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     国外的语言理论,包括认知构式语法理论,大都是建立在对英语或其他一些语言研究的基础之上的。国外的认知语言学家们在创建他们的理论体系的时候较少把他们的理论建立在对汉语语言材料的分析和研究之上。Langacker, Lakoff, Croft等知名认知语言学家以及国内学者徐通锵、王寅等人都积极倡导对语言进行从一般到特殊,由个性而致共性的研究方法。英国著名构式语法学家William Croft更是十分强调语言的特殊性,他认为根本就不存在什么跨语言的普遍性的句法范畴,只有“构式”本身才是语法的元素性的分析单位。汉语“字本位”理论的创建者徐通锵积极倡导汉语的研究要回归汉语文字学的研究传统,从汉语本身的特点和传统出发去研究汉语,而不要去以汉语的语言事实去硬套西方的语言理论,做削足适履的事情。他认为采取归纳法,立足于语言个性特点的研究最终同样可以达到对语言共性规律的认识。
     汉语是一种古老的语言,它是几千年中华文明和文化的重要载体和重要的组成部分,是世界语言和文化长廊中的一朵奇葩,具有很强的特殊性。现代汉语以两字构式为核心,形成了大量的、固定的两字字组,即传统意义上的“词”。具体的两字字组背后体现的是抽象的两字构式。现代汉语两字构式格局的形成有其深刻的认知理据,可以从体验观、概念结构以及隐喻认知的角度得到充分的解释和论证。构式语法和字本位理论为我们的研究提供了强有力的理论工具。认知语义学家们一致认为空间概念是人类对客观外部世界的最基本的认知之一。人类的语言,从意义到形式,在很多方面都留下了时空的烙印,体现了人们对空间和时间的理解和认知方式。本研究的基本理论假设是从语言中的空间构式出发或许能揭开语言结构规律的谜团。很多前辈构式语法学家在这个领域里已经取得了十分可喜的成绩。Brugman, Lakoff, Langacker, Talmy以及Goddard等认知语言学家们都曾经尝试着从空间概念的角度去解释英语词义的延伸和语法结构的形成机理,提出了多种理论和模型。本研究从空间概念和隐喻思维的角度出发统一对汉英语言基本构式的形成做出了阐释和论证。通过对汉英语言空间构式的实证和对比,本研究得出以下几条重要的结论:
     (3)通过跨语言的实证研究,本研究否定了William Croft和谢信一的关于将语言划分为临摹性和抽象性语言类型的假说。本研究提出了语言的“象征性”这一重要概念,并且画出了语言的象征性和规约性发展坐标图,指出语言可能主要选择象征性的发展路径或主要选择规约性的发展路径,但不大可能在两个方面都取得空前的发展。汉语属于象征性较强的语言,英语属于规约性较强的语言。对于象征性和规约性的划分或可以成为语言类型学研究上的一条重要的衡量标准。
There has been a set of Chinese characters which express space relations in Chinese, for instance,"shang, xia, qian, hou, zuo, you, wai, li, nei, zhong" etc. In modern Chinese, these characters are often put together with other characters to form some definite character groups to indicate certain space relations. In traditional Chinese grammar, these character groups are regarded as "words" or "word groups", which are compiled into Chinese dictionary. Since Ma Shi Wen Tong, many Chinese grammarians focused on these space words and produced a lot of research works.
     Since the May4th Movement, Chinese language has experienced a dramatic change. The classical Chinese tends to be replaced by the colloquial style Chinese. Correspondingly, the studies on Chinese space words fall into two main fields; they are the study on ancient Chinese space words and the study on modern Chinese space words separately. The studies on ancient Chinese space words are carried out mainly from the aspect of grammar, semantics, etymology and culture while the studies on modern Chinese space words are mainly carried out from the aspect of grammar, morphology, formal semantics, grammaticalization, TCFL (Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language), language acquisition, comparative linguistics and cognitive linguistics.
     The present study follows a cognitive linguistic route which is based on the experiential realism. The study takes the construction grammar, the cognitive semantics and the Chinese sinogram-based theory as its theoretical foundations and adopts a quantified and contrastive research method with the space constructions in modern Chinese and contemporary English as its research target. The study tries to give a unified interpretation to the causes and the evolution path of some basic constructions in both Chinese and English.
