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As the resourse crisis and environmental pollution are becoming more and more serious,the manufacturing industry needs to keep competion, and to achieve sustainable development.Thus, the competitive and sustainable manufacturing (CSM) is inevitable for manufacturingindustry developing. While,remanufacturing is an important component of CSM, and animportant way for achieving sustainable development. This dillertation emphasised on“scheduling of remanufacturing system”, the main contain and innovation is following:
     According to the development of manufacturing, this dissertation proposed that CSM isdeveloping direction of manufacturing in future, discussed the important position and researchsignificance of remanufacturing to CSM, and summarized research status of scheduling forremanufacturing and existing main problems. In addition, operating environment ofscheduling in remanufacturing system was discussed with consideration of systemcomposition, work flow and main modes. Finally, the key technologies of scheduling forremanufacturing system was researched, and the architecture of scheduling forremanufacturing system was proposed.
     Mass production line scheduling problem for independent remanufacturing system wasstudied. Considering the uncertainty of remanufacturing repair time and special productionconditions, those conditions under which machining and surface heat treatment co-exist inremanufacturing system, the mass production line fuzzy mathematical model for schedulingwas built up with considering storage strategy between special processes in remanufacturingsystem, and OGA algorithm was also designed. The shortcoming of ordinary geneticalgorithm is reflected in slow convergence and easy to fall into local optimum, soelitist-crossover niching genetic algorithm was proposed based on elitist-crossover and nichedomain density selection strategy. Then, the example of mass production for engine cylinderremanufacturing from an independent remanufacturer was simulated through the algorithmmodel, which results show that scheduling model and the proposed ENGA algorithm arefeasible. Finally, according to many characteristics of uncertainty in the remanufacturingsystems, a robust evaluation model was built up for optimal solution of scheduling problem,and choose the solution with best robustness through example calculation
     The scheduling problem of manufacturing/remanufacturing system was studied in thisdillertation. Because of the characteristic of the time which was cost in the process of wasteparts remanufacturing obey probability distribution function, a random expectationsnumerical scheduling model of manufacturing/remanufacturing system was set up. In here,take the time of manufacturing/remanufacturing system order delivery as the requirementsconditions, and take the least cost of new product manufacturing, the least cost of wasteproduct remanufacturing and least delay penalty fees as the solving target. Above all in orderto solve the problem of task assignment for manufacturing/remanufacturing system andremanufacturing production order. According to the expected value model with randomremanufacturing time, HIA algorithm was suggested base on random simulation, neuralnetwork and genetic algorithm in this dillertation. In order to improve the speed of algorithm,EDD-LPT heuristic algorithm was also suggested on the basis of the requirements of theproblem of scheduling, and its worst error bounds of this algorithm was provided. Finally,through the simulation proved the correctness of the proposed algorithm and the model.
     In this dillertation, meanwhile, the integrated scheduling problem of remanufacturingsystem scheduling was studied. The balance and coordination of system are very difficultproblems no matter independent remanufacturing system or manufacturing/remanufacturingsystem. Aiming at this issue, take the integrated optimization for assessment ofremanufacturability, process planning and scheduling of repair shop, the integratedoptimization of remanufacturing disassemble and remanufacturing assembly as the researchobject, the integrated scheduling problem of remanufacturing system was studied; ForIOARPPR problem, the assessment model of remanufacturability of the waste parts was setup, through which, the process route and corresponding remanufacture degrees weredetermined. Then, the scheduling model for repair workshop of remanufacturing system wasset up, and the optimal combination process route and the corresponding optimal schedulingresults were solved through the double genetic algorithm; For IODA problem, the assemblyscheduling model of remanufacturing system was established. On the base of parts deliverytime and the optimal scheduling assembly time of remanufacturing, quantity and completiontime of remanufacturable parts were obtained through the rumsfeld decomposition, therebyintegrated optimization between manufacturing assembly shop and repair shop was correspondly realized. And then the two-stage genetic algorithm and heuristic adaptivegenetic algorithm were put forward for solving IODA problem. Finally, examples ofintegrated scheduling for IOARPPR and IODA were studied.
     The information integration framework model of the remanufacturing system wasproposed. And then the overall design of the production scheduling system for theremanufacturing system was elaborated from four aspects as operating environment of theproduction scheduling system、Delphi and Matlab integration、the features modular design ofthe remanufacturing system and how to use the production scheduling software. Finally, therunning instance of production scheduling system for remanufacturing system was given,which proved the feasibility of the theory studied in this dillertation.
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