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China is one of the biggest manufacturer and exporter of wood products in the world. Theoutput of wood furniture, wood door and wood flooring were the first in the world and reached248million units,120million units and397million square meters respectively in2011.However, the construction of wood product standardization has been relatively lagged behindthe development of wood product industry in China. The standard system of wood product hasexisted many problems, such as overlapping of standards, shortage of key standards and so on.The construction of wood product standardization partially affected and restricted thedevelopment of Chinese wood product industry. Therefore, developing research on theconstruction of wood product standard system can be effectively promoting process ofstandardization of Chinese wood product industry. Then, it also help to enhance the healthydevelopment of Chinese wood product industry and international trade of Chinese woodproducts.
     Based on the principle and methods of the System Theory and the System Engineering,the wood product standard system was studied in this paper. The study was carried on thefollowing steps: defined the applicable scope, determined the target, analysed the enviromentof the system, studied the structure and components, presented the scheme of construction. Themain research contents and conclusions were as follows:
     (1) There were255wood product standards issued and implemented in China by the endof February2012. The mainly problems of the system were as follows: Firstly, the woodproduct standards didn’t formulate a unified complete standard system and were scattereddistribution several standard systems, such as furniture system, wood-based panel system,wood system, packaging system and toys standard system. All the standards were managed by56different departments or units. Secondly, it shorted of a amount of key standards, such asstandard of outdoor wood furniture and functional wood flooring, and so on. Thirdly, a groupof standards were not reviewed on time. About49.8%of standards were more than5years old. Fourth, there were more than twenty standards whose contents had overlapping phenomena.Last but not the least, the technical contents of a group of standards were inappropriately set.
     (2) There were86,132,197and80wood product standards in International OrganizationStandardization, European Committee for Standardization, American and Japan by the end ofFebruary2012. The following results were obtained by analyzing these wood product standardsystem. Firstly, all the86wood product standards in ISO were reviewed and revised on time.Seconsly, there were not overlapping phenomenon among197Eouropea wood productstandards. Thirdly, the American enterprises had higher participate in drawing up and revisingstandards. Fourth, the Japanese wood product standards pay attention to basic research of thestandard. Besides, there were26wood product standards which can be adopted or referencedby Chinese wood product standards in International Organization Standardization, EuropeanCommittee for Standardization, American and Japan.
     (3) The hierarchical structure, professional structure, sequence structure and categorystructure of wood product standard system were presented under the guidance of standardsystem theory. According to the hierarchical structure, wood products standards were dividedinto general standards, professionally basic standards, sub-professional basis standards andspecific standards. According to professional structure, wood products standard system can bedivided into six standard sub systems, wood furniture subsystem, wood doors and woodwindow subsystem, wood floor subsystem, wood packing subsystem, wood toys subsystemand the other wood products subsystem.
     Based on the above mentioned structure of Chinese wood product standard system, theconstitute elements of wood product standard system were studied. The general standardsystem and wood furniture subsystem had9standards and102standards respectively. Thewood doors and wood window subsystem had39standards. The wood floor subsystem, thewood packing subsystem, the wood toys subsystem and the other wood products subsystemhad46standards,24standards,16standards and54standards respectively.
     (4) The scheme of wood product standard system was put forward through drawing thestructure diagram of the system, formulating the standard list, statistics table and description for drawing up standard list. The new santard system of Chines wood product was composed of290wood product standards, including10national mandatory standards,125nationalvoluntary standards,44light industry standards,42forestry industry standards,23commodityinspection standards,43standards of the other industry and3local standards.
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