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This paper begins with entrepreneurship, combining the traits of the globalization era, and is about the research of the characteristics and cultivation of entrepreneurship in the globalization era.
    There are 6 parts in this paper. Chapter 1 is about the history of entrepreneurship study. In this part, theories of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship are reviewed, and then a new view of entrepreneurship is given. After analyzing the characteristics of globalization era, the paper explains the entrepreneurship in the globalization era in details. Chapter 2 is the values of entrepreneurship in the globalization era. This part illustrates the important significant from macro and microscope. Chapter 3 is the influencing factors of entrepreneurship in the globalization era. The influencing factors are inevitable preconditions of the research of characteristics and cultivation measures. Chapter 4 is the characteristics of entrepreneurship in the globalization era. Firstly, market-oriented economy hatches entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship drives the development of market-oriented economy. Secondly, ten new basic notions of entrepreneurship in the globalization era are given. Thirdly, the characteristics of e
    ntrepreneurship in the globalization era are revealed from 4 aspects. Chapter 5 is the cultivation measures of entrepreneurship in the globalization era. The contents of it just parallel the contents of chapter 3. Chapter 6 is the example and evaluations of the characteristics and cultivation of entrepreneurship in the globalization era. It gives an example of GE and its former CEO Jack Welch, and supplements the above 5 chapters
    of theory in practice.
    The first point of innovation is the definition and description of entrepreneurship. The author gives the basic conception of entrepreneurship, analyzes entrepreneurship in the globalization era from 9 facets, and concludes ten new basic notions of entrepreneurship in the globalization era.
    The second point of innovation is depicting the characteristics of entrepreneurship in the globalization era from 4 aspects.
    The third point of innovation is advancing the cultivation measures of entrepreneurship in the globalization era, accounting for how to cultivate entrepreneurship for enterprise, society and entrepreneur respectively.
    Qin Wenting (Management) Directed by- Wang Wei
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