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This dissertation focuses on the issue of political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. The core question of this dissertation is that who advocates the school choice policy in the United States. Based on the American unique political system and culture, this paper presents theoretical hypothesis that the political dynamics of this policy are from those key policy actors who are protected by the Constitution as well as have resources, ideas, interests, and political power to pursue this policy. According to the nature of research question, objects and hypotheses, drawing on the Advocacy Coalition Framework from Paul Sabatier and Hank Jenkins-Smith, absorbing advocacy coalition framework on school choice policy applying by Janelle Scott et al., and learning from other related studies, this paper promotes a new analytical framework on school choice policy.
     This paper probes political dynamics of school choice policy from two dimensions and four aspects. The first dimension is non-government arena. In this dimension, this paper examines three aspects of political powers including resources, ideas and interests and asks that how foundations, as a kind of philanthropy, advocate school choice policy through granting, how think tanks, as a kind of research institution, advocate school choice policy via influencing the ideas, how advocacy organizations, as a kind of coalition, advocate school choice policy by fighting for their interests and rights. The other dimension is government arena. In this dimension, this paper focuses on last aspect of political dynamics, which is that how politicians and governments use their political resources and power to push forward this policy in political arena by respecting public opinions. The author deems that respectively behalf on wealth, scholarship, grassroots, and governments, foundations, think tanks, advocacy organizations, and politicians are four main political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. Each chapter of this dissertation aims at each aspects.
     This paper uses mixed research method of quantitative research and qualitative research. In using quantitative research method, this paper identifies research questions, refers theoretical hypotheses, collects data and information, analysis and interprets them. In qualitative research methods, this paper mainly uses case study method, which selects three think tanks, three advocacy organizations, a city and a state that both implementing school choice policy and other politicians supporting this policy issue as cases. Through analyzing these cases, data and information, this paper testifies foundations, think tanks, advocacy organizations, and politicians are four main political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. Research data and information are mainly from the Foundation Center, the Internal Revenue Service, the Census Bureau, official websites of think tanks and advocacy organizations, ERIC database, and other research papers and reports.
1 Clarence Page. First Family Dilemma:Which school for the kids? [N]. Chicago Tribune. November 12,2008.
    2 胥丹丹,周迅.“择校”:一场无人喝彩、无人取胜的博弈[J/OL].http://news3.xinhuanet.com/edu/2006-12/06/content_5441496_1.htm.
    1 Jeffrey R. Henig. Stephen D. Sugarman. The Nature and Extent of School Choice [M]//Frank Kemerer, Stephen Sugarman. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics. Policy and Law. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999:13-35.
    2 Milton Friedman. The Role of Government in Education [M]//Robert A. Solo. Economics and the Public Interest (Essays written in honor of Eugene Ewald Agger). New Brunswick. N.J.:Rutgers University Press,1955: 123-44.
    3 Dana Milbank. Bush Urges Wide Use of School Vouchers. [N]. Washington Post. July 2.2002, at A1.
    4 Elizabeth H. DeBray-Pelot, Christopher A. Lubienski. Janelle T. Scott. The Institutional Landscape of Interest Group Politics and School Choice [J]. Peabody Journal of Education,2007,82(2):204-30
    5 Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice:How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality[M]//Diane Ravitch. Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2005. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,2005:137-73.
    6 Julie F. Mead. How Legislation and Litigation Shape School Choice [M]//School Choice:Evidence and Recommendations. East Lansing. MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakescenter.org.docs/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/02.pdf。
    1 Kern Alexander. M. David Alexander. American Public School Law [M]. Belmont. CA:Wadsworth Cengage Learning,2009:21.
    1 John E. Coons, Stephen D. Sugarman. Education by Choice:the Case for Family Control[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press,1978:18-32.
    2 Paul E. Peterson. Saving Schools:From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning [M]. Cambridge, Mass.:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2010:30.
    3 Kern Alexander, M. David Alexander. American Public School Law [M]. Belmont, CA:Wadsworth Cengage Learning,2009:21-58.
    4 [美]韦恩·厄本、杰宁斯·瓦格纳.《美国教育——一部历史档案》[M].周晟、谢爱磊,译.北京:教育科学出版社,2009:240.
    5 Bryan A. Garner, Henry Campbell Black. Black's Law Dictionary [M]. St. Paul. Minn.:West Group,1999:1137.
    6 源于拉丁语Parens Patria,意思是“国家的父亲”,指的足一种普通法系的学说(common law doctrine)即政府是所有人的家长。
    7 Pierce v. Society of Sisters,268 U.S.510(1925):Michael W. La Morte. School Law:Cases and Concepts [M]. Boston:London:Allyn and Bacon.2002:20-30.
    8 Julie F. Mead. How Legislation and Litigation Shape School Choice [M]//School Choice:Evidence and Recommendations. East Lansing. MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice,2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/docs/Rescarch/2008charter/poliy_briefs/02.pdf。
    1 Plessy V. Ferguson,163 U.S.537(1896)
    2 Michael W. La Morte. School Law:Cases and Concepts [M]. Boston:London:Allyn and Bacon,2002 270-278.
    3 Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka,347 U.S.483(1954) The Story of Brown v. Board of Education:The Long Road to Racial Equality.[M]//Michael A. Olivas. Ronna Greff Schneider. Education law stories New York:Foundation Press,2007:19-50.
    4 [美]韦恩·厄本、杰宁斯·瓦格纳.《美国教育——一部历史档案》[M].周晟、谢爱磊,译.北京:教育科学出版社,2009:409.
