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Rendezvous and docking technology is an important part of space technology, and relevant research and development is emergent and necessary for China Manned Space Engineering. Though rendezvous and docking technology can be developed by automatic and autonomous way, manual control rendezvous and docking research is significant for breakthrough of manned spacecraft rendezvous and docking technology. Especially when automatic control system is out of work, maneuverability of spacecraft is key factor for accomplishment of rendezvous and docking mission.
     This thesis focuses on manual control rendezvous by use of virtual reality, which is quite different form the traditional research method based on cross drone. Important issues on manual control rendezvous process, such as relative parameter measurement, stereo display, and visual characteristic are discussed. The main work and achievements are summarized as follows:
     Relative parameters measurements based on TV image is proposed. 1) Imaging model of TV videos is analyzed theoretically and simplified according to its imaging characters during manual control rendezvous, which raises the speed and stabilization of model computing. 2) Procedure for computing parameters of simplified model is presented based on two iterated steps, and simulation experiments show that simplified model is equivalent to integrated model, which can be used to study videos calibration and relative parameter measurement. 3) The method of relative parameter measurement is derived from monocular and binocular videogrammetric system. 4) Recover method of degenerative image is studied and the model of blurred image during manual control rendezvous is proposed. By using anti-filter recover method, we improved the definition of blurred image and increased measurement precision of relative motion parameters.
     Stereo display is realized and the frequency of stereo scene is optimized. 1) Introducing stereo visual model and double-center projection arithmetic, two ways for generating a pair of stereo images are derived from software practice and virtual stereo scene is fulfilled. 2) Using relativity between frames and closed loop control of scene complexity, frequency of stereo scene is optimized and instability of display frequency is resolved.
     Strategy of manual control rendezvous based on cross drone is analyzed. Vision error from cross drone image is interpreted theoretically and resolved in practice, which is very important for application in rendezvous and docking project. 1) Manual control rendezvous strategy based on cross drone is discussed in detail and limitation is summarized. 2) Reasons of vision error from cross drone are interpreted and the affection on manual control procedure is analyzed. 3) Making use of stereo scene, vision error is eliminated. Stereo display increases estimation ability of astronauts during rendezvous course, which can reduce fuel consumption and be testified in simulation experiments.
     Manual control rendezvous simulation system based on virtual reality is constructed with distributed framework. 1) Design method and hierarchy frame of the system are proposed based on theory of oriented-object design and reapplication design pattern, and design projects of subsystems are discussed in detail. 2) In the system, simulation experiments are finished based on cross drone and stereo scene. Experimental results show that astronauts can get more information of relative motion status between spacecrafts in stereo scene, which obviously is beneficial to increasing the success rate of manual rendezvous and docking control.
     Research on manual rendezvous control based on virtual reality is an innovative work and an instructive attempt in the field of rendezvous and docking technology. The proposed method of thesis is of value in China manned spacecraft project and other space application projections.
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