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With the coming of knowledge economy era, organizational knowledge plays a basic and essential role in organizational ordinary production and prosecution process. More and more organization begin to change the center of management practice from "pursuing the new product" to "pursuing the new knowledge", from "pursuing the applied knowledge innovation (such as the material innovation, the technology innovation, the institution innovation)" to "pursuing the knowledge itself innovation". The management range is expansive, the management meaning is abstruse and the management mode is abstract. The management becomes "management manage", the knowledge becomes "knowledge knowing" and the innovation becomes "innovation itself innovating". Organizational knowledge innovation has become "a systemic new value creating work (Drucker, 1999)". So, how to take an effective management of organizational knowledge innovation has become a problem of management theory and management practice. In order to solve this problem, on the one hand, we must scan, reflect, breakthrough and advance the traditional management theory, management technology, management institution and management foundation, on the other hand, we must synthesize the interrelated fruits and create more and more new management theory, management technology, management institution and management foundation. This is the meaning of this paper. The main content that this paper would be conducted including the followings:
     1. Summarize the literature related to the organizational knowledge innovation management at home and abroad, emphasizing the promising fields within which this paper would discuss. Then introduce the theoretical value of the research on the organizational knowledge innovation management based on the organizational shared mental models.
     2. Introduce the definition of some concept related to the organizational knowledge innovation management, and distinguish the different character of the organizational knowledge innovation management from the other management pattern in management foundation and process. Then indicate the necessary and feasibility to construct an immanent sustain carrier in the process of the organizational knowledge innovation management. In additional, this paper introduces the synergy effect foundation of the organizational shared mental models.
     3. Analyze the formation and evolution process of the organizational shared mental models based on the symbol contact principle. The organizational shared mental models are an important parameter that effect on the organizational knowledge innovation performance. But now it is also become a focus that how the organizational shared mental models itself form and evolve. This paper integrates the basic related principle, provides a new method from the symbol contact principle, makes a specific analysis of the process that the organizational shared mental models formation and evolution
     4. Analyze the immanent exploitation process of the organizational knowledge innovation capability based on the organizational shared mental models. The organizational shared mental models are defined as the structural tacit knowledge and belief held by the organizational members, on the immanent exploitation process of the organizational knowledge innovation capability, the organizational shared mental models provide both the potential cognize background for complicated collaboration of diversified knowledge and belief support to inspire the creativity of knowledge staff—the carrier of knowledge. This paper starts with this presumption, according to the different phases in the organizational knowledge innovation flow, discusses this influence that the organizational shared mental models effect on the immanent exploitation process of organizational knowledge innovation capability.
     5. Analyze the immanent integration process of the organizational knowledge innovation strategy based on the organizational shared mental models. The immanent integration process of the organizational knowledge innovation strategy is a hardcore of the organizational knowledge innovation management system. But how to make it become more scientific and effective is still need explore. This paper probes into the value judgment, tacit knowledge elements and "synergy evolution track" of the organizational knowledge innovation strategy's immanent integration process based on the organizational shared mental models.
     6. Analyze the immanent transmit process of the organizational R&D knowledge fruits based on the organizational shared mental models. The problem that a low immanent transmit efficiency of the organizational R&D knowledge fruits is a key factor affects the success of organizational R&D processes. This paper, through exploring the internal sticking elements and their interplay rules behind the proceeding of the organizational R&D knowledge fruits immanent transmit, demonstrate a principle that the interplay between the structural tacit knowledge and belief of the organizational shared mental models will decide the immanent transmit efficiency of the organizational R&D knowledge fruits in the long term,
     7.Summarize the hypothesis proposition that bring forward in 3rd chapter to 6th chapter the above. And set up the empirical testing model based on these hypothesis propositions. Then introduce the empirical testing tools, sample and the calculation formula.
     8.Introduce the principle and goodness of fit statistic. Take an exploratory factor analysis and test the reliability and validity of the construct variable. Then examine the result of the empirical testing, show the amend path.
     9. Indicate the deficiencies of this paper and the promising fields within which the further research would be conducted.
     The important innovative fruits in this paper show as the followings:
     1. On the base of analyzing the foundation and process of the organizational knowledge innovation management, this paper suggests to construct an immanent sustain carrier in the process of the organizational knowledge innovation management to coordinate the organizational member's actions and adapt their behaviors to demand of the organizational knowledge innovation task, then introduce the organizational shared mental models as the synergy effect foundation of the organizational knowledge innovation management system.
     2. On the base of integration the basic related theory, this paper provides a new method from the symbol contact principle, makes a specific study of the process of the organizational shared mental models formation and evolution. Then this paper discusses the antecedents and consequences of the organizational shared mental models formation and evolution.
     3.On the base of summarizing and advancing the classical criterions and methods, this paper attempts to apply a topology operator model, a synergy evolution model and an evolution game model to analyze the influence that the organizational shared mental models effect on the process of the organizational knowledge innovation capability immanent exploitation, the organizational knowledge innovation strategy immanent integration, the organizational R&D knowledge fruits immanent transmit.
     4.On the base of summarizing the measurements of the organizational shared mental models and the organizational knowledge innovation performance, this paper attempts to apply structure equation model to take an empirical testing of the organizational knowledge innovation management based on the organizational shared mental models. In this way the authors form a set of common index models and measurement equations, by which this paper can measure the organizational shared mental models and the knowledge innovation performance scientifically.
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