     Most of the foreign linguistic theories, including the theory of construction grammar, are based on English and many other languages. When many foreign linguists build up their theories, they seldom take Chinese language into their consideration. Langacker, Lakoff, Croft and Chinese linguists Xu Tongqiang and Wang Yin proposed that linguistic research should follow the route that is from the specific to the general. Famous British linguist William Croft especially emphasizes the specificity of language. He holds the view that there don't exist such things as cross-language syntactic categories and what exist are constructions which are the primitive units of grammatical analysis. Xu Tongqiang, the initiator of the Chinese sinogram-based theory also proposed that the research of Chinese grammar should return to Chinese tradition. He thinks that based on induction method, people can also get to know the general rules of languages.
     The present study is a contrastive study between Chinese and English space constructions which is just based on the specificity of Chinese language and under the guidance of Chinese and Western new theories and methods of linguistic studies. By the contrast, the individuality and generality of Chinese and English language are disclosed which might do some contributions to the general linguistics and language typology.
     Chinese is a kind of ancient language which is the main carrier and important component of Chinese civilization and Chinese culture. It is very unique and with great specialty. Chinese language is full of fixed two-character groups which embodies two-character constructions. The formation of two-character construction has its profound cognitive foundation which can be proved and interpreted from the perspective of experiential view and conceptual structure. The construction grammar and the Sinogram-based theory provide us a powerful tool to explore Chinese and English space constructions. Cognitive semanticists all agree that space concept is one of the basic cognitions that human experienced toward the outside world. From meaning to form, human languages are characterized by space and time marks which represent human being's understanding and cognitive way toward space and time. The basic theoretical hypothesis of the present research is that we might disclose the mystery of the language structure by means of the space constructions in languages. Many construction grammarians have already made great progress in this field. Many cognitive grammarians, such as Lakoff, Langacker and Talmy, all put forward their theoretical models to explain the forming mechanism of English syntactic structures and the extension processes of word meanings. The present research combines the research of Chinese and English space constructions within one theoretical framework and explains their forming mechanisms from the perspective of space concepts and metaphorical mapping. The research has drawn the following conclusions:
     (1) The relation between the reality, the cognition and the language has been reviewed. Traditionally, many cognitive linguists agree on such an evolutionary path as from the reality to the cognition and then to human language. In the study, a revision has been made toward such an evolutionary path.
     (2) From the perspective of cross-linguistic study, the research argues that human being's space concepts are the important prerequisite and foundation of their language structure. The basic syntactic constructions in both Chinese and English are prototype categories and the prototype numbers of the categories are the space constructions which are based on space concepts. Based on the prototype constructions, the marginal constructions are formed by means of metaphorical mapping. The status of the prototype members and the marginal members will change with time passing and the development of society. The constructions in the language are networks which are organized around conceptual structures and the linguistic knowledge is stored in the mind in the form of network. In the networks, the lower level constructions embody and entail the upper level constructions which are formed on the basis of the inductive reasoning and integrating to the lower level constructions.
     (3) Through the cross-linguistic empirical analysis, the research cast a doubt on the hypothesis proposed by William Croft and Xie Xinyi that languages can be basically divided into the types of iconic language and abstract language. This study put forward the concept of "symbolicity" to replace Croft's "iconicity" and draw up a coordinate chart concerning language symbolicity and conventionality. The study also points out that language can either develop along the symbolic route or along the conventional route, but it is not possible for languages to get fully developed along both the two routes. Chinese tends to be a more symbolic language while English get fully developed in the conventional dimension. The dimension of symbolicity and conventionality might become a new standard in language typology.
     (4) From the perspective of cross-linguistic study, this research gives a further support to Lakoff's SFH (Spatialization of Form Hypotheses). It has been one of the linguists'most important theoretical pursuits to disclose the mystery of syntactic structure from the perspective of conceptual structure. Construction grammarians have put forward various kinds of cognitive models to try to make an inductive interpretation to syntactic structures. Based on the cognitive linguistics'basic principle, this research tries to simplify and unify the various kinds of theories and models and tries to interpret and generalize some basic syntactic constructions in both Chinese and English with several conceptual parameters concerning space concepts.
     (5) The universality and particularity of human languages have always been one of the important topics in general linguistics and language typology. Following the route from particularity to universality, the research points out where the particularity and universality actually lie in Chinese and English basic constructions. The research shows that for Chinese and English, the construe of space concepts is universal and each of them has their unique ways to encode these space concepts.
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