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Anti-Americanism in Pakistan is not mere a myth but there is a sustained history of realities that nurtured this phenomenon over the course of time. America's unscrupulous dealings with Pakistan injected deep abhorrence among Pakistani populace and ruling junta alike. Since inception, Pakistan faced scores of security challenges and threats to its existence which tugged Pakistan to seek security from great powers. American avidness to find allies against communist peril paved way for Pakistan's entry into American sponsored security pacts in Asia(SEATO and CENTO).Under the tutelage of Security Pacts America became warrantor of Pakistan's security in turn Pakistan vowed to help America in the containment of communism. American military outposts in Pakistan and America's use of this land for reconnaissance of Soviet territories divulged when Soviet forces shot American spy plane down. Nikita Khrushchev's outright warning of attacking Pakistan with nukes scuppered Pakistan's security. Another detestable act of America was unrelenting support to India. India since day first was Pakistan's foeman and both sides engaged into several deadly wars. India at last succeeded to disintegrate Pakistan into two halves in the aftermath of1971India-Pakistan war. American security guarantee under SEATO, CENTO pacts was not redeemed. That great tragedy of Pakistan left irremovable tinctures on Pakistan's anti-American sentiments.In such circumstances it was sine qua non for Pakistan to develop weaponry to defend against incessant foe. Washington's plump for another dictator in Pakistan trounced the democratic institutions in Pakistan. The sole purpose was to clinch Pakistan's reinforcement against Soviet aggression in Afghanistan. After the demise of Soviet Union in1989when the menace of communism was averted America's precipitous disengagement from the region left Pakistan in lurch. As a consequence of that power vacuum many challenges popped up in Pakistan and adjacent Afghan territory. Already dilapidated country (Pakistan) had to bear the burden of about6million Afghan refugees who settled down in Pakistan and further exacerbated law and order situation in Pakistan. Comfortable access to illegal weapons by seekers triggered a wave of sectarian strife in Pakistan. These weapons were left over booty of Soviet troops and major proportion was smuggled from Washington with strong backing of CIA. Outsourcing of drugs in Pakistan affected millions of youth by converting them into drug junkies. Not only this, America clamped tough economic sanctions against Pakistan to block off Pakistan's way to nuclearization. American obstinate policy of sanctions did a great damage to economy which increased heavy burden of debts on Pakistan economy. Another military coup d'etat and overthrow of popular democratic government in Pakistan did not invite any clear and forceful opposition to military take over. Washington lashed another series of newfangled sanctions against Pakistan to revert to democratic governance.
     Now the purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate America's 'Machiavellian approach'to deal with a pariah ally like Pakistan. Whatever policy Washington contrived was solely for protecting and promoting its national interest whereas Pakistan's national interest was critically jilted. Based on this historically zigzag relationship, People of Pakistan fostered intense Anti-Americanism with the realization that America looks its own loaves and fishes and does not care for Pakistan's interest.