    5 其实,1945年联合国《世界人权宣言》中包括家长为子女选择适当的教育和学校的权利的条款。而且,1925年的“皮尔斯诉姐妹协会案”已经给择校提供了一个合法的空间,只不过种族问题是美国社会的一个痼疾,因而,“布朗诉教育委员会案“才会成为美国择校历史上最关键的、必需讨论的一个司法判例。布朗案的判决为择校提供了一个划时代的合法性基础,至此以后,美国学界主流不再讨论是否应该择校的问题,而是如何择校,择校政策能给美国社会、教育改革带来什么影响的问题。直到今天,美国社会依旧在这个问题域之内讨论择校。而且美国各种研究机构试图回答的都是如何择校这个问题,各地方政府和联邦政府希望知道哪一种择校政策会受到欢迎,会遇到较小的阻力,会有利于美国教育质量的提高,促进美国教育改革。
    1 Milton Friedman. Capitalism and Freedom [M]. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1962:85-107.
    2 Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice:How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality [M]//Diane Ravitch. Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2005. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press.2005:137-73.
    3 Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka,349 U.S.294(1955) The Story of Brown v. Board of Education:The Long Road to Racial Equality. [M]//Michael A. Olivas. Ronna Greff Schneider. Education Law Stories. New York:Foundation Press,2007:19-50.
    1 Julie F. Mead. How Legislation and Litigation Shape School Choice [M]//School Choice:Evidence and Recommendations. East Lansing. MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice,2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/does/Research/2008charter/polioy briefs/02.pdf。
    2 James Forman Jr. The Secret History of School Choice:How. Progressives Got There First [J]. Georgetown Law Journal 93,2005,1287-1319.
    3 William G. Howell. Paul E. Peterson. The Education Gap:Vouchers and Urban Schools [M].Washington. D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2006:xii.
    4 John E. Coons. Stephen D. Sugarman. Education by Choice:the Case for Family Control [M] Berkeley University of California Press,1978:18-32.
    5 William Boyd. Herbert Walberg. Choice in Education:Potential and Problems. Berkeley,CA:McCutcha Publishing Corporation,1999:123-147.
    6 Harlow G. Unger. Encyclopedia of American Education (Volume 3) [M]. New York:Facts on File,1996: 846-849.
    1 John E. Coons, Stephen D. Sugarman. Education by Choice:the Case for Family Control [M] Berkeley: University of California Press,1978:18-32.
    2 James Samuel Coleman. Thomas Hoffer, Sally Kilgore. High School Achievement:Public. Catholic, and Private Schools Compared [M]. New York:Basic Books,1982. John E. Chubb, Terry M. Moe. Politics, Markets, and America's Schools [M]. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution,1990. Paul Peterson, Bryan Hassel. Learning From School Choice. [M]. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution. 1998.
    3 National Commission on Excellence in Education. A Nation at Risk:the Imperative for Educational Reform [M]. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Department of Education,1983. William J. Bennett, Willard Fair. Chester E. Finn Jr. A Nation Still at Risk:An Education Manifesto [J]. Policy Review, v90,1998, July 1. http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-reyiew/article/6310。
    4 Douglas J. Lamdin. Michael Mintrom. School Choice as Policy Reform:Issues and Approaches [M]//Simon Hakim. Daniel J. Ryan. Judith C. Stull. Restructuring Education:Innovations and Evaluations of Alternative systems. Westport, Conn.:Praeger.2000:129-53.
    1 Andrew Campanella, Malcom Glenn. Lauren Perry. Alliance For School Choice Yearbook 2010-2011.[M]. Washington. D.C.:2011.
    2 Janelle T. Scott. School Choice and Diversity:What the Evidence Says [M]. New York:Teachers College Press, 2005:2.
    3 Mark Berends. Handbook of Research on School Choice [M]. New York:Routledge,2009:xvi根据原表修改。
    1 Janelle T. Scott. School Choice and Diversity:What the Evidence Says [M]. New York:Teachers College Press. 2005:vii.
    1 由于择校形式多种多样,而且每一种不同的择校形式在实践中推行时遇到的阻力各不相同。为了使研究问题更加细化。我主要研究以教育券、学费抵税为代表的私立学校选择政策,偶尔也会提及特许学校这类公立学校选择政策。
    2 Mark Berends. Matthew G. Springer, Herbert J. Walberg. Charter School Outcomes [Ml. New York:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2008.
    Mark Berends. Handbook of Research on School Choice [M]. New York:Routledge,2009.
    3 John F. Witte. Market Approach to Education:An Analysis of America's First Voucher Program [M]. Ewing, NJ, USA:Princeton University Press,1999.
    4 Paul E. Peterson, Bryan C. Hassel. Learning From School Choice [M]. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1998. Paul E. Peterson. David E. Campbell. Charters, Vouchers, and Public Education [M]. Washington. D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2001. William G. Howell, Paul E. Peterson. The Education Gap:Vouchers and Urban Schools [M]. Washington. D.C. Brookings Institution Press,2002
    Patrick Wolf, Babette Gutmann. Michael Puma. Evaluation of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program:Final Report [M]. Washington, D.C:U.S. Department of Education,2010.
    1 阅读这类研究报告对于了解在美国境内,择校政策是否能够提高学生学业成绩,促进种族融合有一定的帮助。然而,我们很难将这些研究成果直接应用在中国的教育实践中。相反,了解择校政策背后的政治动力对域外研究者来说更有价值。
    2 Jim Carl. Parental Choice as National Policy in England and the United States [J]. Comparative Education Review,1994,38(3):294-322.
    3 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teach College Record,1996,98(Winter):266-85.
    1 Michael W. Apple. Cultural Politics and Education. [M]. New York:Teachers College Press,1996. Michael W. Apple. Creating Difference:Neo-Liberalism. Neo-Conservatism and the Politics of Educational Reform [J]. Educational Policy,2004,18(1):12-44.
