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Since the securities investment fund was first come up on March in 1998,it has six years development.Till February 2005,there have been 124 securities investment fund published.Even though the securities investment funds are developing fast,but the research about appraisal of the securities investment fund was only the first stage.Some scholars attempted to do this thing,and some Securities Company also have reports about evaluation of securities investment fund,but there are not any feasible、fair、authorities methods and standards to evaluate of securities fund,and even any reliable evaluation outcomes are never published.The published information is only net value to be often know,the information about assets, liabilities,operation ,portfolio can be known by annual reports and quarterly reports.Published information on funds is defect,all these things make the investors know little about the funds,and even feel it mysterious,the result is to hinder the development of the fund.However,in the foreign countries,the ordinary investors often use funds as the investment tools.The evaluation outcome of securities investment fund is published everyday for the investors.To the fund managers,they must scientifically appraise their performance periodically or non-periodically,through this way,they can make asset of funds stable increase at long term.In a word,the scientific funds evaluation is very important to both the investors and the managers.
     With the innovation of financial technology, market and regime in each passing day and the decrease of production expense and opportunity cost, investment funds industry of high efficiency is developing rapidly. It has become the main force flourishing and
1 《开放式基金数据库》[Z],资料来源:wind 资迅,;
    2 《开放式基金数据库》[Z],资料来源:wind 资迅,;
    3 Eugene F. Fama(1970),“Efficient Capital Market:A Review of Theory and Empirical Work”.Journal of Finance 25,No.2,May 1970:383-417.
    4 Malkiel Burton G.(1995),“Returns from investing in equity funds 1971~1991”.Journal of Finance,1995(50):549-572.
    5 徐涵江:“证券投资基金经营业绩评价研究及其实证分析”[J],《统计研究》,2000 年第 4 期:28-31 页。
    6 张婷、李凯:“证券投资基金投资绩效分析”[J],《预测》,2000 年第 1期:41-44 页。
    7 沈维涛、黄兴孪:“我国证券投资基金业绩的实证研究与评价”[J],《经济研究》,2001 年第 9 期:22-30 页。
    8 倪苏云、肖辉、吴冲锋:“中国证券投资基金业绩持续性研究”[J],《预测》,Vol.21,No.6: 41-44 页。
    9 吴启芳、陈收、杨宽、张汉江:“基金绩效评估中的证券选择和市场时机选择”[J],《预测》,Vol.21,No.3:26-30 页。
    10 晏艳阳、席红辉:“我国封闭型基金与开放型基金业绩比较研究”[J],《财贸经济》,2003 年第 12 期:41-45 页。
    11 班耀波:“我国证券投资基金业绩的实证研究”[J],《中南财经政法大学学报》,2004 年第 1 期:63-68 页。
    12 小詹姆斯 L. 法雷尔、沃尔特 J. 雷哈特著,齐寅峰等译:《投资组合管理理论及应用》第二版[M],机械工业出版社,2000 年版:16-38 页。
    13 Harry,Markowitz(1964),“Portfolio Selection”.Journal ofFinance,March 1952.
    14 William Sharpe(1964),“Capital Asset Price:A Theory of Market Equilibrium”.Journal of Finance,September 1964.
    15 John Lintner(1965),“The Valuation of Risk Assets and the Selection of Risky Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital Budgets”.Review of Economics and Statistics,February 1965.
    16 Jan Mossin(1966),“Equilibrium in a Capital Assets Market”.Econometrica,October 1966.
    17 所谓“均衡”是指所有价格调整过程都不会继续进行的一种状态。资本市场达到均衡时有如下特性:(1)证券的价格使得对每种证券的供给量和需求量相等;(2)无风险利率会调整到使市场对资金的借贷量相等;(3)市场组合,即切点投资组合,是由市场上所有证券组成的组合。在这个证券组合中,投资于每一证券上的比例等于其市值占整个市场价值的比例。
    18 市场投资组合是一个重要的概念,它构成了资本市场理论与资本资产定价模型的基础。罗尔(Roll)对识别市场投资组合的可能性及对模型解释现实进行有效性检验的可能性,以及资本资产定价模型的原理在实践中的应用,都提出了疑问。
    19 Sharpe,W.F.(1964),“Capital Asset Prices:A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk”.Journal of Finance,September 1964:425-442.
    20 需特别强调的一点是,CAPM 模型是一个一般均衡模型,给出的是期望形式下的风险与收益关系。在事后关系中,有时我们会发现高贝塔值得证券的实际收益率会低于低贝塔证券的实际收益率,这并不能说明 CAPM 模型的无效性。CAPM 模型只是表明我们会期望高贝塔证券会获取较高的收益,并不说明高贝塔值的证券在任何时候都能获得比低贝塔值证券高的收益。如果真是这样的话,高贝塔值就成为风险较低的证券了。正因为高贝塔值的证券的风险较大,因此有时收益较低也就是一种正常现象。不过,长期而言,高贝塔证券会取得较高的平均收益,这才是“期望”关系的真谛。
    21 Richard Roll(1977),“A Critique of the Asset Pricing Theory as Tests,PartⅠ:on Past and Potential Testability of the Theory”.Journal of Financial Economics,March 1977:129-176.
