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On the basis of fully understand of domestic and international literature, aiming at the problem that there isn’t a general method could do correction of static shift in MT, using the topology theory puts forward a new general static shift correcting method of MT basing on field observation data—removing static shift of MT using time domain topology processing method. The main content and conclusions are as follows :
     1) In the basis of a great quantity of papers and data, we considered that all static shift correcting method in field application have some limited and human influence, including spatial filtering method , impedance tensor decomposition method ,using TEM data correcting method, forward and inversion calculation method, comprehensive explanation using known geology information method and so on. Those methods can hardly become the general method.
     2) From starting with the research of the essence of space sampling ,through the research of the character of CEMAP’S observation device ,we can composed the observed electric field value of two adjacent poles together(because the electric field could be superposed), we found out the implied information with the change of pole’s distance in CEMAP data. So we put forward that using topology method process the CEMAP data, obtaining observation result with different pole distance in the same site. Further using those result research the relationship between site record and boundary of uneven body in space, prospect the shallow geological-mass and remove the static shift. This research take the lead in bringing the topology method into geophysical date processing field.
     3) Using the predecessor's theory model, and the theory analysis we can make it possible that static shift model of different record site on the uneven body ,and the changing of static shift with the distance between records poles using topology procession. On the basis of the model , we build the graphics display of topology result and analysis interpretation method.
     4) Using the classification stacking technique we solved the problem of the complex format of time series observed by the instrument designed for single site (un-fit record format of topology procession),and the problem of occupy lots of the storage space . Software package was compiled suiting for single site two components and profile single component superposition, and it lead the foundation of the development of topology processing soft.
     5) Through this new method of field experiment conducted a preliminary validation. The results show that the topological processing technology can romove the enfluence of static .The experiments also confirmed that the existing equipment performance can meet the requirements for topology method ,this experiment provinde corresponding technical parameters for developing more advanced equipmen.
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