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     (1) 利用滤纸片法和管碟法确定了红曲的抑菌谱:红曲70%乙醇和水溶液浸提物对蜡样芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌等革兰氏阳性菌具有较强的抑制作用,对革兰氏阴性菌、霉菌和酵母菌没有抑制效果。
     (2) 利用吸附柱分离三种色素,并用TLC法纯化,刮取相应的色素点,70%乙醇溶解,浓缩,进行抑菌实验,证实橙色素是主要的抑菌物质,对细菌具有较强的抑制效果,其抑菌性与其吸光度呈正比变化,橙色素对酵母菌和霉菌无抑制效果。
     (3) 对橙色素进行了初步研究,橙色素可以氧化为黄色素,且氧化剂的浓度越大,黄色素生成率越高;氮源是影响橙色素产量的一个主要因素,以NH_4Cl为氮源,确定其最适添加量为0.01%。
     (4) 确定了薄层层析双相展开的方法检测红曲中的桔霉素,70%乙醇提取液的展开剂分别为氯仿:丙酮(9:1),甲苯:乙酸乙酯:甲酸(6:3:1);水溶液提取液的展开剂为二氯甲烷:丙酮(9;1),氯仿:甲醇:水(16:6:0.5)。该方法的最小检出量可达0.1微克,回收率和重现性均较好,且不需要复杂的提取过程,方法简单、易行,适于生产厂家使用。
     (5) 利用光照、微波和氧化剂等处理方式,研究了减少红曲产品桔霉素的方法。
The dissertation focuses on the antibiotic substances produced by Monascus, orange pigment and Citrinin. The main research contents and results are as follows:
    (1) Disc papers and Oxford cups were used to ascertain bacteriostatic effect of Hongqu. Using 70% ethanol and water as solvent, the extraction inhibited Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus and had no effect on E.coli, Salmonella. Typhi, yeasts and algae.
    (2) Hongqu contains three pigments, such as red, orange, and yellow pigments. The three pigments were separated by absorption column chromatograph. Then, TLC was used to purify them, and antibiotic experiments were made to define which was the main antibiotic substance. Results showed, orange pigment was the major antibiotic substance, and it could inhibit bacteria ,but had no effect on yeasts and algae. The diameter of the inhibition zone was directly proportional to the value of absorption of orange pigment.
    (3) Orange pigment could be oxidized with hydrogen peroxide to yellow pigment . Concentration of H2O2 was proportional to creation of yellow pigment. The quantity of orange pigment was influenced by the nitrogen source of the culture medium .
    (4) TLC method was set up to detect Citrinin in Hongqu. Extraction by 70% ethanol , developments were performed, in one direction, with chloroform -acetone (9:l,v/v),and then toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (6:3:1, v/v/v). Samples was extracted by water, the extraction was developed in dichloromethane-acetone(9:1,v/v), then chloroform -methanol -water (16:6:0.5) .Minimize quantity of Citrinin detected is 0.1 u g.
    (5) Study on decrease of Citrinin in Hongqu was conducted.
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