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     肺癌是世界上发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,就诊时70%左右的患者已处于中晚期,即使手术切除后患者2年内也多死于复发或转移,研究肺癌转移有望解决肺癌目前治疗困境。乳腺癌转移机制研究比较深入,现在已经发现一些关键的基因有可能成为新的抗转移的靶点,由于这些关键基因和分子在癌症中普遍发挥重要作用,这为研究肺癌转移机制提供了研究基础。分子靶向治疗是目前癌症治疗的组成部分,但是分子靶向治疗的疗效与其分子表达状态有关,比较肺癌原发灶和转移灶分子状态的异同性可以为临床医生在选择分子靶向治疗时提供参考意见。肺癌肺内转移和肺多原发癌一直是困扰临床医生的主要难题,由于多原发肺癌和肺内转移预后不同,比较原发和转移首先是确定的肺癌转移灶,因此区分肺内原发和转移是进行肺癌原发灶和转移灶比较研究的基础。一些关键分子蛋白的表达与肺癌的转移和预后密切相关,癌基因EGFR已经作为分子靶点用于治疗肺癌,血管生成因子VEGF抑制剂正在进行临床试验,MET、HIF-1 a、TGF-β1是癌症潜在的治疗靶点。但是对于这些基因的研究在肺癌主要集中在原发肿瘤的研究,在肺癌转移中发挥怎样的作用还没有文献报告。p53作为肺癌的关键抑癌基因,其突变和多态性和肺癌易感性密切相关,有研究者通过p53基因突变鉴别肺内原发和转移,其理论基础是建立在p53基因突变发生在肿瘤转移之前,转移和原发灶有共同的克隆来源和分子基础,一致的为肺内转移,不一致的为肺内原发,但是其他研究者在乳腺癌和结肠癌研究p53基因突变在原发灶和转移灶存在一定的差异。这就使得需要寻找更好的鉴别肺内原发和转移的工具。单核苷酸多态性(SNP)是第三代基因多态性,是更好地反映个体遗传差异的分子标记,在肿瘤研究中有广泛用途,p53的72密码子SNP与肺癌个体易感性已有相关研究,本课题意在比较原发肺癌和其转移癌的p53的72密码子SNP状态并且探讨作为鉴别肺内原发和肺内转移的可能性。
     5.蛋白表达强度在原发癌和转移癌的比较采用Marginal Homogeneity统计检验。
     4. p53codon 72 SNP:9例确认为转移的8例一致,不一致的1例原发肿瘤为基因型纯合子,脑转移肿瘤为杂合子。另外3例不能确认是否转移的,原发肿瘤一致的基因型一致,通过对照同一病例不同标本和原发转移SNP的状态确定这3例为转移瘤。
     4.转移癌和原发癌在细胞形态和分级、功能蛋白表达和p53的72密码子多态性的高度相似性,提示转移癌和原发癌有共同的克隆来源,转移癌保持了原发癌的关键生物学特征。而功能蛋白表达及p53 condon72 SNP在转移和原发存在的微小差异可能是由于癌细胞DNA基因组的不稳定性,基因表达从复制到转录会经历一系列变化,可能是导致变异的主要原因。
Background and Aims
     Metastasis is the major cause of death in cancer patients, and there are currently no therapeutic agents available to prevent this disease.It would be useful to clarify the mechanism of metastasis for prediction or prevention of metastasis. Several model hypotheses try to explain the mechanism of metastasis, but there are some limitations in them. Modern molecular technologies and nanotechnology offer the possibilities of discovering new biomarkers for prevention metastasis and the feasibility of producing drugs on these new biomarkers. Current studies on the mechanism of metastasis are mostly based on cells in ex vivo experiments and animal models design, which are often artifical. Few studies focused on comparsion of primary cancer and their metastasis in a same patient. However, it is very important to further develop the theory of metastasis mechanism and discovering new target drugs.The papers that have been reported on comparison of primary cancer and matched metastasis maily focused on breast cancer and colon cancer. Few data have been published on primary lung cancer and their metastases.
     Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world, especially in China. About 70% of lung cancer patients are in late stages at the time of primary diagnose. Even if these patients who had been completely removed primary tumors, most of them would develop metastasis. Researchers should devote themselves to study lung cancer metastasis to resolve the puzzle of lung cancer treatment. Some key genes play important roles in many cancers. The mechanism of breast cancer had been clear clarified in some extent. The molecules that exert their effects on breast cancer metastasis maybe play the same role in lung cancer metastasis. Therefore, it may be helpful for research of lung cancer metastasis. Molecular target therapy is becoming available in treatment of lung cancer. Howerver, the efficiency of target therapy is related to their molecules status. Now the molecule status is mainly based on primary lung cancer tissue. Few data reveals whether changes in lung cancer metastasis tissues on expressions of these key genes. Some genes have been reported that their expressions are related to prognosis of lung cancer,such as VEGF, MET、HIF-1α、TGF-β1. These molecules inhibitors are in clinical trial or becoming possible target therapies in lung cancer. But we don't know whether expression on metastasis tissue. Doctors are often puzzled by diagnosed of pulmonary metastasis or double primay lung cancer in some patients. Reseachers hold the idea that the gene background between parimay cancer and metastasis are identical while it is heterogeneity among multiprimary lung cancer. Based on this, p53 mutation that often occur in lung cancer, had been used to discriminate pulmonary metasis from multiprimary lung cancer. However, there is heterogeneity of p53 mutation between breast cancer and matched metastasis. It is urgent to search for a more powerful tool to discriminate metastasis or primary cancer. Single nucleotide polymorphisms is the most advanced of polymorphisms, which may reflect heterogeneity of genetic background of individual. P53 72 codon poly-morphisms is reported to induce susceptibility of lung cancer. We hypothsized P53 72 codon polymorphisms can discriminate pulmonary metastasis from second primary lung cancer.