     This paper narrates about'Estranged Reengagement' of America with Pakistan. Estranged reengagements means here that America succeeded in obtaining support from Pakistan government but the whole nation opposed this engagement. That is the main reason of America's failure in Afghanistan. American policy towards Pakistan is of unsealed nature. Sometimes America disburses military and huge financial assistance to Pakistan while other time inflicts with stringent economic and military sanctions. That is the reason despite convergence of interests and goals Pakistan-US relationship is marked with unpredictability. This capriciousness causes episodic hiccups in mutual relations. This chapter narrates the paradox of American policy and American goals and elusive nature of American interests in its relationship with Pakistan. Single incident of terrorist attacks on United States'heartland transformed Pakistan from a redundant and pariah state to an appraised partner. Languishing and fettered Pakistan in the vicious circle of sanctions was set free immediately after America pulled Pakistan in expedition to combat Al-Qaida's safe havens based in Afghanistan. Pakistan was under authoritarian regime of Pervez Musharraf who seized power in a coup d'etat of1999.Washington's conventional style of conducting coercive diplomacy worked again and they managed to take authoritarian government of Pakistan on board. George W. Bush gave no third option to Pakistan in the words like "Are you with us or against us ". Additionally NATO invoked article'V' for the first time in the history to punish terrorists. Article V of NATO stipulates that if any attack is inflicted on any NATO ally each and every member of NATO alliance would consider it as an attack against all members and the entire member would take a stern action to assist the victim ally. Musharraf who ascended to power through unconstitutional ladder of coup d'etat had no option but to accept that coercive demand. It is easily comprehensible that why Washington favors sporadic dictatorships in Pakistan because democratic leadership fears public pressure and do not go against public opinion while dictators in Pakistan wield power to suppress popular uprising. Pakistan's support was lynchpin to invade Afghanistan there was no alternate ally who could offer such an efficacious support. Sanction under Glenn, Symington and Pressler Amendment were lifted and newfangled economic and military aid was pumped up. Musharraf's decision to substantiate America in war against Afghanistan outraged masses. Pakistan was forced to be the frontline state against Afghanistan. Unpopular decision of Musharraf to support America invited terrible protests countrywide. America put seven demands from Pakistan and most of them were in direct contravention of Pakistan's sovereignty. Country-wide terrible protests sent a clear message to Pentagon and its policy makers that people of Pakistan were not supporting American invasion on Afghanistan. As a consequence of becoming frontline state in war against Al-Qaida Pakistan faced a severe blowback of terrorist on its masses and military personnel. Taliban turned against Pakistan and started targeting Pakistan. Taliban attacked Pakistani politicians, military men, commoners and foreigners. Pakistan suffered huge loss of infrastructure and human lives. According to statics estimates45,137people died in Pakistan as a direct consequence of Pakistan's involvement of War against Al-Qaeda. Despite such an incomparable loss in war against terrorism America kept pressing Pakistan to do more and expressed deep dissatisfaction over Pakistan's performance as an ally. American mistrust on Pakistan and non-appreciation of Pakistan's contribution to war against Al Qaeda caused swift upsurge in Anti-Americanism in Pakistan. American notorious secret agency 'Blackwater' and their clandestine operation even unknown to Pakistan unwrapped America's heinous designs in Pakistan. These events culminated into intense anti-American sentiments among Pakistanis at all levels (Populace, Media, Parliament and military machinery).A single incident of Raymond Davis gave America a chance to know its popularity among Pakistanis when an impersonated American diplomat was arrested by Pakistani law enforcement agency on the charges of killing two innocent Pakistanis. Though seemingly it was a small incident but its high magnitude reflected that almost whole nation was anti-American and demanded capital punishment of American so called diplomat. Even American top leadership demanded Raymond Davis'release but under immense public pressure Pakistani politicians could not follow American orders. This chapter is the crux of conception that America does not care for democratic norms but American interests are blindly chased though they sometime are in contrast to American ideals but America uses hegemony to compel weak countries to get American job done. That is the main reason of Anti-Americanism in Pakistan and other Muslim states.
     This dissertation is a recital about America's peremptory breach of Pakistan's sovereignty. America's use of controversial 'predator strikes'for reconnaissance and destroying Al-Qaida's suspected safe havens in tribal areas of Pakistan has sparked recent tumultuousness. Counter-productive and highly unpopular drone strikes are rather deteriorating situation in Pakistan. Drone strikes are highly contemptible because of their collateral damage. There are compendia of tables to show statistical evidence of death toll made by drone strikes. America's suspicion and blatant allegations against Pakistan as patron of terrorist activities in Afghanistan sparked off recent tensions in Pakistan-US relations. Mistrust about Pakistan's backing to Al-Qaida network reflects America wants to malign Pakistan's image in international community. By establishing Pakistan as a protagonist of Al-Qaida and its associates America may get an alibi to intervene with complete backing of Western allies. Showcase of operation "Neptune Spear" is vocal evidence of American unilateral action deep inside Pakistan's areas that eliminated Al-Qaida's chief Osama Bin Laden. Even after Osama's hunt down many legislators from U.S leveled allegations that Pakistan deliberately hid Osama out in Pakistan's territory. Operation "Neptune Spear "not only embarrassed Pakistan's military junta but gauged Pakistan's capability to respond in case of American Unilateral strike. Pakistan-US relations touched their lowest ebb amidst those tensions. Energy crisis in Pakistan has crippled economy and made people's life miserable. Pakistan designed to overcome these crises by materializing already inked Iran-Pakistan gas-pipeline project. American exerted immense diplomatic pressure upon Pakistan to call-off such a deal with Iran because of America's punitive sanctions to halt Iranian nuclear program. All of these challenges are great impediment to Pakistan's pathway towards peace and stability. American non-compliant approach towards Pakistan undoubtedly manifolds Anti- Americanism in Pakistan.
