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Migrant workers' training is an important project. It is not only of significance to migrant workers but also an important act to maintain china's growth potential. In these years, the Chinese government has being increasing the intensity of input on it, but still the input remains in a low level, 76.4% of the migrant workers are untrained (According to the China's Migrant Workers Report, 2006). There are mainly three parts who spend on migrant workers' training, the government, the company and the migrant workers. In those who has taken the training program, 10.7% were organized by the government, 30% by companies and 59.3% took this initiatively according to the National Bureau of Statistics. An in-depth research on this issue will help us to make a better understanding of the internal mechanism of migrant workers' training input decision-making.
     This article analyzed most of the related literatures and theories, discussed the migrant workers' training program's mechanism in detail, understood the overall situation of the migrant workers' training input and then discussed the inherent requirement of this behavior especially.
     Based on the basic theory of public economics, we take the migrant workers' training as private product from its basic fundamental attributes, but it also has positive externality compared to a pure private product. The government has obligation to anticipate into the migrant workers' training program because of its positive externality. Subsidy is the main input of the government on this matter. In the several ways of the subsidy now available, training coupon is an efficient one which has already gained recognition of the national policy level. Training coupon, well, needs market economy system and policy environment's support. The quantity that the government inputs (the range of the subsidy), normally speaking, should equal to the migrant workers' training's external receipts, which will offset the negative influence of the external receipts and make up for the market's failure and make the market economy system work again.
     For companies, the training input to migrant worker is a risk for China has not yet taken shape in access to the employment environment and the labor market are lack of standardized management and operation. Faced with an information asymmetry labor market, companies have "adverse selection" in training of migrant workers. There for they are lack of training input impetus. Based on 248 questionnaires from Jiangsu Province, we take Heckman Two-stage estimation method, Theoretical and empirical analysis have shown that influences on decision-making of businesses training of migrant workers mainly are characteristic variables of enterprises, the level of organization and management variables, market and characteristics of migrant workers and other variables. Generally speaking, the larger the enterprise, the more the number of migrant workers, the more difficult to find migrant workers for enterprises in the market, the more standardized management the system, the stronger the management of the implementation, the more easier the quality of the migrant workers can be recognized, the more the enterprises are tend to the training of migrant workers. Besides management system variables, most of other variables in the model training quantities of inputs also affected significantly.
     For migrant worker individual, we have constructed a two-stage training of migrant workers input into the decision-making framework for analysis, analysis decision-making's revenue and cost. This empirical analysis bases on 523 questionnaires from Jiangsu Province. It shows that, before and after the transfer, the factors that impact migrant workers' decision-making are different. Overall, the training variables are important factors affecting the input. The high estimated cost and low evaluation of the training, directly impact migrant workers on whether or not to take the initiative to accept the training, as well as training scale. Training of migrant workers before the transfer has also been impact by training supply situation and the government's subsidies; after transfer training has also been impact by view of living, the industry and related groups. In addition, many variables from the migrant workers themselves and their families had a major impact decision-making the same time.
     This study also focused on the training situation of migrant workers' revenue effect. Findings show that: whether the migrant workers receive training or not, particularly the training in the last three years has significantly affected on income. After transfer migrant workers training in the role of income transfer is almost twice to receive training on is almost before transfer. Compared to television or network (including video) training methods, and conventional secondary-school apprenticeship have a significant positive impact on income of migrant workers, and secondary-school apprenticeship training approach is the best. Compared to the general training, skill training has notable positive impact on migrant workers' income.
     Based on the will of the needs of migrant workers put into the training, we mainly consider in the next three years, the input will of training of migrant workers, and training institutions, training content, time, training methods' order. The main factors that influence the will of migrant workers put into training are the credibility of training institutions, training content and training costs, time and raining methods and so on. Of course, whether it is based on the reality of the sensitivity of the survey or the theoretical deduction, we verified that the farmers have received training or not have no difference training will. But in the trained migrant worker groups, if they are satisfied with past training they will take a positive attitude to anticipate into the training, otherwise, they may not take a positive attitude to it.
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