     Therefore, there are two major goals in this paper. One is to evaluate the similarities and differences on proteins expressions of CD133(Lung cancer stem cell marker), COX2, VEGF, MET, HIF-la, TNFa, TGF-betal and p53 between primary lung cancer and their metastases. The other is to discriminate pulmonary metastasis from multiprimary lung cancer through detection of p53 codon 72 SNP under RFSCP.
     Patients and Methods
     14 patients had been removed primay lung cancer tissues and metastasis tissues between 2002 and 2009.11 patients are diagnosed of metastasis.3 cases aren't certain according to current criteria on diagnosed of pulmonary metastasis. Their paired paraffin sections were collected to conduct the following procedure. 1. Paraffin sections were cut into microsections to conduct routine HE staining and SP immunohistochemistry.
     2.DNA were extracted from archived, paraffin-embedded sections under the guidelines of QiAGEN kits. The purification of DNA were examined on a special mechanism.
     3. PCR of p53 condon 72 was proceed on the valid DNA of samples.The productions were proceed to the method of restriction fragment length polymor-phism. The gene type were identified under a laser photo instrument.
     4. Non-parameter method were used to compare proteins expression insentity between paried tissues through Marginal Homogeneity test. P value<0.05 of two sides test were considered statistically significant.
     1. Clinical data Tumor grades are identical in 9 cases of 11 cases. Tumor grades of the other two cases were G1 and G2 in primary lung cancer but were only G2 in metastasis. The three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis showed masses again in pulmonary.
     2. Immunohistochemical Results
     VEGF:In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, low expression was in 5 sections(22.7%), moderate expression in 14 sections(63.6%), high expression in 3 sections(13.6%). The expression scores of primary lung cancer were consistent with that of metastasis in 9 cases(81.8%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.157>0.05).There are two cases who showed more intensity in metastases of lung and brain than in primary lung cancder. In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, there are two cases concordance and one inconcordance.
     COX-2:In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, the low, moderate and high expressions were respectively 9 sections(40.9%),9sections(40.9%),4 sections (18.2%). There is one cases incordance(9.1%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.317>0.05). In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, there are two cases concordance and one inconcordance.
     MET: In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, the low, moderate and high expressions were respectively 3 samples (13.6%),6 samples (27.2%),13 samples(59.1%). There are two cases incordance(9.1%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.157>0.05). In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, there are two cases concordance and one inconcordance.
     HIF-la:In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, the low, moderate and high expressions were respectively 4 samples (18.2%),15 samples(68.2%),3 samples (13.6%). There are two cases incordance(18.2%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.180>0.05). In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, they are concordance.
     CD 133:CD 133 showed membrane positive in only squamous tissues. The percent of positive cell was very low. CD 133 expression may be relation to the histological type.
     TGF-β1:The intensity was weak in tumor cell but strong in stromal cell. The positive cells are inflammations cells and fibroblast. TGF-β1 showed stronger in metastatis stromal than primay stromal, which maybe play a role in interaction of stromal and metastasis.
     TNFa: In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, there is one case who show negative in both primary and metastasis lung cancer, the low, moderate and high expressions were respectively 6 samples (27.2%),11 samples(50%),3 samples (13.6%). There is one cases incordance(9.1%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.317>0.05). In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, they are concordance.
     P53:In the 11 paried primary and metastasis tissues, the low, moderate and high expressions were respectively 9 samples(40.9%),9 samples(40.9%),4 samples (18.2 %). There are three cases incordance(27.2%). The differences don't show significantly statistical (P value=0.564>0.05). In the three cases who cann't be clearly diagnosed of metastasis, there are one cases concordance and one inconcordance.
     3. The results of DNA extraction Three cases fail to extract poor DNA. The quality and purity of DNA in the other 11 cases can meet the demand of PCR.
     4. SNP of p53 condon 72:In the 9 cases who diganosed of primay and metastatis lung cancer, there is one cases inconcordance in gene type. The other three cases were all identical. Taking into account of positive control and metastatic control, they are paired primay and metastatis tissues.
     5. The proteins expressions in 14 cases. There are respectively inconcordance in 2 cases of COX2 expression,3 cases expression of MET,3 cases expression of VEGF,2 cases expression of HIF-la,1 cases of TNF-a,4cases of p53. Their P valles are more than 0.05.
     There are high concordance in selected protein expression and p53 SNP status between primay lung cancer and matched metastatis, suggest there are common clonal origin between them. However, there are still minor differences between them. The VEGF, COX2 expression in metastasis maybe depend on primay lung cancer tissue when their inhibitors were used in lung cancer. The Met, HIF-1αwere potential targets in prevent metastasis.
     P53 condon 72 polymorphism was a useful tool to discriminate pulmonary metastasis from multiprimay lung cancer.Although there is minor difference, high concordance of gene type prevails in between primay and metastasis. The variations exist between primay and metastasis, which may be caused by genome DNA instability of cancer cells which developed in the process of metastasis.
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