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School choice in elementary and secondary education is the issue that many people pay close attention to in the educational circles of our country. Ardent controversies have been carried out in the society and the academia. As opinions vary, there isn't a verdict yet by now. The action of school choice is more and more popular, the echo of the society is also becoming more and more larger. For the sake of looking for the solution to the problem, the author cast a sight on the USA. The system of school choice in the USA has existed for many years, and accumulated abundant experience. This dissertation tries to understand America's school choice system thoroughly, and understand our country's phenomenon of school choice and compare the two, and try to use the experience of America's school choice system for reference.
    The dissertation includes 6 parts besides the preface and the conclusion.
    Part One introduces the history of America's school choice system. The author divides the developmental course of America's school choice system into three periods. The first period is the embryonic period (from around the USA was found to the middle of the 1960s), the second period is the initial period (from the middle of the 1960s to the end of the 1980s), and the third is the flourishing period (from the end of the 1980s to this day).
    Part Two analyzes the backgrounds of the America's school choice system. In this part, the author analyzes the five backgrounds: the political background, the economic background, the cultural background, the educational background and the theoretical background.
    Part Three introduces and analyzes the America's school choice system. The dissertation divides the America's school choice system into two parts. The first part is "the schools that can be selected", including the public schools (charter schools and magnet schools), the private schools and the home schools. The second part is "the correlative regulation of school choice", including the educational voucher, private management education Inc., tax credit and open enrollment, etc.
    Part Four evaluates the America's school choice system. Firstly, the author
    sums up the result of the America's school choice system; secondly, introduces the controversies about school choice; thirdly, sums up the influence of the America's school choice system; and lastly, the author sets forth his personal stand: the steadfast supporter of the America's school choice system..
    Part Five analyzes the phenomenon of our country's school choice, and then compares the differences of school choice between the two countries.
    Part Six analyzes the experience for reference of "the schools that can be selected" and "the correlative regulation of school choice", and then puts forward some points of view which are educed from the America's school choice system.
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    22. Jeffrey R. Henig, Rethinking School Choice, Princeton University Press, 1994.
    23. Peter W. Cookson & Jr. Barbara Schneider, Why school choice? A question of values, In Peter W. Cookson & Jr. Barbara Schneider (eds.), Transforming schools, New York: Garland Publishing, INC., 1995.
    24. Hudson Institute, Charter Schools in Action Project: Final Report, 1997, Indianapolis, IN: Hudson Institute, 1997.
    25. U. S. Department of Education, A Study of Charter Schools: First Year Report-May 1997, OERI Bulletin Summer 1997. OERI: Office of Educational Research and Improvement at U. S. Department of Education.
    26. National Study of Charter Schools, The State of Charter Schools: 2000, (Fourth-Year Report), Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education, 2000.
    11.王德林:《美国的“教育凭证” 计划》,《外国中小学教育》2001年第5期。
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    19.《布希抵俄州 推广减税、教改计划》,《世界日报》2001年2月21日。
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    23.《布希推动教改 强调负责观念》,《世界日报》2001年12月6日。
    1. Amy Stuart Wells, Alejandra Lopez, Jennifer Jellison Holme, Charter Schools as Postmodern Paradox: Rethinking Social Stratification in an Age of Deregulated School Choice, Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 69, No.2, Summer 1999.
    2. Anne Chapman, Thomas A. O'Donoghue, Home Schooling: An emerging research agenda, Education Research and Perspectives, Vol.27, No. 1, 2000.
    3. Anne C. Lewis, Charter Schools, The Education Digest, Sep 1995.
    4. Chester E. Finn Jr., Bruno V. Manno, and Gregg Vanourek, Charter School Accountability, American School Board Journal, Oct 2000.
    5. Charter Schools, The Education Digest, Sep 1995.
    6. Christian W. Beck, Alternative Education and Home Schooling in Norway, Childhood Education, Vol.77, No.6, 2001.
    7. Debi S. Edmund, Different Rules for Public and Private Schools, the Education Digest, Nov 1999.
    8. Del Stover, Public Funds for Private Schools, the Education Digest, Sep 1997.
    9. Douglas A. Archbald, School Choice and School Stratification: Shortcomings of the Stratification Critique and Recommendations for Theory and Research, Education Policy, Vol. 14, No.2, May 2000.
    10. Fredrick M. Hess, Robert Maranto, and Scott Milliman, Resistance in the Trenchers: What Shapes Teachers 'Attitudes Toward School Choice? Education Policy, Vol. 14, No.2, May 2000.
    11. Gerald B. Dickinson Mitchell L. Holifield, Glenda Holifield, Donna Grady Creer, Elementary Magnet School Students 'Interracial Interaction Choices, The Journal of Education Research, Jul/Aug 2000.
    12. Henry Levin. The Economics of Education of Choice. Economics of Education Review. 1991, 2.
    13. Jim Carl, Parental Choice as National Policy in England and the United States, Comparative Education Review, vol.38, no. 3.
    14. John F. Witte and Christopher A. Thorn, Who Choose? Voucher and Interdistrict Choice Programs in Milwaukee, American Journal of Education, Vol. 104, No.3.
    15. Lawrence M. Rudner. Scholastic Achievement and Demographic Characteristics of Home School Students in 1998. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 7, March, 3, 1999.
    16. Lynn Olson, Gauging the Impact of Competition, Education Week, May 24.
    17. Mark Buechler, Charter Schools So Far, The Education Digest, Sep 1997.
    18. Peter W. Cookson & Jr. Barbara Schneider, Why school choice? A question of values, In Peter W. Cookson & Jr. Barbara Schneider (eds.), Transforming schools, New York: Garland Publishing, INC., 1995.
    19. Public and Private School Differences: Go Deeper than Dollars. the Education Digest. 2000, Vol. 65, No. 8.
    20. Ray Buddy. The Evolution of the Charter Concept. Phi Delta Kappan, 1996, 78(1).
    21. Robert Tovey, School Choice and Racial/Class Inequities, The Education Digest, Sep 1995.
    22. Sally Bomotti, How School Choice Works-and Doesn't, the Education Digest, Feb 1999.
    23. The Center on Reinventing Public Education, Expanding Charter School Accountability, the Education Digest, Oct 2001.
    24. William C. Symonds et al. They're Spreading Fast. Can Private Companies Do a Better Job of Educating America's Kids? Business Week Online, Feb. 7, 2000.
    25. William Glasser, "Choice Theory"and Student Success, The Education Digest, Nov 1997.
    1. http://www.digitex.net/koinonia/homeschool.htm
    2. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter 3rdyeat/
    3. http://www.edreform.com/school_choice/
    4. http://www.edweek.org
    5. http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools
    6. http://www.kangamanga.com/WhyHS.htm.
    7. http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/pepg/
    8. http://www.ncpa.org/pub
    9. http://www.schoolchoiceinfo.org/
    10. http://www.schoolchoices.org/roo/clevelandl.htm
    11. http://www.schoolchoices.org/roo/cfiticism.htm
    12. http://www.schoolchoices.org/roo/vouchers.htm
    13. http://www.uscharterschools.org/pub/uscs_docs/gi/overview.htm
    14. http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/jiaoliu.
    15. http://www.washingtonpost.com

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