非洲菊(Gerbera hybrida)耐热变异品系的离体筛选与初步鉴定
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非洲菊(Gerbera hybrida)为世界十大切花之一,属半耐寒性花卉,忌高温,生产上急需培育耐高温的非洲菊新品种。本实验以Lilabella(F3)、Diablo(F25)、Vino(F30)、Sangria(F32)、Pinkas(F39)及深圳五号(S5)等六个非洲菊品种为材料,建立了非洲菊耐热变异的离体筛选体系;探讨了~(60)Co γ射线与EMS、PYM化学诱变处理对离体培养的影响和筛选耐热变异的可能性;确定了再生植株诱导与增殖过程中羟脯氨酸适宜的筛选剂量,并在此基础上开展了非洲菊抗羟脯氨酸变异系的筛选;初步分析了耐热和耐羟脯氨酸筛选获得的三个初选系在高温下耐热表现。主要研究结果如下:
     2.5000rad适宜作为~(60)Co γ辐射诱变花托的处理剂量,对于组培苗来说,除了品种F3外,仍可适当提高诱变的剂量。EMS诱变处理中,非洲菊花托对诱变处理时间的变化比对EMS浓度的变化更为敏感,4h适宜作为0.4%EMS的处理时间。PYM作为一种新型诱变剂,40μg/ml浸泡处理1.5 h是预培养花托的适宜处理方法。诱变苗在进行高温筛选时,存活率出现变化、叶色叶型发生变异,表明诱变与筛选是有效的。经6至9次高温定向筛选后,获得了多个S5、F25、F32的耐热初选变异系。
Gerbera hybrida, one of the ten greatest cut flowers in the world, is a kind of cold-half-resistant flower. Because almost all of the varieties in Gerbera are maladjusted to high temperature, it is necessary to breed thermotolerant varieties in practice. In this research, we established an in vitro screening procedure for thermotolerant variants with six varieties of Gerbera including Lilabella(F3), Diablo(F25), Vino(F30), Sangria(F32), Pinkas(F39) and No.5 Shengzheng( S5). 60Co γ irradiation and EMS/PYM treatment were used for mutation of the plants and the proper HYP dosages for screening in the in vitro culture were investigated. .The physiological and biochemical characteristics of the three thermotolerant variant lines from in vitro screening with high temperature or HYP were analyzed
    comparing with the control. The main results are summarized as follows:
    1. The proliferation rates of in vitro shoots increased steadily after 2 h heat shock of 45 ℃. The relative electrolyte leakage of cell membrane showed well relat-ionship to the survival rate of shoots in vitro. The appearance of heat damage and the thermotolerance at 35℃ or 45℃ were different among the different varieties of Gerbera and it is necessary to screen thermotolerant lines under different pressures for them. The results showed that 10 to 25 d at 35℃and 20 h at 45℃ were the proper intimidate pressure ranges for each variety.
    2. The dosage of 60Co γ irradiation in 5000 rad was proper for thalami mutation and it could be moderately higher for shoots in vitro of all varieties except F3. The thalami were more sensitive to the treatment time than the concentration when EMS was used as a mutagen and 4 h was the proper treatment time under 0.4% EMS. PYM is another mutagen we used and 1.5 h soak with 40 g/ ml PYM was proper for pre-cultured of thalami. The survival rates and the variation of the color and shape in leaves after screening with high temperature showed that our experimental procedure
    was effective and several primary thermotolerant lines in S5, F25, F32 were selected after 6 to 9 heat screening.
    3. The effects of HYP with different concentrations on the culture of thalami and shoots in vitro were investigated. The results showed that 0.4mg/ml HYP was the proper dosage for thalami and shoots in vitro and 0.6mg/ml was appropriate for 25 d precultured thalami. The primary variation lines were isolated from S5 after 5 and 6 HYP screening.
    4. The shoots in vitro of three thermotolerant lines of SR7, SHP5 and SE6 showed higher survival rates at 35 ℃and 45 ℃ comparing with the control. Among three lines SR7 had a remarkable difference with the control under the treatment of 15 days with
    35 ℃ and it is a new material of thermotolerant variation we selected. The content of Pro and the activities of POD and SOD in SR7 also increased remarkably indicating
    these biochemical changes may be related to the thermotolerance of Gerbera.
    Our results showed above demonstrated that it was feasible to isolate thermotolerant variant lines by in vitro screening technique and a large scale of screening was required.
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