economic phenomenon, that the evolution behavior of industrial system is complicated and also a self-organization processes.
    3. We set up two evolutionary models, one is about the industrial system formed by two competitive industries under unequal competitive influence, the other is about the industrial system formed by two coorperative industries and various coorperation forms are different from each other. By discussing the models, we argued that the structural evolution of industrial economic systems under competitive and cooperative situations is a self-organization course, is the processes of the old structure de-stabilization and the new ordered structure constitution.
    4. In the basic evolutionary equation of the industrial system, through considering that the innovation factors influence the change of parameters, we expounded the influence of the innovation to the dynamic behavior of the industrial system; using a dynamic stochastic model, we described how the emergence of innovation altered the processes of old technology spreading and competition balance in the industrial system and changed the market structure of the industrial system; We analyzed and summarized the mechanism and processes of innovation and industrial system cooperative evolution, and based on that, we set up a kind of chaos model about the accumulation effect of innovation, tested the policy condition of the model chaos, and pointed out that, the innovation policy can have important influence on the dynamic behavior of accumulation effect of innovation in the industrial system, and may bring the system chaotic behavior.
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