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     4.应用热弹塑性有限元模拟了APS和SPring-8热疲劳实验试样的时变温度场和循环应力应变场,分析了试样的受力特点,以多轴疲劳中的等效应变法来预估挡光试样的热疲劳寿命。列举了五个不同的等效应变模型进行比较,分别依据各自文献的疲劳参数对两个实验进行了疲劳寿命预测,结果表明修正的Von Mises等效应变模型对所有工况预测的结果和实验结果吻合最好。该模型考虑了平均应力和弹塑性泊松比的影响,比较全面合理,工程上简单实用,是预测高功率光束辐照下的结构热疲劳寿命的理想模型。
     5.以上海光源的挡光元件为研究对象,对目前正服役的挡光元件采用的线弹性有限元法和静强度设计准则进行回顾,指出其中的不合理性。改用弹塑性有限元模拟得到元件上危险点的循环应力应变,用修正的Von Mises等效应变模型预估出束流总是正常或总是漂移下的寿命结果,而针对束流漂移发生较少的事实,结合Miner线性累积损伤理论综合给出挡光元件的最终寿命预测结果,形成了挡光元件的热疲劳寿命评估方法。上海光源的挡光元件目前的设计过于保守,即便束流强度增加到500mA仍有余量,考虑到挡光元件30年约104次循环加卸载的设计寿命,提出有限寿命的疲劳设计方法,为其优化设计提供参考。
Large scale scientific facilities are public platforms for basic and multidisciplinary researches, which aim toto solve the fundamental and forward-looking issues in the major technological fields. It plays an important role in the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development and national security. Usually, the key components of large scientific facilities work in the extreme environment with high temperature, high pressure, intense radiation and fatigue loads, and prone to fatigue failure. Therefore, the fatigue failure should be considered in the design stage.
     Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) is a high performance large scale scientific facility with an electron storage ring ranked fourth in the world. The optical path between the storage ring and the beam line is called front end in the facility. In the front aera, there are a series of key components for absorbing the most of high heat load by synchrotron radiation. The design of the key components faces the challenge of the high power density of the third generation synchrotron radiation. Presently, although the static strength design method provides a temporary solution, it's not enough economic and reasonable. New design methods are essential for higher requirements in the future.
     This dissertation relays on the design of the high heat load components at the front end of SSRF and combines with a project of National Natural Science Foundation of China named "study on the fatigue failure of Glidcop under high heat load of synchrotron radiation". It aims at exploring a finite life design method and focuses on low cycle fatigue properties of Glidcop and thermal fatigue life prediction of high heat load components. The experimental test, numerical simulation and theoretical modeling are investigated and studied. The main contents are as follows.
     1. The temperature dependent thermal properties of Glidcop are reviewed. Stress-strain curves under various temperatures are tested and elastoplastic constitutive laws are obtained. Low cycle fatigue properties of this material at different temperatures were studied. Detailed comparisons of mechanical parameters are made between Glidcop and Oxygen-free copper, a common material in the first and second generation of synchrotron radiation facilities, for the purpose of analyzing their advantages and disadvantages and providing a reference for the selection and use of these two materials.
     2. Because of extensive studies of macroscopic low cycle fatigue properties of Glidcop and lack of microscopic researches on the behavior of crack initiation and propagation, a stress-controlled low cycle fatigue test is designed using specimens with artificial holes on the surface. The fatigue fracture process is recorded by a camera. The material-dependent micro-crack initiation and propagation characteristics are investigated through measuring the crack length at the hole edge. Furthermore, the Tomkins expression that describes the micro-crack growth rate is derived. This study is useful to well understand the fatigue failure mechanism of this material.
     3. In order to investigate the effect of surface roughness on the fatigue life of Glidcop, specimens with different levels of roughness are processed and stress-controlled low cycle fatigue tests are carried out. A quantitative relationship between the fatigue life and the surface roughness is obtained through fitting the test data. As the significant weakening effect on the fatigue life for a rough surface, it is suggested that the processing method of high heat load components should be effective to control the surface roughness of the inner cavity.
     4. Based on the APS and SPring-8thermal fatigue tests, thermal elastoplastic finite element method is used to obtian the transient temperature field and cyclic stress-strain response of the samples. After analyzing the mechanical characteristics, equivalent strain approach of multiaxial fatigue theory is suggested to predict the thermal fatigue lives of the experimental samples. For comparison, five different equivalent strain models are introduced for fatigue life prediction. According to the literature's fatigue parameters, the fatigue lives are estimated for the samples. The results show that the lives predicted by the modified Von Mises equivalent strain model best agrees with the experimental data in all load cases. The model not only involves the effects of mean stress, but also considers the difference of Poisson's ratios in the elastic and plastic stages. It is comprehensive, simple and practical in engineering. Therefore, it's an ideal model to predict the thermal fatigue life of components under high power beam radiation.
     5. The high heat load components of SSRF are designed presently under the instruction of linear elastic finite element method and static strength design criteria. To avoid its irrationality, an alternative method called elastoplastic finite element is used to simulate the cyclic stress and strain of the components. The fatigue lives are predicted by the modified Von Mises equivalent strain model for beam always normal or beam always drift. Since the beam drift is few, the final estimated fatigue lives should be calculated using Miner linear cumulative damage theory. Therefore, the thermal fatigue life assessment method for the high heat load components is formed. The design of the components in SSRF is too conservative, even if the beam current increases to500mA. Taking into account a design life of30years (equivalent to10,000thermal cycles) for the high heat load components, the present finite life design method is finally proposed to provide a significant direction for the optimal design.
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