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Nowadays, the major global threat of Mankind is global warming caused bygreenhouse gases whose main ingredient is carbon dioxide. Not only in response tothe global climate change and energy situation but also to achieve the goal of reducingcarbon emissions, do all the countries of the world adjust their development patternsand formulate a new model of economic aiming at low-carbon. At the same time,many countries have begun to transform to low carbon economy and has been made aseries of major changes in industrial policy, energy policy, technology policy, tradepolicy, etc. As a national strategy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan andother countries of the world will develop low-carbon economy. The EU is intended toset an example for the world in the trend of the development of low-carbon economyas a whole. Meanwhile, the EU takes the lead in the world for the trend of thedevelopment of low-carbon economy as a whole.In addition, in order to promote thedevelopment of low-carbon economy. The United Kingdom and the United Stateshave begun the legislative action. Furthermore, in order to seize the high ground oflow-carbon economy in science and technology field in the future, many countrieshave actively deployed cutting-edge technologies in the field of low-carbon research.
     Not only is Low-carbon economy a new economic development model based onlow energy consumption, low pollution, low-emission, but it is another majortechnological advancement of human society following the agricultural civilization,and industrial civilization. Its essence is to improve energy efficiency and create aclean energy structure, and its core is to innovite technology, institution and totransform the concept of development. As region and regional carbon emissionstrading system based on various compulsory and voluntary emissions reductions incarbon emissions have been gradually established and integrated all over the world,the global carbon market is being built. It becomes the future trend of development,and through the market mechanism effectively reduces the cost of countries to lowcarbon economy transformation. As the core of the global low-carbon economy,climate change and energy security cooperation is becoming a new area of worldpolitical and economic cooperation, and increasingly affecting the reconstruction ofthe international system and the specification.
     The extensive mode of economic development in China has led to the bottleneckof resources and more problems of environmental constraints. In order to overcomethese difficulties, low-carbon path is undoubtedly a new way to China's sustainabledevelopment. Whether China will become the forefront of the development of theworld in the coming decades or not depends on the ability of China's to respond to thechallenge of low-carbon development. To address climate change issues is beyond thegeneral environmental or climatic areas. Its essence is the game of the variouscountries, interest groups competing for future development and economiccompetitiveness dominance. From both theoretical and practical aspects, this paperdiscusses the necessity and possibility of the development of low-carbon economy inthe context of the global low-carbon transition, and to explore the path of China'sparticipation in international cooperation and game.
     Overall, the development in china of low-carbon economy to solve the problemis taking place in the following aspects: First, at the political level, we must rely onconsultation and negotiation among countries in the world. China's largest principle isto adhere to the developed countries and the developing countries. All states shall bearthe common but differentiated responsibilities. First of all, facing the dilemmabetween increasing international pressures to reduce emissions and safeguard theirown interests, the major test in the diplomatic of China is how to deal with therelationship between China and the EU, China and the United States; Secondly, withthe deepening of the climate negotiations, due to different national conditions,developing countries are divided and their negotiating position are different. How tocoordinate relations with other developing countries and to maintain betterinternational environment for development, the task of China is very difficult; Finally,linked to the issue of climate change and international trade, as the world's factory,China is suffering from a ecological deficit and faces a variety of Western countries tobuild green trade barriers, the pressure of the Chinese enterprises in the internationaltrade competition will become increasingly high, international carbon emissionstrading system is yet to be perfected. How to find a scientific basis involved in thedesign of the rules, thus reasonable definition of responsibility, to fulfill theobligations need to be learned.
     Secondly, at the level of technology project, we should enhance the capability ofindependent innovation, develop low-carbon technologies and low-carbon products, save energy and reduce emission. Through independent research and development,policy support, market operation, strengthening international exchanges andcooperation, promoting the technology of developed countries transfer to China andother means, we can achieve a”leapfrog” progress in low-carbon technologies. Weactively develop new energy and look for alternative sources of energy in order toprotect of national energy security.
     Thirdly, at the level of economy, the construction of the carbon finance market isimportant. By establishing institutions and mechanisms for the system, theestablishment of China's trading platform and agencies, and the accumulation ofcarbon trading experience through practice, the international carbon resource reserveswill be accumulated. This is not only conducive to the development of China'slow-carbon industries, but will help establishing carbon market mechanisms suitablefor China's own characteristics through the long-term exploration. China can avoidfollowing the issue of low-carbon led by Western countries.
     Fourth, at the social level, the low-carbon economy developed by the Chinesegovernment should be based on national circumstances and stages of development.China's basic national conditions are the relative shortage of resources, a fragileecological environment, and in a critical stage of rapid development ofindustrialization and urbanization. Low-carbon transition must protect the basic needsof people, and should not affect the welfare of people. At the same time, we have tofirmly seize the opportunity to speed up the construction of low-carbon city, to buildlow-carbon urban and rural areas, the development of low-carbon characteristics ofthe industrial system, and promote the transformation of economic development modeto a low-carbnon′s.
     Therefore, China needs to implement the development of low-carbon economyas a strategy of sustainable development in the new situation, from the recentcombination of medium-and long-term development plan, in order to build a moreequitable, reasonable and effective mechanisms of global in response to climatechange.
     For the first place, China should adopt a more flexible negotiating strategy tostrengthen the communication of the combination of various interests in the climatenegotiations, striving for more international support by forming alliance. The secondplace, China should strengthen the emerging low-carbon technology research and development by using of new alternative energy, advanced understanding, deploying,and investing. Unconventional measures should be taken to implement advancedenergy and other low-carbon technologies, to achieve a reasonable emission reduction.China has promoted the formation of a fair emission reduction rules in theinternational competition to seize the high ground to fight for the initiative in thenegotiations. Lastly, it is important to strengthen China's greenhouse gas emissionsand climate change research, strengthen the construction of professional personneltraining system, to better serve the international climate change negotiations services.China should maintenance of the country's current and long-term strategic interests,and ultimately to achieve common economic development and environmentalprotection.
     The development of low-carbon economy is an inevitable choice of China tohighlight the image of a responsible big country, and to achieve sustainabledevelopment. For China, there are both the priority of development and the obligationto protect the climate. In considering development goals, it must co-ordinate climategoals and go low-carbon economy development road, to strike a balance betweenindustrialization and climate change. The negotiations are external security toward alow-carbon economy in response to the climate change. Development of advancedtechnology is a breakthrough point toward a low-carbon economy; carbon finance andcarbon trading market are important means to promote the development oflow-carbon economy; adjusting the energy structure is the basis of the low-carbonsociety to development of new energy; promoting low-carbon energy lifestyle is thefundamental guarantee of building a low-carbon society. Low-carbon economy is notonly an economic issue, an environmental issue, but also a political issue, and a socialissue. It also is a domestic issues and a global issue. For such a comprehensiveproblem, the correct method is to avoid the "one-track mind" thinking and seek"win-win" solution and synergy effect through decision-making by understanding theassociation contains between different issues.
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