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公路工程在我国国民经济中正在发挥越来越重要的作用。近十几年来,通车里程迅速增加,技术等级大幅度提高,公路桥梁和隧道建设取得显著成果。从国内外大量地震的震害中能够看到,现代公路工程仍然十分脆弱,在地震中容易遭受破坏,影响甚至中断交通,还会给震后救灾工作带来极大困难。公路工程的震害表明,挡土结构的地震破坏,往往是造成道路受损、桥梁破坏的主要原因之一。受各种条件限制,挡土墙的抗震验算,仍普遍采用拟静力法(以下简称静力法)。地震惯性力和地震土压力的确定方法,是目前挡土结构的抗震分析中有待深入研究改进的课题。我国现行《公路工程抗震设计规范》(JTJ 004-89)已使用十多年。在这期间,我国公路工程建设高速增长,科学技术有了长足发展,公路建设的规模大大超过此前。规范的部分内容已落后于时代、落后于地震工程科学技术的发展,不能很好的满足我国的公路工程的建设和发展。为此,迫切需要更新,采用更先进、成熟的理论和方法。结合规范JTJ 004—89的修编,本文在总结已有研究成果的基础上,主要研究了挡土墙和桥台地震惯性力沿高度分布的规律,粘性填土的地震土压力计算和计算公式的简化,以及在公路工程抗震设计规范中将挡土墙和桥台的抗震设计归入一章的问题,具体包括如下5项工作。
    1 .8。
     3.规范JTJ 00牛se-89规定当挡土墙高度大于12米时才考虑加速度沿墙
Highway system plays a more and more important role in the national economy. In the past ten odd years, a great progress has been made in highway construction. The total length of road, the length of good quality highway, number of the bridges and tunnels are all increased and increasing remarkably. Seismic damage of highway system caused in strong earthquake worldwide indicated that modern Highway system is still vulnerable, it may be damaged extensively and slow down so much as shut down the local traffic, which always makes big troubles for rescue in a past earthquake situation. The earthquake damage of Highway system shows that the failure of retaining structures is sometimes one of the main causes of road damage and bridge collapse. The pseudo-static method (static method in brief) is now currently adopted in seismic analysis of retaining structures for some well known limitation. The study on seismic inertia and seismic soil pressure is a significant task to be deeply treated with and improved in the s
    tatic analysis of retaining structures. The currently used Chinese Earthquake Resistant Design Code for Highway Construction (JTJ 004-89) was issued a dozen years ago. During this period. Highway construction increased very fast in China and the scale was much larger than ever before, while the technology was developed quite great. Some contents of the code now have dropped behind the progress of science and technology and the development of the epoch and can not meet the requirement of the development of highway construction any longer. Therefore the code needs to be updated by some more advanced and mature theories and approaches. On basis of a review of the recent achievements, the distribution of the lateral seismic inertia force along the height of retaining wall and/or bridge abutment, and the calculation of the seismic soil pressure of cohesive backfill are treated with in this paper, for the revision of Chinese Earthquake Resistant Design Code for Highway Construction, and a suggestion to combine sei
    smic design of retaining wall and of bridge abutment together into one chapter from the past in two chapters in the previous version is also worked out. The main contents are summarized as follows:
    1. The evolution, state of the art and the developing trend of the lateral
    seismic inertia force calculation for retaining wall and/or bridge abutment and the calculation of the seismic cohesive backfill soil pressure are reviewed. The approaches of seismic analysis of retaining walls and bridge abutments in the current Highway codes of China are studied in detail and the shortcomings in the analysis procedure and the necessity of further improvements to them are pointed out.
    2. Total 18 simulated acceleration time histories for Intensity 6, 7, 8 and 9 are adopted as inputs, 6 typical retaining walls heights and 2 bridge abutments with difference are selected as the structural models of soil-structure system, the seismic responses of the system and the horizontal variation of the maximum response accelerations at different height levels are analyzed by means of a wave propagation finite element program. The numerical results show that the horizontal variation of response acceleration of gravity retaining wall is quite small since its lateral rigidity is large enough, the response at a given height level can be considered as the same, the maximum accelerations at different heights on the central vertical line can describe the distribution of earthquake load along the wall height in static analysis very well. The acceleration changes along the height direction nonlinearly with a little bit complicated pattern, and the changing patterns, in general, are similar. The acceleration does not increase immediately after the wall height is getting taller from the bottom of the retaining wall, and it starts to increase rapidly with the height level at a height of half to two thirds of the total wall height. It gets a maximum amplification value of 1.1 to 2.0 at the top of the wall. The ratios between accel
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