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Agricultural infrastructure is the "social overhead capital" of agriculture development, the basic condition of stable rural production development, benign agricultural economy running, fanners' continuous income generation.The level of its supply efficiency restricts directly the level of agricultural productivity, the overall condition of agricultural modernization and new rural construction.Currently, the supply of Chinese agricultural infrastructure still lags behind the needs of agricultural development, supply number is insufficient, construction level lags behind, quality is uneven, which impact directly on the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. To evaluate scientific ally and measure objectively the supply efficiency of agricultural infrastructure, to analyze influencing factors and impact mechanism, to explore supply mechanism and practice mode,which will not only enhance government's decision-making ability to achieve the long-term goal of optimal allocation of resources, but also will benefit to realization of agricultural modernization, settlement of "sannong" issues, coordination of "sanhua" process.
     From the theoretical basis of agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency, such as the macro, meso and micro point of view, public goods theory,"social overhead capital" theory, multicenter governance theory and project financing theory, the paper tried to find the theoretical framework of agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency.
     Secondly, from perspective of agricultural infrastructure supply system change, the paper reviewed the basic track of four independently and mutual contact stage from agricultural cooperation period, the people's commune period, the period from household contract responsibility system to agricultural tax was abolited, after the abolition of period,and Agricultural tax period after. Then analyzed main characteristics of supply system change, and compared their efficiency too.
     Again, based on reality investigation, the paper analyzed agricultural infrastructure supply effects, practice mode and challenge faced with. In recent years, supply content of agriculture infrastructure is richer, supply level is increasing day by day, and promote the continuous improvement of comprehensive agricultural production capacity and rapid development of modern agriculture. The effects'acquisition is closely related to successful practice of diversified supply mode. With development of social economy and acceleration of marketization degree, agricultural infrastructure supply mode increasingly diversified, such as government supply mode, market supply mode, the third department supply mode and joint supply mode, The different modes with different features, the organic integration of a variety of modes improves agricultural infrastructure supplies efficiency. However, agricultural infrastructure supply is still faced with a series of challenges, such as overall weakness, structure and regional disequilibrium, incremental construction pressure and management to be strengthened and so on..On these basis, the paper analysed interest demands and behavior logic of related entities of agricultural infrastructure supply,discussed the influence of game behavior between the main entities imposed on agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency.
     Then, based on SBM and Malmquist index, from static and dynamic perspective, the paper evaluated regional agricultural infrastructure supplies efficiency of2000-2010year respectively from DEA unit effectiveness, returns to scale, redundancy of input elements and performance appraisal of Malmquist index, and so on. The results showed that, on the whole, the national and regional agricultural infrastructure supplies efficiency was improved greatly; From the static perspective, supply efficiency value was:the eastern was bigger than the central, the central was bigger than western. Returns to scale was:the eastern, the central and the western present respectively unchanged, decreasing, increasing state, higher areas of input factor redundancy percentage were agricultural development backward area; From dynamic perspective, regional agricultural infrastructure supplies presented good momentum, pure efficiency value was:the eastern was bigger than the central,and the central was bigger than the western, but technical efficiency development was not stable. On the basis of this, the paper used Tobit model to analyse influence factors. On the whole, excepted for urbanization rate, other variables presented significant influence. And factors outside system had much more influence than factors inside factors.Significance from big to small in order was:gravity of local fiscal expenditure to total fiscal expenditure, basical establishment of rural public finance framework, accumulative labor and voluntary labour system, agricultural infrastructure investment quantity, ratio of the first industry labor to total labor force. In view of the importance and significant influence of investment, deconstructed funds source furtherly. On the basis of ADF unit root test, variable co-integration analysis and granger causality test, the paper used multiple linear regression model to estimate. Results showed that different fund source contributed differently. Financial support for agriculture funds produced significant influence, fanners self-raised funds and agricultural loans is not significant, agricultural tax and agricultural infrastructure investment does not exist granger causality.
     In addition, based on the international perspective, the paper choosed typical developed and developing countries, sumed up international experience which provided valuable enlightenment to improve agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency, such as government attached great importance to agricultural infrastructure supply, suitable supply content for their own national conditions, scientific and practical supply system, perfect system arrangement,laws and regulations system, etc..
     Finally, the paper analyzed interest demand, behavior logic and game behavior of related agriculture infrastructure supply subject, discussed realization mechanism and put forward policy suggestion for effective supply of agricultural infrastructure. The realization of agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency is a system engineering, scientific and reasonable supply mechanism is the key, the protection mechanism is foundation, the management mechanism is guarantee, and the supervision and incentive mechanism is important content.
     Based on these, the paper proposed corresponding policy suggestion to improve agricultural infrastructure supply efficiency, such as with "sanhua" coordinated development for the purpose to construct public infrastructure supply pattern with integration of urban and rural areas,strengthening public finance function to increase agricultural infrastructure public investment, innovating investment pattern to broaden funds source, perfecting links mechanism of supply and demand to improve decision-making efficiency, optimizing supply structure to improve allocation of resources efficiency, creating efficient investment operation management system to improve funds efficiency, strengthening coordinated reforms to create a good supply environment and so on.
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