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Shandong is a Chinese province rich in fishery. But in recent years, Shandong facesincreasingly serious problems in the development of ocean fishery, the pressure to adjustfishery structure becomes important day by day. Especially with the fishery agreementamong China, Korea and Japan starts to work, the resource of offshore fishery hasdecreased sharply. The ultimate way to solve these problems is to develop new oceanfishery form which is more efficient sustainable and environmental. Beside thetransformation from capture fishery to farming fishery and the transformation fromtraditional fishery to industrial fishery the ocean recreational fishery drived byflourishing tourism is treated as one of the service ocean fishery form.
     Although ocean recreational fishery has emerged all over Shandong Province,however such development was not were recognized by the market. Take the point ofindustry added value which can reflect the industry scale development rate and benefitaccurately, the proportion of ocean recreational fishery in fishery added value did notchange significantly from2005to2011, at the same time, the proportion in fisherycirculation and service added value showed downward trend. See from this, as the newgrowth point of fishery, ocean recreational fishery did not play the leading role.
     The main problems for Shandong ocean recreational fishery are following First ofall, the management is still at low level lacking corporation between different area anddifferent department. Second lack of overall planning, local interests is more important.Third, business units are lower degree of marketrization and lack enough market capacity.Fourth, Shandong ocean recreational fishery has a lower industry correlation and a shortindustry chain, so lead to the low benefit. Fifth as far as product is concerned there is aphenomenon that the product of ocean recreational fishery in different cities are similar atlow level, the whole competition is bad. Last, the development of island ignores theprotection of environment and does not have enough characteristic. Generally the key tosolve these problems above is to optimize the industry structure of ocean recreationalfishery.
     Based on Marine fishery and leisure industry association, combined the concept ofocean recreational fishery from domestic and foreign scholars, this paper expounds theconnotation and features of ocean recreational fishery, This paper also classifies it. Theauthor referred the industrial structure optimization theory, tourism sustainabledevelopment theory, the innovation theory of Schumpeter, industrial organization theoryand other related theories, in the support of the data of Shandong province statisticalinformation nets and the China statistical database, summarizes and uses the SWOT analysis the present situation of ocean recreational fishery of Shandong province. Utilizesthe Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process to construct the structure evaluationindex system of ocean recreational fishery, on the basis of above, make the quantitativeevaluation for the fishery structure of seven ocean cities in Shandong province.
     Based on the above qualitative and quantitative analysis, Centred on this twodimensions-advances and rationalized of Recreational Fishery structure-puts forwardcountermeasures from industrial operation mode, the path and management for Shandongprovince ocean recreational fishery, the results are as follows:
     As far as the development model are concerned, the author thinks the modelcombined state-owned company with fishery cooperative and the model of “five in one”invented by Zhangzi island are successful worth to learn.
     In the choice of development path ocean recreational fishery need emphasize thedevelopment of “land and sea co-ordination ocean recreational fishery should payattention to the scientific rationality of the development planning and stress on the legalauthority forming a regional complex with ocean tourism and other related industriesocean recreational fishery advocate the recycling economy through fosteringdemonstration park.
     In the aspect of management mechanism ocean recreational fishery should establisha cross-regional and inter-departmental coordination linkage management mechanismfoster a large state-owned leisure enterprise group involved in recreational fishery fullystrengthen the role of recreational fishery associations and other intermediaryorganizations improve the local administrative legislation.
     In the aspect of regional structure optimization propose the principle of structureoptimization of ocean recreational fishery in Shandong province is “gradientdevelopment possessing each characteristics overall fusion”. According to the differentresources endowment market the development level of related industry and otherassociated factors using SPSS clustering analysis method the Shandong ocean area isdivided into the recreational fisheries leading development zone the key breakthroughzone and guide development zone. Leading development zone takes the responsibility ofocean recreational fishery highly structure development the key breakthrough zoneshould makes a breakthrough for the characteristic projects and advantage projects basedon the rationalization of the structure guide development zone focus on therationalization of industrial structure and government foster ocean recreational in thedirection of healthy development. Due to the different positioning the markets of thethree areas have different choices.
     In the current situation of construction of Shandong peninsula blue economic zoneand the strategic transformation of marine fishery the upgrading of industrial structureand regional integration of ocean recreational fishery needs to be speeded up. The development of ocean recreational fishery needs the support of the system environmentecological environment and cultural environment and related industry. On the basis of theecological construction function social function and economic function the structureoptimization of ocean recreational fishery could realize the industry structure’s highlyand efficient development. Developing recreational fishery needs collaboratively play therole of government guidance industry association and the industry itself to promote theefficient operation orderly competition and sustainable development of the industry.Through the research of structure optimization of ocean recreational fishery in Shandongprovince this article attempts to provide an useful reference for recreational fishery ofShandong province and even China's other ocean areas.
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