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According to the law of the development of foreign insurance market point of view, the development of the insurance industry is often accompanied by changes in the macroeconomic environment and the occurrence of periodic change, has a certain regularity in the periodic variation in the process, with the future market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the insurance company's development will gradually develop insurance products to promote insurance the ability to use the funds investment. That is to say, the insurance company future development will be more and more attention to business investment of insurance funds. In view of this, the funds should be used in strategic business to grasp the future development of China's insurance industry, actively broaden the insurance fund investment channel basis, control investment risk, increase the rate of return on investment of insurance funds.
     Firstly, I sort out the literatures of insurance funds and risk management which covering domestic and foreign area. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the study, I collected and elaborated the modern portfolio theory, risk management theory and VaR analysis system systematically. This is the purpose to solve the problems of the application of insurance funds that occurred in the China's capital market. Especially, I try to put Insurance product pricing、insurance funds'investment and risk management in a window for observing.
     Secondly, based on the present situation and problems of China's insurance funds utilization basis, I found that the income is not high and the risk is too high. By summarizing and analyzing the successful experience of the United States of America, British, Japanese and Taiwan investment in the use of insurance funds, in order to provide reference for China's insurance funds utilization. This paper took insurance funds application as a case study and went through in-depth analysis of the Markowitz's portfolio theory.
     Furthermore, to the insurance fund investment portfolio optimization research, I went through data collection and model application. It reveals the main factors of the investment of insurance funds utilization. This paper also focused more on the effects of degree and decided to liquidity, market interest rates and the systemic risk of insurance funds investment factors.
     Finally, this study used the VaR to analyze the insurance funds investment risk. And I also studied the risk management measure tool, risk conduction mechanism and prevention and governance measures for the same purpose. The objective is to give constructive suggestions for China's insurance funds investment in portfolio optimization and best risk management. The last but not the least is to prospect the future research direction.
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