    2 Michael W. Apple, Thomas C. Pedroni. Conservative Alliance Building and African American Support of Vouchers:The End of Brown's Promise or a New Beginning? [J] Teachers College Record,2005,107,#9: 2068-2105.
    3 Kristen L. Buras. Michael W. Apple. School Choice, Neoliberal Promises, and Unpromising Evidence [J]. Educational Policy,2005,19(3):550-64.
    4 Peter W. Cookson,《择校:美国教育灵魂的争斗》一书的作者。(School choice:the struggle for the soul of American education [M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,1994)
    1 Jeanne M. Powers. Peter W. Cookson. Jr. The Politics of School Choice Research:Fact. Fiction, and Statistics [J]. Educational Policy,1999,13(1):104-22.
    2 Hubert Morken. Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice [M]. Lanham. Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999.
    3 Stephen D. Sugarman. Frank R. Kemerer. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics. Policy, and Law [M]. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999.
    1 Stephen D. Sugarman. Frank R. Kemerer. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics. Policy, and Law [M]. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999:36-62.
    2 Hanne B. Mawhinney. Catherine A. Lugg. Introduction:Interest Groups in United States Education [J]. Educational Policy,2001.15(1):3-11.
    1 Lance D. Fusarelli. Political Dynamics of School Choice:Negotiating Contested Terrain [M]. Gordonsville, VA, USA:Palgrave Macmillan,2003.
    2 Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice:How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality [M]//Diane Ravitch. Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2005. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,2005:137-73.
    3 Joseph P. Viteritti. Voucher Politics and Governance [M]//Mark Berends. Handbook of Research on School Choice. New York:Routledge.2009:267-79.
    Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice and Market Failure:How Politics Trumps Economics in Education and Elsewhere [J]. Journal of School Choice,2010,4(2):203-21.
    1 Frederick M. Hess. With the best of Intentions:How Philanthropy is Reshaping K-12 Education [M]. Cambridge, MA:Harvard Education Press,2005:418.
    2 Bryan C. Hassel. Amy Way. Choosing to Fund School Choice [M]//Frederick M. Hess. With the best of Intentions:How Philanthropy is Reshaping K-12 Education. Cambridge. MA:Harvard Education Press, 2005:253-65.
    3 Sara Rabin. Wendy C. Chi. Examining the Funding and Activities of Free Market Education Think Tanks. [M]. Boulder. CO:Education Policy Research Unit.2007. http://epicpolic\.org/documents/repprts/TTF-0707.pdf。
    4 Wendy C. Chi. The Impact of Advocacy Funding on the School Choice Debate [M]. School Choice:Evidence and Recommendations. East Lansing. MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakeseenter.org/does/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/03.pdf。
    1 Paul A. Sabatier. Hank C. Jenkins-Smith. Policy Change and Learning:An Advocacy Coalition Approach [M]. Boulder. Colo.:Westview Press.1993.
    2 Paul A. Sabatier. Theories of the policy process [M]. Boulder. Colo.:Westview Press,1999.
    3 Elizabeth H. DeBray-Pelot. Christopher A. Lubienski. Janelle T. Scott. The Institutional Landscape of Interest Group Politics and School Choice [J]. Peabody Journal of Education,2007,82(2):204-30.
    4 Janelle T. Scott. Christopher Lubienski. Elizabeth DeBray-Pelot. The Politics of Advocacy in Education [J]. Educational Policy.2009,23(1):3-14. Janelle T. Scott. The Politics of Venture Philanthropy in Charter School Policy and Advocacy[J]. Educational Policy,2009,23(1):106-36.
    1 Paul T. Hill, Ashley E. Jochim. Political Perspectives on School Choice [M]//Mark Berends. Handbook of Research on School Choice. New York:Routledge.2009:3-18.
    1 基金会-财富-资源,思想库-学术-观念,倡议组织-草根-利益,政治家-政治-权力。
    1 Stanley Wasserman. Katherine Faust. Social Network Analysis:Methods and Applications [M]. Cambridge: New York:Cambridge University Press,1994. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/tse-portal/analysis/social-network-analysis/。
    1 包括:周琴《美国择校政策的价值分析》(北京师范大学,2007),唐晓娟《美国择校问题研究》(南京师范大学,2007),李海生《教育券政策分析》(华东师范大学,2007),杨梅《美国特许学校运动研究》(华东师范大学博士学位论文,2006)
    2 “我国的择校研究多集中于列举择校现象的弊端或优势,并在此基础上讨论择校是否违法、择校费是否合理、择校是否破坏了教育公平等问题。对择校优势和弊端的认识不是经验性的,就是依据一些根本原则和文本断章取义地加以判断,解决择校问题的建议也较为简单且态度鲜明,即反对择校和鼓励择校。但是这两种态度都缺乏相应的较为有力的理论支撑,没有将建议放置在教育目标、政治程序、经济效率、法律实施可行性的框架下进行分析。因此,不管支持或反对择校,其观点都显得偏激、片面和过于简单。……从规范的意义上研究美国择校中的基本问题及其制度涵义.对奠定‘择校‘政策分析的理论基础具有不可替代的意义。我国的学术界迫切需要从研究美国的文献中.扩大对'择校'问题的研究视域。”参见:曾晓东.美国“择校”中的争论:问题的性质及制度含义[J].比较教育研究,2008,(10):22.
    1 John J. Miller. Strategic Investment in Ideas:How Two Foundations Reshaped America [M]. Washington. D.C. The Philanthropy Roundtable,2003. http://www.philanthropvroundtable.org/files/How%20Two%20Foundations%20Reshaped%20America.pdf。
    2 Harry Bradly是林德与哈利·布莱德利基金会(Harry Bradly Foundation)的创建者之一,下文简称为布莱德利基金会。布莱德利兄弟通过慈善捐赠自己的遗产从而建立了这个基金会。关于改基金会的详细历史请见其官方网站。
    3 Paul T. Hill. Learning as We Go:Why School Choice Is Worth the Wait [M]. Stanford. CA:Hoover Institution Press,2010:35.
