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The main aim of the study was to explore the relationship among the internet addiction, implicit and explicit mental health and psychological symptoms of college students.
     The data were collected by the open surveys, interviewing method and Projective Test. Qualitative research was carried out and exploring the seven-factor theory about the implicit view of mental health. Based on the theory, Mental Health Self-Rating Scale (MHSRS) were developed. College students were asked as the testees to finished MHSRS, Symptom Checklist 90, Chen Internet Addiction Scale and Young Internet Addiction Scale, so as to explore the relationship among the college student’s internet addiction, explicit self-rating mental health and mental symptoms. Finally, the implicit cognition of mental health view was studied with the Implicit Association Test. The results as follows:
     i. The gender difference of College students exists in Internet Addiction. College students Internet Addiction was positively related to mental symptoms, negatively correlated with mental health view and variable-sharing.
     ii. Gender difference was not significant in MHSRS. MHSRS showed the negative correlation to a variety of psychological symptoms.
     iii. The excessive use of network students group and control group has the significant implicit cognition effects of mental health, confirmed the presence of implicit cognition of mental health view. It includes individual and group implicit cognition of mental health view.
     iv. The implicit view of mental health includes the seven-factor theory about the implicit view of mental health and the implicit cognition of mental health view.
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