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     方法:以中药血清学方法测定健脾理气方药物血清对人肝癌HepG2细胞株作用的最佳量效、时效点;以倒置相差显微镜、光镜、透射电镜观察经健脾理气方药物血清处理后的人肝癌HepG2细胞株的形态学变化,以流式细胞化学方法研究人肝癌HepG2细胞株在健脾理气方药物血清的影响下细胞形态学变化及联合DNA琼脂凝胶电泳法检测细胞凋亡典型的梯状带分析;以Western blot法测定经药物血清处理后的人肝癌HepG2细胞株P53、bcl-2基因的蛋白表达水平;以酶细胞化学染色方法观察健脾理气方药物血清对人肝癌HepG2细胞株Mg2+-ATP酶、G-6-P酶活性的影响。
Purpose: Liver cancer is one of the malignant tumors, which is due to liver cells or intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cells. In all kinds of tumour, the incidence of PHC is the third of the male in China, the fourth of female. There are over 120 thousand persons dying of liver cancer in China every year. Due to the high malignancy, current therapy methods are not of satisfied effect. To search active drugs and methods is an important program to cure liver cancer. More and more truths prove that the traditional Chinese medicine has especially curative effect on preventing from the invasions of liver cancer, improving sufferers’immune and raising the survival rate. Lots of herbs can induce APO, influence the synthesis of DNA and RNA and hold the activity of correlated enzyme. Jianpi Liqi herbs are commonly applied in clinic. It is necessary to research the mechanism of the herbs and supply reliable evidence to treat liver cancer.
     Method: With the serological method, to determine the best quant potency and time limitation of effecting human liver cancer HepG2 cell strain by drug serum of Jianpi Liqi herbs. With inverted phase contrast microscope, light microscope and transmission electron microscope, to observe the liver cancer HepG2 cell strain’s morphological change after dealing by drug serum; to determine the liver cancer HepG2 cell strain gene P53 and bc1-2’s express level; to observe the activity of Enzyme Mg2+-ATP and G-6-P through enzyme cytochemical staining method.
     Result: With different phase drug serum, inhibitory action was not obviously seen in the liver cancer HepG2 cell strain except Group 2t-1h. Other groups were opposite. Group 3t-2h was the best, inhibition ratio approaching to 54.81%. In different concentration drug serum, within 24 hours and 48 hours, the effect of each group was obvious but in low concentration within 24h. In all the groups, the high concentration within 48h was the best, inhibition ratio 53.96%. Under the inverted phase contrast microscope, the HepG2 blanked and shrink to round. Their adherent abitity was attenuated and the cells easily ablated from the culture flasks. Under the light microscope, the cells shrink to round and part cells pyknosised. The nuclear chromatins aggregated, collapsing to massive, granulo- or selene corpuscles. The cells were to die. Under the electron microscope , the surface microvilli of HepG2 decreased even disappeared. The nuclear chromatins enriched , intracytoplasm cavitating. The cell membranes corrugated as buds, apoptotic body forming could be seen clearly. With the DNA abstraction of cells and agarose gel electrophoresis,there was a“ladder strip”appearance. Collected the cells treated with drug serum about 24h,48h,there is a apoptotic peak obviously. inhibition ratio approaching to 1.8% and 8.2%.Westerm-blot result displayed that the increase of P53 express level and the decrease of bc1-2. Under the light microscope, after Mg2+-ATPase and G-6-Pase reacted, it was seen that the grains were shrinking and decreasing comparing to normal, and the density was degraded.
     Conclusion: The effect of drug serum of Jianpi Liqi herbs on human liver cancer HepG2 cell strain was obvious. The best effective dose and time limitation is 3t-2h, in high concentration. There was manifest generation inhibitory action of the drug serum, which could induce the apoptosis, which also up-regulate the proternum express level of human liver cancer HepG2 cell strain Gene P53 but down-regulate bc1-2, and restrain the activity of HepG2 cell strain Mg2+-ATPase、G-6-Pase.
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