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Since G · Dosi divides technology into high technology and traditional technology ,the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries becomes step by step the important problem of industrial layout and economic development in a country or region. High-tech industries and traditional industries are a set of opposite concepts. The industries that are supported by traditional technology are called traditional industries, and traditional technology are the technology that are widely used, the model that settles technologic problems using natural science's basic principle and continuous accumulating technologic-progress induced by the model.. High-tech industries are knowledge-intensive industries that have high density of R&D and supported by high technology. Our country is a developing one, on the basis of the situation of the country and the level of technology, our country brings the set of opposite concepts of high-new-tech industries and traditional industries.
    At present, the study of high-tech industries and traditional industries manifolds increasingly and mainly concentrates on the summary of province's experiences. The study of the relationship of high-tech industries and traditional industries in harmony is very lack. Economic development of our country being the pivotal period of adjusting and optimizing industrial structure, the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries in harmony needs a series of scientific and practical instruction of theory.
    The article is on the basis of analyzing the studying production that is on the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries in harmony. Set about the theory of the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries in harmony, and compare high-tech industries with traditional industries at every aspect. Anatomy the mechanism of the proliferating and infiltrating from high-tech industries to traditional industries; discuss the model the development of high-tech industries and traditional industries in harmony; build the system of the development in harmony and the model of evaluation. And combine the practice of Wuhan, then bring the proposal of development through the above theory.
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