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This paper completely discussed the status quo of organic polluted water and the great influence of which on national economy and people' s body health , pointed out that it was necessary and urgent to treat organic light polluted water. Through the analyses of domestic and foreign research of treatment to organic light polluted water and in point of condition of our country and problems of conventional water treatment technology, proposed the necessity and realistic signification to adopt enhanced treatment in organic light polluted water.
    So far composite potassium permanganate is one of the advanced water treatment technology in domestic. Based on the systematically analyzing the enhanced coagulation mechanism of composite potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon, the author carried on the laboratory and plant scale research on organic polluted Yellow River in Baotou two water factories with the combined process of composite potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon.
    In light of various pollution situations and various water treatment processes of two water factories, better solved the problems about throwing doses, throwing localities, throwing forms of composite potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon, as well as compared the enhanced coagulation efficacy of combined process of composite potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon, composite potassium permanganate pre-oxidation and pre-chlorination. The result of experiment shows: the combined process of composite potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon has excellent efficiency of enhanced coagulation and is more advanced than pre-chlorination, which can completely replace pre-chlorination and is not only feasible in technology but also remarkable in economic benefit.
    For settling the contradictions among gradually polluted yellow river water, falling behind technology of water factory and desired improvement of water quality, for renewing Baotou water factories and rebuilding new water factory, this experiment research provides the best process choice and design basis, which can be used as an example by person of the same profession, therefore creates fine condition for carrying out deeply water treatment and ensuring the safety of drinking water, and which has broad social returns and market applying prospect.
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