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Technology competition has become the focus of competition in overall national strength, driven by new scientific and technological revolution of the world. The 21st century, a new rapid development of scientific and technological revolution has brought about a profound technological revolution, the outcome of the application of science and technology, accelerating the pace of transformation, to create a new opportunity to catch up and leap for technical and economic development.
     China as a developing country, whose overall level of economic and social is not high, a wide gap still exists between especially in the overall level of China's science and technology and the world's advanced level, meanwhile, our technology is based on the technology introduction, digestion and absorption and innovation. However, the introduction of the second technology-based innovation has obvious path dependence, which led to the existence of independent innovation of China's structural contradictions.
     Theory of technological leapfrogging from the technical way describes the technology development by leaps and bounds, backward, and also offers the theoretical framework to catch up and surpass towards a technical leader. The technological leapfrogging on the basis of technology introduction belongs to the introduction-style technological leapfrogging, which tells the great significance to the introduction-style technological leapfrogging towards the technology catcher who takes the digestion and innovation of technology as the main creation model. At the same time, technological leapfrogging shows the most obvious character of technological evolution. Therefore, this article will begin here, study the introduction-style technological leapfrogging concerned, and hope to provide a new perspective and empirical experience for the technological leapfrogging and the industrial innovation.
     This paper, first of all, begins to systemize and summarize the theories of technological leapfrogging and the technological evolution concerned and lays the theoretical foundation for the introduction-style technological leapfrogging; On this basis of which, by the use of technical capabilities and evolution theory, analyzing the evolution of technological rules of it, proposing the evolution model of technological capabilities on the introduction of technology across; and the study begins in the technical system from the Perspective of the technological leapfrogging, and the analysis starts in the interrelationship between different stages and the technology system; followed the study on the enterprise of the introduction-style on the technological leapfrogging. First of all, it defines the enterprise with it, and an analysis of its characteristics and conditions, in this technically focused on the path of innovation and a typical case of the study of the enterprise concerned; then the current enterprise innovation on the relationship between industrial innovation and research, the theory study between the enterprise and the industry innovation; Finally through the establishment of panel data model, that is the empirical study on the Tianjin large and medium-sized manufacture enterprises between them, the study shows that the negative correlation of Tianjin technology innovation will happen during the innovation of technological catch-up phase, and the positive correlation of Tianjin industry innovation will exist during technology phase synchronization and innovation invest of technological leapfrogging, and furthermore the significant effect of Tianjin industry innovation will be taken in the innovation invest of the technology phase synchronization. In the end, the paper provides the suggestion and proposals towards the raising industry technology innovation prospects.
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