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     (4)介绍了作者开发的基于Access2000和Visual Basic 6.0的地壳垂直形变监测信息管
In this dissertation, the theory and the method of GPS precise positioning and data
     processing in monitoring the earth’s crust deformation are systematically discussed. The
     main research contents of this dissertation are summarized as follows:
     (1) The basic theory of GPS positioning~ the method of GPS precise positioning and
     the source of its error are briefly introduced in the paper. Difference GPS technique
     can effectively eliminate the error of many physics?factors to GPS result, but can not
     effectively eliminate the error of the tropospheric refraction to GPS height. Therefore,
     the key to improve the measuring accuracy of GPS height is how to deal with the error
     of the tropospheric refraction. The methods of stochastic process (such as one-order model
     of Guess-Marlkov, the piece wise linear method) used for simulating the error of the
     tropospheric refraction are studied in detail. Both methods above can effectively
     eliminate the error of the tropospheric refraction to GPS result, and can obviously
     improve the accuracy of GPS height. The result by the piece wise linear method bears
     relation to the numbers of additional parameter in adjustment. After being tested and
     studied with one project, it is proved that the result of adjustment is good, if we use
     one additional parameter per 2 hours or per 4 hours to simulate the error of the
     tropospheric refraction.
     (2) The basic theory of neural network and an algorithm of BP are described in this
     paper. Many improvement steps to the problems existed in the algorithm of BP are put
     forward by the author. Putting a simple model (Model [2× 2×2]) of three-layer BP network
     as an example, all the formula for the algorithm of BP are deducted. A new structure of
     five-layer BP network used for converse GPS height is put forward in this article, and
     the optimal structure of the BP network is acquired after hundreds of tests. Normally,
     the conicoid fitting method (CBt) and the neural network method (NNM) are used for
     converting a GPS height into a normal height. But, each of them has its own advantages
     and disadvantages. After studying these two methods, a new method named Mixed-ethod (abbr.
     CF&\NM) is conceived that combines the advantages of both the conicoid fitting (CFM) and
     neural network method (NNM). The thought of the Mixed-method is an originality idea, and
     the effect of the new method is very good in the application of some projects, then the
     essence of the Mixed-method is analyzed. Comparing with the conicoid fitting method (CFM)
     to converse GPS height, the accuracy of the transform result with the CF&NNM method can
     improve 20 percent. The new method is worthy of extending. Otherwise, a betterment
     algorithm of BP network, named “error grade iterative method”,is innovated by the author.
     By using the betterment method, the study convergence speed of network can be accelerated,
     the error of the simulating result influenced by the first weight and by the sequence
     of samples can be overcome, and the performance of BP network can be improved.
     (3) In the research of dynamic model of the erustal deformation, a model of kinematic
     adjustment of indirect observations has been established in this paper, its main
     adjustment formula has been deduced, and the relationship bet-ween static separate
     adjustment and the kinematic adjustment has been discussed. The current formula of the
     dynamic adjustment’s error equation of observations united level net and GP
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