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Guangdong province is one of the regions whose wood processing industry is the most advanced, playing the leading role nationwide in the following aspects such as enterprise number, manufacture size, product variety, etc. The wood processing industry has become the important pillar industry in the economic development of Guangdong province, making great contribution to the economic development of the region. However, in recent years, the wood processing industry has taken on the tendency of declining development power and weakened competitive capacity because of the expanding gap between the supply of the raw material and the demand of the products. Meanwhile, the sustainable development of the whole industry has been negatively affected by the disorder of the competition, the low overall quality of the enterprises and the weak competitive ability of the products during the procedure of the development as far as the wood processing enterprises are concerned. To solve these problems, based upon the analyses of the current situation of the wood processing industry, together with the selection of the regions and sample enterprises in Guangdong Province according to the industry distribution, scale, system and other characteristics, the paper tries to find out the key factors of affecting the development of wood processing industry, focusing on the analyses of the relevant factors concerning the national policy, industrial economy and enterprise competition, using the sample data and employing the grey relational analysis method. According to the actual situation of the sample enterprises, the corresponding solutions, countermeasures and suggestions are articulated in order to provide a reference for the managers and operators of the wood processing enterprises in Guangdong Province. The main research content of this paper is as follows:
     First of all, the current situation and inner characteristics of the wood processing industry of Guangdong Province are analyzed comprehensively and profoundly, based upon which the barriers to the sustainable development of the industry are found out on the basis of the relative bibliography study and the induction and analysis of the statistics data and investigation materials. The analyses indicate the obvious regional discrepancy in the geographical distribution of the wood processing enterprises, the diversification of the ownership structure, the bigger proportion of papermaking enterprises concerning the subdivision of the industry and the most powerful market competence of the "joint ventures" Furthermore, the overall characteristics of the wood processing enterprises in Guangdong are as follows: environment-friendly manufacture, economical exploitation of the resources, regional density of distribution and the cluster of the industry, as well as the problems such as the weak sustainability of the resources, the insufficient administration and the lower enterprise competitiveness.
     Secondly, the indicators are selected from the levels of national policy, industry economy and enterprise competition using the method of grey relational analysis to carry out the correlation analysis for the purpose of probing into the relative factors in the industry development. The analysis results indicate that at the national policy level, the production capacity and the import quantity of raw materials have a close relationship with the development of enterprises in Guangdong Province; at the industrial economic level, there is a high correlation between the industry location factors and other factors such as the number of enterprises, the yield of the products and output value; at the enterprise competition level, the index of product sales reflects the higher correlation with the industry development.
     Thirdly, taking the investigation and analysis of the sample enterprises as the foundation, the thesis gives the research on the practical performance of the essential factors mentioned above in order to find out the development dilemma of the wood processing enterprises, including the profound study on the cause of the dilemma and the measures taken to solve the issues. The main points are as follows:(1) a supply mechanism of diverse raw materials is set up with the help of SCP model.(2)the joint innovation in the cluster of the industry is put forward utilizing the longitudinal and lateral game analysis in the industry chain; the possible methods of the optimum cooperation is worked out employing the repeated game analysis concerning the enterprises supervised in the cluster in order to devise the mechanism to upgrade and optimize the cluster;(3) the Hotelling market demand model is adopted to analyze the brand competitiveness of the enterprises, putting forward the development strategy of improving the enterprise competitiveness which focuses on the fundamental construction of the brand.
     Finally, summarizing the above research, the paper puts forward the following development strategies from different levels to promote the development of wood processing enterprises in Guangdong Province from three aspects:(1) The strategy guided by the closely related policy, including guarantee the abundance of the forest resources, promoting wood timber saving, encouraging international cooperation and developing recycling industry of timber;(2) The strategy to upgrade the industrial cluster, to improve the industry regulation and supervision, to reinforce the self-discipline mechanism in the cluster and to optimize the industrial cluster;(3) The strategy of promoting the competitiveness of the enterprise brands, mainly including enhancing the ability of brand operation, public relationship handling and market adaptability.
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