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时间和空间是相互交融在一起的,Lewin在场理论中提出时间洞察力是生活空间的一个要素,个人的生活空间不仅指现在,也包含于过去和未来之中。个体与环境的动态交互作用造就了一个人的人格;而时间洞察力反映的是个体对时间认知、态度、行动倾向的人格特质。时间洞察力(time perspective)已经被看作为一种人格特质,指个体对于时间的认知、体验和行动(或行动倾向)的一种人格特质。另外,Bateman,Crant(1993)根据互动论(interactionism),将个体主动改变环境的行为视为一种相对稳定的个人特质或行为倾向的结果,他们将这种特质称为前瞻性人格(proactive personality),意指个体不受情境阻力的制约,主动采取行动以改变其外部环境的倾向性。本研究试图通过探讨前瞻性人格与时间洞察力的关系,管窥人格层面时间和环境的交互作用。
Time and space is interracted with each other. Lewin pointed out that time perspective is one element in life-space which is not just existed in "now", but also belongs to "past" and "future". Based on interactionism, personalities are characterized by dynamic interaction of person and environment. Bateman, Crant(1993) intended that proactive behavior is dispositional construct that identfies differences among people in the extent to which they take action to influence their environments. And time perspective reflects a person's characterists of cognitive, attitude and intention on time. The purpose of this paper is to research on the relationship of proactive personality and time perspective, through which to make a step to the research on the interachion of time and environment personalities.
     This research first revised the proactive personality scale(PPS), then researched on the relaship of proactive personality and time perspective. From the result, we can make a conclution bellow:
     (1) The revised PPS is of high reliability and fair validity. There are three factors in PPS: striving for perfection, identify opportunity and strong will.
     (2) The scores of PPS and the three factors of male colledge students are higher than female colledge students; significant difference between freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior colledge students has been found in PPS and the three factors; significant different between art and science students has been found in PPS, opportunity identification and strong will, while no signifficant difference in perfection inclination.
     (2) High level proactive personality is inclined to future expance, while low level proactive personality is inclined to past expance. High level perfection inclination is inclined to future expance, while low level striving for perfection is inclined to past expance. High level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to future expance, while low level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to past expance. High level strong-will is inclined to future expance, while low level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to past expance.
     (3) High level proactive personality is inclined to future orientation, while low level proactive personality is inclined to past orientation. High level perfection inclination is inclined to future orientation, while low level striving for perfection is inclined to past orientation. High level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to future orientation while low level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to past orientation. Low level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to past orientation.
     (4) High level proactive personality is inclined to isolation, while low level proactive personality is inclined to inclution. High level perfection inclination is inclined to isolation, while low level striving for perfection is inclined to inclution. Low level opportunity sensetivity is inclined to inclution. High level strong-will is inclined to isolation.
     (5) Perfection inclination is respectively regressive to time expence, time orientation and time relevance; opportunity sensetivity is regressive to time relevance; strong-will is regressive to strong orientation.
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