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With the rapid development of animal husbandry in recent years, pollution of concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFOs) waste is gradually expanding. Compared with the traditional free-range style, CAFOs improve production efficiency, as well as make large number of concentration of manure and sewage. If the vast waste is not handled properly, it will bring enormous harm to the local natural environment and the health of residents. It has become a major practical problem of common concern from government and academia that how to dispose the waste and reuse the organic waste as resources to coordinate the development of CAFOs and rural ecological environment.
     This dissertation begins with a review of existing studies of foundation theories, models and technologies concerning on CAFOs waste treatment and resource utilization. Then, it summarizes current problem in CAFOs waste treatment, resource utilization, technology adoption and policy making in China. Meanwhile, take the case of Beilangzhong village to investigate the problem of CAFOs waste treatment. Subsequently, according to the framework of ecological-economic model, "Beilangzhong ecological-economic model of pig farm and waste treatment"(BLZEEM) is developed under given production condition and waste treatment technology to investigate the optimization of waste treatment and utilization in real static scenario, and then suggestion about waste treatment in Beilangzhong is recommended. In order to simulate the reaction in different scenarios BLZEEM is extended to the new model-"Extended Beilangzhong ecological-economic model of pig farm and waste treatment"(E-BLZEEM) by the introduction of "technologies set" and. E-BLZEEM stimulates optimal selection of waste treatment, resource utilization and technology adoption when technology, environment standard and market changes. Three aspects are included in the study:
     First, CAFOs and its waste treatment are optimized under the context of the combination of agriculture and pasture. By constructing "Beilangzhong ecological-economic model", the author studies how to combine CAFOs waste treatment and nutrient management and optimal select waste disposal methods to achieve benefit maximization of the whole farm under meeting given environmental standards.
     Second, Technologies in CAFOs waste treatment and resource utilization are optimized. E-BLZEEM model stimulates the optimization of production decision, management and technology adoption under certain environmental standards and market scenarios to make the whole production system adapt to environmental and market requirements in changes.
     Third, when environmental policy and market scenarios changes, its impact on resource use, technology adoption and farm income is analyzed. E-BLZEEM model simulates how CAFOs, CAFOs waste treatment, resource utilization and technology adoption adjust to changes of environmental standards, farm scale and market condition to ensure certain bio-environmental benefit and maximize farm's economic benefit. Suggestions are proposed based on comparison of results in different scenarios.
     The innovation that this dissertation makes are the follows:it introduce a whole analytical framework including technical, economic and environmental variables, develop a technical-economic model that contains the system including CAFOs, CAFOs waste treatment, resource utilization to simulate the optimization of technology adoption and its impact on economics and ecological environment under different scenarios, and get some theoretical results.
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