    4 倡议资金是指,组织或者个人为了达成特殊的目的,给为实现这个目的而运作的组织或个人、项目或计划提供无偿资助的资金。
    5 Janelle T. Scott. The Politics of Venture Philanthropy in Charter School Policy and Advocacy. [J]. Educational Policy,2009,23(1).
    1 Frederick M. Hess. With the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education [M]. Cambridge. MA:Harvard Education Press,2005:1-2.
    2 Frederick M. Hess. With the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education [M]. Cambridge. MA:Harvard Education Press,2005:4.
    3 Wendy C. Chi. The Impact of Advocacy Funding on the School Choice Debate [M]. East Lansing, MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/does/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/03.pdf。
    4 资中筠.财富的归宿:美国现代公益基金会述评[M].上海:上海人民出版社.2005:3.
    5 数据来源:基金会中心[EB/OL].http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/statisties/gm_growth.html。
    1 美国联邦税务局[EB/OL]. http://www.irs.gov/charities/charitable/article/0..id=96114.00.html。
    2 资中筠.财富的归宿:美国现代公益基金会述评[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2005:8.
    3 Wendy C. Chi. The Impact of Advocacy Funding on the School Choice Debate [M]. East Lansing, MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/docs/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/03.pdf。
    4 Rick Cohen. Strategic Grantmaking:Foundations and the School Privatization Movement [M]. Washington. D.C.:National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy,2007注:这些数据中不包括直接对公立学校和私立学校的资助。http://www.ncrp.org/index.php?option=com_ixxocart<emid=41&p=product&id=4&parent=3。
    1 以2002年为例,主要是因为后文所引布莱恩·哈塞尔的择校数据也是2002年的。
    2 数据来源:基金会中心[EB/OL]. http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/statistics/pdf/04 fund sub/2002/50 found sub/f sub b20 02.pdf。
    3 由于是样本数据,只具有一定代表性,并非实际总数。
    1 Bryan C. Hassel, Amy Way. Choosing to Fund School Choice[M]//Frederick M. Hess. With the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education. Cambridge, MA:Harvard Education Press,2005: 256.
    2 同上:257.
    1 Sara Rabin, Wendy C. Chi. Examining the Funding and Activities of Free Market Education Think Tanks. [M]. Boulder, CO; Education Policy Research Unit.2007. http://epiepolicy.org/documents/reports/TTF-0707.pdf
    1 Medler Hassel. A New Bet for Better Schools? [M]. Washington. DC:The Philanthropy Roundtable,2004. http://www.edfunders.org/downloads/GTEReports/better_schools.pdf。
    2 Julie F. Mead. How Legislation and Litigation Shape School Choice [M]. East Lansing, Ml:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/does/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/03.pdf。
    1 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http://www.edchoice.org/School-Choice/What-is-School-Choice.aspx。
    2 哈耶克.自由秩序原理[M].北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店,1997.
    3 Joseph P. Viteritti. Choosing Equality:School Choice, the Constitution and Civil Society [M]. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press,1999.
    4 Frederick M. Wirt, Michael W. Kirst. The Political Dynamics of American Education [M]. Richmond. CA: McCutchan Pub. Corporation,2009.
    5 数据来源:美国教育部[EB/OL]. http://nces.ed.gov/edfin/graph_topic.asp?INDEX=1。
    6 Per-pupil spending:How They Compare. [J/OL]. The Chronicle. June 11.2010. http://www.strausnews.com/articles/2010/06/14/the_chronicle/news/7.txt。另见http://www.sccthroughny.net/BcnchmarkingNT/tabid/98/Default.aspx。
    7.数据来源:美国教育部.[EB/OL]. http://nces.ed.gov/edfin/litigation.asp。
    1 Brian C.Anderson.A Donor's Guide to School Choice[M].Washington.D.C.:The Philanthropy Roundtable, 2004.http://www.philanthropyroundtablc.org/files/choice.pdf.
    2 Brian C.Anderson.A Donor's Guide to School Choice[M].Washington,D.C.:The Philanthropy Roundtable, 2004.http://www.philanthropyroundtable.ore files/choicc.pdf。
    3 John E.Chubb.Terry M.Moe.Politics,Markets,and America's Schools[M].Washington.D.C.:Brookings Institution,1990:1-25.
    4 Brian C.Anderson.A Donor's Guide to School Choice [M].Washington,D.C.:The Philanthropy Roundtable, 2004.http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/files/choice.pdf。
    5 Bryan C.Hassel.Amy Way.Choosing to Fund School Choice[M]//Frederick M.Hess,with the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education. Cambridge, MA:Harvard Education Press,2005: 263.
    1 同上:266.
    1 Andrew Campanella, Ashley Ehrenreich. Alliance For School Choice Yearbook 2009-2010.[M]. Washington, D.C.:2010. http://www.allianccforschoolchoicc.org/UploadedFiles/ResearchResources/ASC Yearbook 2010 FINAL.pdf。
    2 Center For Education Reform [EB/OL]. http://www.edreform.com/_upload/CER_charter_numbers.pdf。 3 Christopher A. Lubienski, Peter C. Weitzel. The Charter School Experiment:Expectations, Evidence, and Implications [M]. Cambridge, MA:Harvard Education Press,2010:123.
