复杂网络可视化与Link OLAP
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     数据仓库与OLAP系统经过长期的发展,目前在逻辑模型、物理模型以及展现方式上都已经有了一套完整的理论与技术体系。但传统的OLAP系统有其特定的关注点,并一定程度上存在局限性,为此我们提出了一个新的OLAP概念——Link OLAP。
     本文综合探讨以上两方面技术。首先在综述复杂网络可视化研究的基础上,我们总结并提出若干处理复杂网络可视化的关键技术,同时对其实现细节进行探讨。而后我们将重点放在新的OLAP概念体系——Link OLAP的讨论上,通过将面向实体的分析扩展到面向链接的分析,Link OLAP在某些特定的分析场景下能够提供比传统OLAP更为优雅的解决方案,其应用领域是存在大量基于链接信息的复杂网络或大规模数据网络。以复杂网络可视化技术为基础,Link OLAP系统突破了以往传统OLAP系统中单调的二维表格表现方式,能够提供友好的交互式可视化用户接口。此外,我们还详细地给出了Link OLAP系统的一个示例实现,从系统架构设计到底层实现的各个层面都会有所涉及,并对其中的若干核心模块进行深入探讨。最后我们以一个实际案例来说明Link OLAP概念系统的应用效果。
Complex Network is so complicated that if we only use data table or text to express it, the network will be hard to understand and the contained information could not be revealed. The best way to express complex network is visualization whose related research areas involve complex system, graph theory, statistics, data mining, information visualization and human-machine conversation.
     After long period of development, data warehouse and OLAP have already had an integrated system of theory and technology in logical model, physical model and visualization. Since there are specific observational points and some limited factors in traditional OLAP, we present a new OLAP concept: Link OLAP.
     This paper discusses the above two technologies. At first, base on the survey of complex network visualization we summarize and present some of its key technologies, and also probe into some implementation details. Then we focus on discussing the new OLAP concept - Link OLAP. Via expanding the entity-oriented analysis into link-oriented analysis, Link OLAP could solve problems more refinedly than traditional OLAP under certain scenarios, including complex network or large scale network contained a mass of links. Base on complex network visualization technology, Link OLAP could provide a friendly interactive visualization user interface, rather than the planar table representation of traditional OLAP. Furthermore, we also give a sample implementation of Link OLAP system in detail, which includes architecture design, bottom layer implementation and some core module analysis. At last, we explain the practical effect of Link OLAP system using an application demo.
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