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Background: EBN emphasizes the obtainment of latest evidence and a combination of nurses’experience with patients’needs to achieve more scientific and humanized nursing decisions.The benefits of evidence-based nursing on governments and nursing displine,nurses and patients have been recognized by more with the deeping of related study,more and more nurses eager to use this new concept of effective care to improve the quality of nursing. Nurses are the perpetrators of Evidence-based Practice,so their related ability is the key to develop EBN.
     Objectives: To survey clinical nurses’cognitive skills, critical thinking ability, scientific research, information capacity in EBN-related capacity , Through investigation,we analyze the present situation of nurses’EBN-related capacity,and propose measures to provide a theoretical basis for the development of EBN in our city in the future.
     Methods: Self-making a questionnaire by combining the domestic and overseas EBN-related medical documents and the suggestions of experts,then carried out an investigation to determine the current status of evidence-based practice of nurses in top-ranked hospitals of Changchun.
     Results and suggestions:
     1、The results suggest that nurses’abilities of EBN are not promising.
     1.1 The cognitive ability toEBN is poor. There were significant differences among different titles, duties, different levels of hospital nurses .
     1.2 Critical thinking ability overall is not positive,and only open thinking is positive and the remaining dimensions are not positive.
     1.3 Most nurses are poor in English; In the information age, the nurses also gained the information by colleague's mutual exchanges; there are many difficulties in the collection and use of information, the biggest difficulty is the lack of time to find information.
     1.4 The level of scientific research is lower, teaching hospital is high level of scientific research in the three hospitals.
     2.1 Worked-out strategies on the training of clinical include: integrating the conception of EBN into nurse training project; promoting EBN continuing education to make all to know EBN knowledge; improving the nurses’EBN related capacity in effective way; reducing the work load of nurses, and striving for administrative support .
     2.2 On the education to school students include: changing the students’concepts, and training students Critical Thinking; training EBN capacity of students; strengthening the integration of theory and practice; improving the professional quality of teachers.
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