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     对Cohen&Levinthal及Zahra & George的吸收能力理论观点进行了对比和整合,并提出了一个四维度的吸收能力分析框架,构建了以吸收能力为核心,包含权威执行力,组织间合作以及制度保障等关键影响因素的改进式创新分析模式,对各因素之间的关系提出了假设。
Technologic innovation(TI) is becoming an important factor that contributes the chances to participate and obtain advantages in competition to enterprises.Between the different industrys,the characteristic of them is different.So TI's model obtains the different path and symbol.Particularly,among certain industry owned common properity, e.g.metallurgy industry,mine exploration industry and mechanics industry,based on the ordinary properity of our country's material resource and technology basement, "Input-Absorption-Innovation" is the usual model of the manufacture industry'TI. Review the experiment of the oxygen-alumnium manufacture procedure on our country'aluminium industry,the improved innovation based on absorptive capacity(AC) is the significant way that refers both technology input and indepent innovation.This improved innovation based on absorptive capacity(AC) disposes properly the relationship between technology input and indepent innovation,and is applicable for the reality of our country' industry.First of all,our study clarity the characteristic and properity of technology input and indepent innovation,the behavior and prcess of TI and the absent of TI management.And then we propose a government framework of enterprise technology innovation based on absorptive capacity.Finally,we analyst, intercept and instruct the success of our state-own enterprise'TI sample.From this study,we hope to instruct our state-own enterprise how to solve the problem embedded in the model of "Input-Absorption-Innovation" and enlight the way that our state-own enterprise exceed the advanced foreign competitor.
     The paper reviews the basic theory of AC and introduces the analysis model and measure indicator.On the other hand,this part summarizes the typical innovation style,the behavior and process of TI.The theorical summary also includes the position of AC in the TI'process,the forecast—AC on the performance of TI and the empirical study between AC and TI performance.
     Compares and integrates the concept of AC origined from cohen & Levinthal and Zahra & George.This part propose the five-demension analyst framework and the improved innovation model that includes a conception core—AC and certain significant factors--the authority execution,co-operation between organization and regulation of institution.Finally,this part come out to several hypothesises on those facters above.
     Adopt the empirical study and sample analyst.The main tools are the questionnaire and the interview.We obtain the information from the analysis of the questionnaire feedback.According with the data origined from the questionnaire,we measure and analyst the referred variable.The routine of the empirical study includes the selection of the sample and the referred indicator,the selection of the variable and the referred indicator,the analyst of the data's validity & reliability and the method of statistics.
     Based on the outcome of the data and variable's validity & reliability.The main method includes the multi-agent linear statistical regression analyst and structural equition modeling(SEM).From our analyst,we confirm that the authority execution, co-operation between organization and regulation of institution affect mainly the level of AC.At the same time,they affect each other.
     Introduces and analysts the sample of the Henan Branch of China GreatWall Aluminium Corp..Foremore,this part illustrate that our study is practice.Chapter summarize our whole study and forecast the future study on the referred domain.
     Our study result shows that the improved innovation based on AC is uniformed with our state-owned manufacture industry'TI.The authority execution,co-operation between organization and regulation of institution are the important factors which affect TI.The reciprocal effection among three factors above adopts deeply the level of AC.So they decide the TI performance.
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