    4 Bryan C. Hassel. Thomas Toch. Big Box:How the Heirs of the Wal-Mart Fortune Have Fueled the Charter School Movement [M]. Washington, D.C.:Education Sector,2006. http://www.educationsector.org/publications/big-box-how-heirs-wal-mart-fortune-have-fueled-charter-school-mov ement。
    5 Julie Kowal, Bryan C. Hassel, Sarah Crittenden. Investing in Charter Schools:A Guide for Donors [M]. Washington, D.C.:The Philanthropy Roundtable,2009. http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/files/InvestinginCharter%20Schools_%20AGuideforDonors.pdf。
    1 Bryan C. Hassel. Amy Way. Choosing to Fund School Choice [M]//Frederick M. Hess. With the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education. Cambridge. MA:Harvard Education Press,2005: 249-82.
    2 Bryan C. Hassel. The Future of Charter School [M]//Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice. Stanford. CA:Hoover Institution Press,2003:187-211.
    3 Wendy C. Chi. The Impact of Advocacy Funding on the School Choice Debate [M]. East Lansing, MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/does/Research/2008charter/policy_briefs/03.pdf。
    1 Bryan C. Hassel. The Future of Charter School [M]//Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice. Stanford, CA:Hoover Institution Press,2003:187-211.
    1 Black Alliance For Educational Opportunity. [EB/OL]. http://www.haeo.org/。
    2 GreatSchools. [EB/OL]. http://www.greatschools.org/ahout/aboutUs.page。
    1 Children's Scholarship Fund. [EB/OL]. http://www.scholarshipfund.org/drupall/?q=founders。
    2 Bryan C. Hassel. Amy Way.Choosing to Fund School Choice [M]//Frederick M. Hess. With the Best of Intentions:How Philanthropy Is Reshaping K-12 Education. Cambridge. MA:Harvard Education Press,2005: 270.
    1 [美]托马斯·帕特森.美国政治文化[M].顾肃、吕建高,译.北京:东方出版社,2007:312.
    2 Frederick M. Hess, Robert Maranto, Scott Milliman. Resistance in the Trenches:What Shapes Teachers' Attitudes toward School Choice? [J]. Educational Policy,2000,14(2):195-213.
    1 Terry Moe. The Future of School Vouchers [M]//Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice. Stanford. CA: Hoover Institution Press,2003:135-156.
    2 [美]托马斯·帕特森.美国政治文化[M].顾肃、吕建高.译.北京:东方出版社,2007:313.
    3 Wendy C. Chi. The Impact of Advocacy Funding on the School Choice Debate [M]. East Lansing, MI:Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice,2008. http://greatlakescenter.org/docs/Research/2008charter/poliey_briefs/03.pdf。
    4 Rick Cohen. Strategic Grantmaking:Foundations and the School Privatization Movement [M]. Washington. D.C.:National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy,2007. http://www.ncrp.org/index.php?option=com_ixxocart<emid=41&p=product&id=4&parent=3.
    1 Janelle T. Scott, Christopher Lubienski. Elizabeth DeBray-Pelot. The Politics of Advocacy in Education J. Educational Policy,2009.23(1):3-14.
    1 John Wirt, Patrick Rooney, Susan Choy, Stephen Provasnik, Anindita Sen. Richard Tobin. The Condition of Education. Washington [M/OL]. D.C.:U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.2004. http://nees.ed.gov/programs/coe/2004/section4/indicator25.asp.
    2 Andrew Campanella, Ashley Ehrenreich. Alliance For School Choice Yearbook 2009-2010.[M]. Washington. D.C.:2010. http://www.allianceforschoolchoice.org/UploadedFiles/ResearchResources/ASC_Yearbook_2010_FINAL.pdf。
    3 Andrew Campanella, Ashley Ehrenreich. Alliance For School Choice Yearbook 2009-2010.[M]. Washington. D.C.:2010. http://www.allianceforschoolchoicc.org/UploadedFiles/ResearchResourccs/ASC_Yearbook_2010_FINAL.pdf.
    4 Center For Education Reform [EB/OL]. http://www.edreform.com/upload/CER_charter_numbers.pdf。
    1 [英]约翰·凯恩斯.就业、利息、和货币通论.[M].高鸿业.译.北京:商务印书.1999:384-385.
    2 Eric Haas. The news media and the Heritage Foundation:Promoting education advocacy at the expense of authority [J]. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, September 2004,2(2). http://www.jeeps.com/index.php?pageID=article&articleID=30。
    1 John Merrifield. The School Choice Wars. [M]. Lanham. Md.:Scarecrow Education,2001:2.
    1 Hubert Morken. Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice [M]. Lanham. Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999:230.
    2 John E. Chubb. Terry M. Moe. Politics. Markets, and America's Schools. [M]. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution,1990:1-25.
    1 Joseph P. Viteritti. Choosing Equality:School Choice, the Constitution and Civil Society [M]. Washington. DC: Brookings Institution Press,1999.
    2 Stephen D. Sugarman. Frank R. Kemerer. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics. Policy, and Law [M]. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999.
    1 Terry M. Moe, Brookings Institution. Special Interest:Teachers Unions and America's Public Schools [M]. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,2011.