    22 滋维·博迪等著,朱宝宪等译:《投资学》第四版[M],机械工业出版社,2002 年版:225-227 页。
    23 Ross.S(1976),“Return,Risk and Arbitrage”.In I. Friend and J.Bicksler,eds.,Risk and Ruturn in Finance,Ballinger,Cambrige,1976.
    24 用期望回报率和方差来处理未来事情时,通常的方法是用历史数据来估计期望回报率和方差,而实际结果可以与期望值不同。
    25 CAPM 模型的主要假设条件有:1.投资者厌恶风险并追求效用最大化;2.投资者根据收益率的均值和方差来选择投资组合;3.所有投资者处于同一单期投资期;4.投资者可以以无风险利率无限制地进行借入和贷出;5.所有投资者对于证券回报率的均值、方差和协方差具有相同的期望值;6.市场完备,没有交易成本。
    26 William F.Sharpe(1966),“Mutual Fund Performance”.Journal of Business,January 1966:119~138.
    27 Jack L.Treynor(1965),“How to Rate Management of Investment Funds”.Harvard Business Review,January-February 1965:63-70.
    28 Michael C.Jensen(1968),“The Performance of Mutual Funds in the Period 1954-1964”.Journal of Finance,May 1968:389-416.
    29 滋维·博迪等著,朱宝宪等译:《投资学》第四版[M],机械工业出版社,2002 年版:632~633 页。
    30 滋维·博迪等著,朱宝宪等译:《投资学》第四版[M],机械工业出版社,2002 年版:629~632 页。
    31 在应用这两个指标时,尽管基金不是完全多样化,但只要是高度多样化时,当即使使用的比较标准不同时,基金在业绩排序中的相对位置仍然是不变的。
    32 例如,如果基金的标准差是市场指数的 1.5 倍,可将 2 份的基金和 1 份的国债相混合,得到与市场指数的风险相同的混合资产。
    33 此图假设基金不能跑赢大市,因此 CAL 的斜率小于 CML 的斜率。
    34 江赛春:《天相投资分析报告(2002 年 11 月)》中曾应用此指标,天相投资顾问有限公司。
    35 Stutzer(2000),“A Portfolio Performance Index”. Financial Analysts Journal,May/June 2000:57.
    36 Stutzer(2000),“A Portfolio Performance Index”.Financial Analysts Journal,May/June,2000:56.
    37 参见谷体峰:“美国晨星公司基金评级体系借鉴”[J],《证券市场导刊》,2002 年 7 月;杜书明:“走进美国基金评级机构”[N],《中国证券报》,2001 年 9 月 20 日。
    38 Michael Stutzer(2000),“A Portfolio Performance Index”.Financial Analysts Journal,May/June 2000:56.
    39 Eugene Fama(1972),“Components of Investment Performance”.Journal of Finance,June 1972:551-567.
    40 Treynor, Mazuy(1996),“Can Mutual Funds Outguess the Market?”.Harvard Business Review, July-August 1996:131-136..
    41 Jack L. Treynor, Kay Mazuy(1996),“Can Mutual Funds Outguess the Market?”.Harvard Business Review,July-August 1996:131-136..
    42 Henriksson,Merton(1981),“On Market Timing and Investment Performance.Ⅱ.Statistical Procedures for Evaluating Forecast Skills”.Journal of Business,October 1981:54.
    43 Chang, E.C, Lewellen W.G(1984),“Market Timing and Mutual Fund Investment Performance,Journal of Business”.Journal of Business,January 1984:57-72.
    44 生存偏差(Survivorship Bias)指由于基金投资组合中的股票发行停牌、摘牌、复牌等情况而对基金业绩评价产生的影响。
    45 Martina K. Bers,Jeff Madura(2000),“The Performane Persistence of Closed-End Funds”.The Financial Review 35,2000:33-52.
    46 Christopher R. Blake & Matthew R. Morey(1999),“Morningstar Ratings and Mutual Fund Performance”.1999,
    47 Phelps Shawn and Detzel Larry(1997),“The Nonpersistence of Mutual fund Performance”.Quarterly Journal of Business & Economics,Spring 1997,Vol.36.,Issue 2.
    48 Gary E. Porter and Jack W. Trifts(1998),“Performance Persistence of Experienced Mutual Fund Manangers”.Financial Services Review 7(I),1998:57-68.
    49 Martina K. Bers(2000),“Causal Relations among Stock Ruturn,Inflation:Persistence of International Mutual Fund Performance”.Global Finance Journal,9(2),2000:225-240.
    50 易丹辉:《统计预测》[M],中国人民大学出版社,1990 年版,第 188 页。
    51 Roberto Casarin、Loriana Pelizzon & Andrea Piva(2001),“Italian Equity Funds:Efficiency and Performance Persistence”.2001,SSRN,14.
    52 Christensen R.(1990),Log-linear Models,Springer_Verlag,New York,1990:78-82.
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