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     To understand the current childbirth self-efficacy situation of Primipara; to explore the factors related to childbirth self-efficacy; to test the effectiveness of an efficacy-enhancing prenatal comprehensive intervention to promote women's self-efficacy for childbirth and coping ability during labour and childbirth outcomes.
     This study is quasi-experimental clinical design. This study randomly selects 93 primiparas in the Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University from August,2010 to November,2010, and allocated them randomly to two groups:intervention group(44 cases),control group(49 cases).At the general survey beginning, the CBSEI-C32,the CCB,the VAS are applied to assess the general situation of maternal childbirth self-efficacy, coping ability during labour capabilities and assess the degree of pain produced in labour. Select the total stages of labour time,l minute Apgar score of Neonate,cesarean section rate as objective indicators to measure childbirth outcomes. The control group received routine prenatal examination and care, intervention group received regular care and prenatal comprehensive intervention based on self-efficacy theory. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 13.0 statistical software.
     l.The results show that the initial level of maternal self-efficacy expectations (EE-16)were lower than the outcome expectations (OE-16).
     2.At the beginning,OE-16,EE-16,CBSEI-C32 scores of two groups were no significant differences(P>0.05). After prenatal comprehensive intervention, the intervention group OE-16, EE-16, CBSEI-C32 scores increased more than the control group (P<0.05).
     3. Intervention group reported a significantly higher level of coping behavior during labour than the control group (P<0.05); the control group produced significantly higher perception of pain compared with the intervention group, the difference has statistic meaning(P<0.01).
     4. The total stages of labor time of the intervention group is shorter than that of the control group(P<.01); The cesarean section rate of intervention group was lower the control group (P<0.05); The two groups were no difference in 1 minute Apgar score of Newborn (P> 0.05).
     1. Self-efficacy expectations of primiparas were lower than the outcome expectations.
     2.The prenatal comprehensive intervention based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory is effective in promoting pregnant women's self-efficacy for childbirth and reducing their perceived pain.
     3. Prenatal comprehensive intervention can reduce the total stages of labor time and the rate of cesarean section.
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