    1 胡佛研究所[EB/OL].http://www.koretfoundation.org/awards/2004.html。
    2 胡佛研究所[EB/OL].http://www.koretfoundation.org/awards/2004.html。
    3 胡佛研究所[EB/OL].http://www.hooyer.org/taskforces/education/members。
    4 美国学校选择中心成立于2009年,是美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校教授约翰·库恩斯和史蒂芬·舒格曼聚集多位美国著名的择校研究学者建立的一个致力于促进择校中的左派和右派相互沟通,走中间道路共同支持择校发展的思想库。http://www.amese.org/index.php?oprion=com_content&view=article&id=59:terry-m-moc&catid=15:associates< cmid=57。
    1 Caroline M. Hoxby. Economics of School Choice. [M]. Chicago. IL:University of Chicago Press,2003.
    2 Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice [M]. Stanford. Calif.:Hoover Institution Press,2003中文版请见保尔·彼得森主编.刘涛、王佳佳译.《学校选择的未来》[M]北京:教育科学出版社.2011。
    3 Paul T. Hill. Choice with Equity. [M]. Stanford. CA:Hoover Institution Press,2002.
    4 美国教育部公平与优异委员会[EB/OL]. http://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-secretary-education-appoints-members-equity-and-excellence-commissi on。
    1 John E. Chubb. Within Our Reach:How America Can Educate Every Child [Ml. Stanford, CA:Hoover Institution Press,2005.
    2 福德汉姆研究所[M'OL]. http://www.edexcellence.net/about-us/people/chcster-e-finn-ir.html。
    3 一家专门帮助慈善基金选择风险投资项目的非营利组织,非常支持择校政策和与择校有关的慈善投资。
    4 也是一家强烈支持择校政策的思想库。
    5 这个名单中排名第一的纽约大学教授,美国著名教育历与史学家戴安·拉维奇(Diane Ravitch)也曾是该研究团队的成员。
    6 政治科学概念,指一小部分群体为了一种特殊的政治或政策目标组织和联合起来所发挥的政治影响力远远超过那些人数众多但缺乏组织和向心力的群体所发挥的影响力。参见迈克尔·罗斯金.罗伯特·科德.詹姆斯·梅代罗斯.沃尔特·琼斯.《政治科学》[M].林震等,译.华夏出版社,2001。
    1 胡佛研究所[EB/OL].http://www,hoover.org/publications.
    2 William J. Bennett. Willard Fair. Chester E. Finn Jr. A Nation Still at Risk:An Education Manifesto[J]. Policy Review, v90,1998, July 1. http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/6310。
    1 胡佛研究所[EB/OL].http://www.hooverpress.org/showproducts.cfm?FullCat=4。
    1 Hubert Morken. Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice [M]. Lanham. Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999:229.
    2 Paul E. Peterson. Powerful Professors:Research Can Change the Political Agenda...if the Cirumstances are Right [J]. Education Next. Fall 2009,5.
    3 Christopher Lubienski. Peter Weitzel. Sarah Theule Lubienski. Is There a "Consensus" on School Choice and Achievement?[J]. Educational Policy.2009.23(1):161-93.
    4 Paul E. Peterson. Presentation at the Rose & Milton Friedman Foundation Conference [M]. San Francisco. October 9,1998.
    1 Dale Mezzacappa. Market forces Professor Paul Peterson's influential proteges. [M]. Washington. D.C.: Education Sector,2006. http://www.educationsector.org/analysis/analysis_show.htm?doc_id=367310。
    2 Paul E. Peterson. Interview by Hubert Morken. Boston. September 4,1998.
    3 John L. Rury. Frank A. Cassell. Seeds of Crisis:Public Schooling in Milwaukee since 1920 [M]. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press,1993.
    1 彼得森认为,威特的研究结果被联邦教育部引用,产生了相当大的社会影响力。如果这些结论是错误的,那么教育政策就会出现相当大的偏差。因此,这些数据应该能够被其他学者使用,从而对威特的结论进行检验。威特一开始不情愿公开这些数据,但是迫于彼得森考虑诉诸于《信息自由法案》,才迫使威特于1996年将这些研究数据公之十众。有趣的足,两位教授都是政治科学领域的专家,美国政治科学协会会员。虽然他们的观点不同,且之前还为争夺教育券的数据闹得很不愉快,但是彼得森如今很感激威特,因为正是威特无意识地帮助彼得森真正卷入了择校研究。
    2 Hubert Morken. Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice[M]. Lanham. Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999:231.
    1 教育政策与治理项目[EB/OL]. http://www.hks.harvard.edu/pepg/people.htm。
    2 2007年去斯坦福大学就职之前一直在哈佛大学担任教授。
    3 2007年曾在“教育政策与治理项目”和胡佛研究所做访问教授和学者,与彼得森合作主编《学校与机会平等问题》一书(Schools and the Equal Opportunity Problem, MIT Press,2003)
    1 2003到2008年担任“教育政策与治理项目”常务主任,与彼得森合作主编《教育差距:教育券与城市学校》(The Education Gap:Vouchers and Urban Schools, Brookings Institution Press,2002)
    1 Dale Mezzacappa. Market forces Professor Paul Peterson's influential proteges. [M]. Washington, D.C. Education Sector,2006. http://www.educationsector.org/analysis/analysis_show.htm?doc_id=367310。
    1 [美]托马斯·帕特森.美国政治文化[M].顾肃、吕建高.译.北京:东方出版社.2007:299.
    2 [法]托克维尔.论美国的民主[M].董果良.译.北京:商务印书馆.2009.
    3 [美]托马斯·帕特森.美国政治文化[M].顾肃、吕建高.译.北京:东方出版社.2007:299.
    1 Janelle T. Scott, Christopher Lubienski, Elizabeth DeBray-Pelot. The Politics of Advocacy in Education [J]. Educational Policy,2009,23(1):3-141998年、2001年和2009年的《教育政治年鉴》(Politics of Education Yearbook)均以此为主题进行讨论。
    1 学习转变研究所[EB/OL]. http://www.marquette.edu/education/centers_clinics/institute-for-the-transformation-of-learning.shtml.
    2 在华盛顿,该联盟得到了小布什政府的肯定和支持。小布什每年的教育预算都包括一个总额7500万美元,在5个城市推广择校实验的计划,但是该计划从来没有在国会两院得到通过。它的首任教育部长罗德洛克·佩奇(Roderock Paige)使用教育创新基金(Fund for Innovation in Education)提供7700万美元给一些支持择校的组织,其中就包括黑人教育机会联盟。
    1 黑人教育机会联盟[EB/OL].http://www.baeo.org。
    1 黑人教育机会联盟[EB/OL].http://www.baeo.org/?news_section_id=8&news_id=2432。
    220世纪80年代,Deirdre Lynne Bailey(1970-2003)和Lisa Yvette Sullivan(1961-2001)组织纽黑文市的青少年在政治竞选时投票支持John Daniels,从而选出了该市第一位黑人市长。Deirdre当时是中学生,Lisa当时是耶鲁大学的研究生。她们用了20年的时间开展政治实践运动和培养青年领袖。2000年6月,她们怀着致力于培养青年领导者的憧憬参加了黑人教育机会联盟的筹备会议。Deirdre参与筹建该联盟费城分部,Lisa推动联盟研究和支持各种组织中的潜在领导者,并建议联盟将总部迁往华盛顿特区。
    1 请注意,因为英文"foundation这个词并不是一个法律术语,所以如果一个组织的名称中含有foundation"这个词,并不表示该组织的主要目的是向其它组织或个人提供捐款,例如基金会中心(The Foundation Center)的主要目的是给公众提供有关基金会的各种信息服务,并不提供捐款。传统基金会(The Heritage Foundation)是美国最著名的一家保守派思想库。而教育选择基金会(The Foundation for Educational Choice)是一家专门为择校辩护的倡议组织。虽然教育选择基金会声称他们也给促进择校发展的研究和项日提供资助,但是这些资助数额较小,也非该组织的主要任务。根据美国联邦税务局的界定,传统基金会、教育选择基金会这类组织属于公共慈善组织(Public Charity),他们的大部分收入来自广泛的公众捐款或政府资助,而不像盖茨基金会那种私人基金会(Private Foundation)的收入主要来自私人、家庭或公司。不过这两类慈善组织都享受免税资格。
    2 The nation's leading voucher advocates [N]. Wall Street Journal, September 5,2001.
    3 The nation's original advocate of school choice [M]. Philanthropy Magazine. Winter,2010.
    4 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/What-We-Do.aspx
    1 教育选择基金会[EB/OL].http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/What-We-Do.aspx。
    2 教育选择基金会[EB/OL].http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/What-We-Do.aspx。
    3 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. .http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/Publications/ABCs-of-School-Choice.aspx。
    1 教育选择基金会[EB/OL].http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/Advocate-Archive.aspx。
    2 教育选择基金会[EB/OL].http://www.edchoice.org/Newsroom/Foundation-in-the-News.aspx。据笔者统计,2007年34次,2008年70次,2009年67次,2010年28次。
    3 Youtube.[EB/OL].http://wwwyoutube.com/user/EducationalChoice。
    1 脸谱[EB/OL].http://www.facebook.com/Friedman.Foundation。
    1 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http://www.edchoice.org/Research/Research-Briefs.aspx。
    2 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http://www.edchoice.org/Newsroom/School-Choice-Week-Coverage.aspx。
    Patrick Wolf. Babette Gutmann. Michael Puma. Evaluation of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program:Final Report[R]. Washington. D.C.:U.S. Department of Education,2010.
    2 Jay Greene, Paul Peterson. Jiangtao Du. School Choice in Milwaukee:A Randomized Experiment[M]//Paul Peterson. Bryan Hassel. Learning From School Choice. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution,1998.
    3 这半必须解释的是,还有很多有关择校的评价研究,也采用了这种科学实验的方法,但是得出了完全相反的结论。例如,约翰·威特(John Witte)1995年发表的《密尔沃基家长选择计划:第五年报告》(Fifth-Year Report:Milwaukee Parental Choice Program)。不了解择校研究的人总会对这种用同样数据,同样方法却得出相反结论的“科学”现象产生困惑。后来的研究解释了这种现象背后的原因,是教育研究中存在的政治倾向性,科学与辩护可能只有一线之隔。参见Bruce S. Cooper. E. Vance Randall. Accuracy or Advocacy:the Politics of Research in Education [M]. Thousand Oaks. CA.:Corwin Press.1999.
    4 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http://www.edchoice.org/Foundation-Services/Speakers-Bureau.aspx.
    1 正义律师事务所[EB/OL]. http://www.ij.org/about。
    2 Clarence Thomas (1948-),美国联邦最高法院的第二位黑人大法官。
    1 Clint Bolick, Interview by Hubert Morken. Washington. D.C.,November 20,1997.
    2 Hubert Morken. Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice [M]. Lanham. Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999:29.
    3 School Choice.. [EB/OL]. http://www.ii.org/schoolchoice.
    4 Investing in the Institute for Justice:Capitalizing the Fight for Liberty. [EB/OL]. http://www.ij.org/financialreport.
    5 School Choice. [EB/OL]. http://www.ij.org/schoolchoice.
    6 Institute for Justice Sought Voucher Remedy from Failing Chicago Public Schools. [EB/OL]. http://www.ii.org/schoolchoice/1135。
    1 Institute for Justice Sought Voucher Remedy from Failing Los Angeles Public Schools. [EB/OL]. http://www.ij.org/schoolchoice/1195。
    2 “布莱恩“修正案可以追溯到19世纪后期,当时反天主教的活动家成功地把限制性的措辞加入州宪法条款中,努力的维护新教徒在公立学校和纳税人的资金方面的霸权。通常来说,布莱恩修正案禁止州政府“援助”或“资助”教会学校。见Joseph P. Viteritt. Blaine's Wake:School Choice, the First Amendment, and State Constitutional Law [J]. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol.21 (1998).
    1 鲍利克在“拨云见日”一文中对泽尔曼进行了深入的分析,见Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice [M]. Stanford. CA:Hoover Institution Press,2003:55-85.
    1 Zelman v. Simmons-Harris,122 S. Ct. at 2473. http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2001/2001_00_1751。
    2 Joseph P. Viteritt. Vouchers on Trial [J]. Education Next, Summer 2002:25-33.
    1 Zelman v. Simmons-Harris.122 S. Ct. at 2473.http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2001/2001_00_1751。
    2 Paul E. Peterson. The Future of School Choice [M]. Stanford. Calif.:Hoover Institution Press,2003:1.
    1 密尔沃基市[EB/OL] http://county.milwaukee.gov/Municipalities#MILWAUKEE。
    2 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teacher College Record. Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    1 Robert C. Bulman, David L. Kirp. The Shifting Politics of SChool Choice[M]//Stephen D. Sugarman, Frank R. Kemerer. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics, Policy, and Law. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999:37-67.
    2 选区地图[EB/OL]. http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ltsb/redistricting/Maps/ad10.pdf。
    1 Peter Eisinger, Patterns of Interracial Politics. [M]. New York:Academic Press,1976:118: Kenneth Wong, City Choices:Education and Housing [M]. Albany, NY:SUNY Press,1990:85
    2 2004年,马文·普拉特(Marvin E. Pratt)当选为该市第一位黑人市长,是密尔沃基市黑人政治力量发展的里程碑。
    3 转引自Hubert Morken, Jo Renee Formicola. The Politics of School Choice [M]. Lanham, Md.:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999:202-203.
    4 Lloyd A. Barbee and Irvin B. Charne. Milwaukee School Desegregation Federal Court Litigation. [EB/OL]. https://www.wisbar.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Civil rights&CONTENTID=52530&TEMPLATE=/CM/Con tentDisplay.cfm.
    1 Robert C. Bulman. David L. Kirp. The Shifting Politics of School Choice [M]//Stephen D. Sugarman. Frank R. Kemerer. School Choice and Social Controversy:Politics, Policy, and Law. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1999:48.
    2 James Forman Jr. The Secret History of School Choice:How. Progressives Got There First [J]. Georgetown Law Journal. v93.2005:1287-1319.
    1 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J],Teacher College Record, Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    2 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teacher College Record, Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    1 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teacher College Record. Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    2 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teacher College Record. Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    3 Jim Carl. Unusual Allies:Elite and Grass-roots Origins of Parental Choice in Milwaukee [J]. Teacher College Record. Winter,1996. v98,266-85.
    1 根据美国联邦统计局2000年佛罗里达州学校注册人数统计数据计算得出。查http://www.census.gov/。
    2 之所以在这里突出佛罗里达州是美国南部第一个实施教育券政策的地区,主要因为南部各州曾经有一段用择校政策抵制种族融合政策的不光彩的历史。
    3 该计划1999年作为一项实验计划在佛罗里达州萨拉索塔郡(Sarasota County)实施。
    4 1996年佛罗里达州通过了特许学校法,本节主要讨论杰布·布什州长对佛罗里达州私立学校选择计划的影响。
    1 Chris Lupton.The Fight Over Florida.[J/OL]. http://www.impactpress.com/articles/octnov98/gov101198.html。
    1 Pew Research Center. Issues and Continuity Now Working for Gore. [I/OL]. www.pewresearch.org. January 6, 2006.
    2 白人和黑人中都一定程度包含西班牙语裔,因此,西班牙语裔与其它两者的数据之间有交集。
    1 Jeb Bush. [EB/OL]. http://en.wikipedia.ora/wiki/Jeb_bush#Governor_of_Florida。
    1 佛罗里达州教育行政部门[EB/OL]. https://www.floridaschoolchoice.org/Information/OSP/。 http://www.edchoice.org/School-Choice/School-Choice-Programs.aspx。
    2 Douglas N.Harris. Carolyn D.Herrington, Amy Albee. The Future of Vouchers:Lessons from the Adoption, Design, and Court Challenges of Florida's Three Voucher Programs [J]. Educational Policy,2007,21(1):215-44.
    1 Douglas N.Harris. Carolyn D.Herrington. Amy Albee. The Future of Vouchers:Lessons From the Adoption, Design, and Court Challenges of Florida's Three Voucher Programs [J]. Educational Policy,2007,21(1):215-44.
    2 Cotterell. B. Privatization. [J/OL] Tallahassee Democrat. May 7,2006.
    3 “佛罗里达儿童第一”Children First Florida)、"佛罗里达的骄傲“(Florida PRIDE)、"没错!机会”(YES! Opportunities)。目前,佛罗里达州允许其它提供奖学金的非营利性组织申请加入这个项目。
    1 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Section 1002.395. Florida Statutes. [EB/OL]. http://archive.flsenate.gov/statutes-index.cfm?m&App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=1000-1099 /1002/Sections/1002.395.html。
    2 教育选择基金会[EB/OL]. http:www.edchoice.org/School-Choice/Programs/Florida-Tax-Credit-Scholarshio-Program.aspx。
    1 Sean Cavanagh. Jeb Bush's Impact Felt on K-12 Policy. [N]. Education Week. Jan 12.2011. P24-25.
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    1 "Stupid, it's economy."
    2 Elizabeth H. DeBray-Pelot, Christopher A. Lubienski, Janelle T. Scott. The Institutional Landscape of Interest Group Politics and School Choice [J]. Peabody Journal of Education,2007,82(2):204-30.
    3 "Final vote results for roll-call 145." clerk.house.aov. May 23.2001. Retrieved 2008-04-28.
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    3 Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice:How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality [M]//Diane Ravitch. Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2005. Washington. D.C.:Brookings Institution Press.2005:137-73.
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    5 Joseph P. Viteritti. School Choice:How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality [M]//Diane Ravitch. Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2005. Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press.2005:137-73.
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