     Huntington's clash of civilizations theory and its existence between Islamic states and West has been the subject matter of this thesis. Philosophy of Universal Muslim brotherhood enunciates that Muslims all around the world have very strong bond of universal brotherhood based on the religion. Based on this "brotherly feelings" if any Muslim sees other Muslims in pain or agony they feel the same pain for them. Plenty of examples have been used to indicate this kinship. Pakistan's vocal support to other Islamic countries and vice versa shows Pakistan is not an exception. Pakistan's opposition to American invasion on Iraq (2002) even at forum of United Nations Security Council (UNSC), condemnation of Prisoner's abuse at Gitmo, unnecessary invasion and unlawful occupation of Iraq establishes that Pakistan supported Iraq against American illegal invasion. Pakistan's anti-Americanism reaches climax whenever America authorizes Israel's bellicose policies against Palestine. Israel is the most disliked country in Pakistan. Pakistan did not extended De Jure recognition to Israel because of its firm support for Palestine. American clandestine efforts to trigger Arab Spring also favored American objectives of enfeebling Israel's neighbors. America's further intervention in Syria is underway which aims to topple Assad's regime, Iran is suffering from strangling sanctions, all of these above mentions events give a clear reflection that only Islamic countries are being targeted by United States and its European allies. Death of American Ambassador in Ben Ghazi (Libya) and vandalism on American Consulate in Pakistan and other Islamic countries reflects the clash between Islamic and Western countries may go worse if not handled properly. If America stops maligning Islam and halts linking Islam to terrorism then there are good chances that Anti-Americanism may be reduced remarkably.
     Lastly it is the juxtaposition of implications of Anti-Americanism on the region and effects arising therefrom. A prolonged, indecisive and futile war now should be brought to an end because the continuation of this would further make things more complex. The main reason that hindered America's triumph is intense anti-Americanism in the region that nobody was willing to comply with United States. American disengagement from the region in the aftermath of Soviet demise made a huge mess. Anti-American elements regrouped themselves to fill the vacuum and bred Jihadist sanctuaries. There is a huge concern that if America repeats the same mistake and abandon the region again without reconstruction and addressing serious regional security issues then a Hydra of anti-Americanism far more dangerous than anticipation would engulf whole region. There are many warlords who are trying to wrest control of Kabul and want to establish their writ. If no democracy functions then resurgence of Taliban and other similar warriors is possible which would send aftershocks to the whole region. An unstable Afghanistan affected Pakistan and if Pakistan goes awry then other states like India, China and whole South Asia may come under fire. A fear of domino effect cannot be ruled out in case of Pakistan. Current critical situation of Afghanistan and Pakistan invites serious attention of regional actors and a comprehensive Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy is required to deal with regional nemesis. Until Pakistan-US mistrust persists there cannot be any progress in regional peace and development.
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    2 Ibid.23-24
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    2 HUNTINGTON.Op.cit.26
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    2 Joyce Battle, National Security Archive Electronic Book Briefing No.6 "India and Pakistan on Nuclear Threshold "The National Security Archive The George Washington University. http://www.gwu.edu/-nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB6/index.html
    3 The Pressler Amendment and Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program(Senate-July31,1992),Federation of American Scientist see:http://www.fas.org/news/pakistan/1992/920731.htm
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    2 Voice of America, More Afghan Opium May Mean More Pakistani Addicts, see: http://www.voanews.com/content/more_afghan_opium_may_mean_more_pakistani_addicts/1554883.html
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    2 NATO and the Scourge of Terrorism, what is Article5 See:http://www.nato.int/terrorism/five.htm
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    3 OTAR SEPIASHVILI, Memory Symphony; