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    1 调亏灌溉对大豆生长指标的影响:(1)对株高的影响:苗期、开花期的适度调亏,显著降低了大豆的株高。在恢复供水后大豆株高出现快速增长现象。中、重度水分胁迫处理在恢复供水后株高的日增长量高于轻度处理。(2)对干物重的影响:水分胁迫处理显著降低了大豆的干物重。恢复正常灌溉后,大豆干物重和荚重的日增加量高于对照,表现出补偿效应。鼓粒期的水分胁迫处理推迟了大豆干物重增长的时间。(3)对根冠比的影响:苗期和开花期的水分胁迫处理使大豆的根冠比增大,但在鼓粒期大豆根冠比的变化是先增大后减小。
    2 调亏灌溉对大豆生理指标的影响:(1)对根活力的影响:苗期和开花期调亏处理对大豆的根活力影响较大。大豆根活力随控水强度的增大而增强。对照根活力下降的速度高于水分胁迫处理。(2)对叶绿素含量的影响:水分胁迫时间的延长及强度的增大使大豆的叶绿素含量增加。恢复供水后,大豆的叶绿素含量有降低的趋势,但与对照相比无显著差异。
    3 调亏灌溉对大豆产量的影响。苗期和开花期水分胁迫处理对大豆产量影响不大。东农42鼓粒期轻度处理和东农163开花期轻度处理的大豆产量略高于对照。
    4 调亏灌溉对大豆品质的影响。调亏处理显著增加了东农42的脂肪含量和东农163的蛋白质含量,但对东农42的蛋白质含量和东农163的脂肪含量无显著影响。
As a new irrigation theory, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) was different from traditional irrigation ones. According to genetic and ecological characteristic of crops, deficit water supply at a certain extent could be imposed on them in a proper stage, and they would increase the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) through improving themselves. It also could regulate the ratio between nutrient organs and procreation organs, and increased their economic values.
    Heilongjiang province had been authorized by agricultural ministry to become a example for the plan to improve soybean production, and pushed large-scale territorial planting for single variety. But the yield and quality of soybean in Heilongjiang province were affected by odds of precipitation in time and space and frequent drought in spring or summer, and difficult to cope with others in drastic market competition. This experiment had studied on the effect of stage, intensity and measure of RDI on soybean by controlling irrigation, and occurrence, effect rules of compensative effects to offer academic arguments for making use of water reasonably and improving quality of soybean. The experiment drawed conclusions as follows:
    1 Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on growing indexes of soybean. (1)On plant height: Moderate water stress treatments declined the plant height of soybean significantly in seedling stage and blooming stage. The plant height of soybean grew quickly after resuming water supply. When moderate and high water stress treatments restarted water supply, day increasement of theirs are more than that of light water stress treatments. (2)On root/shoot ratios: Water stress treatments in seedlings and blooming stage increased the root/shoot ratio of soybean, but change of root/shoot ratio of soybean in pod-filling stage increased firstly, and then decreased. (3)On dry matter: Water stress treatments declined the dry matter of soybean significantly. Day increasement of the dry matter and pod weight were more than that of check treatment after resuming normal irrigation, which showed compensative effects. Water stress treatments in pod-filling stage deferred the growing period of dry matter.
    2 Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on physiological indexes of soybean. (1)On root vitality: The treatments of Regulated Deficit Irrigation had strong effect on root vitality of soybean. The root vitality of soybean increased with augment of intensity of water stress treatments. The declining rate of root vitality for check treatment was higher than that of water stress treatments. (2)On chlorophyll: Prolonging time and augment of intensity for water stress increased chlorophyll content of soybean. Chlorophyll content of soybean tended to decline after resuming water supply, but it showed no difference significantly comparison with check treatment.
    3 Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on yield of soybean: The water stress treatments in seedling stage and flowering stage had no obvious effect on yield of soybean. The yields of light treatment of Dongnong42 in pod-filling stage and of Dongnong163 in flowering stage were higher than that of check treatment.
    4 Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on quality of soybean: The treatments of Regulated Deficit Irrigation increased the fat content of Dongnong42 and protein content of Dongnong163 significantly, but had no significant effect on protein content of Dongnong42 and fat content of Dongnong163.
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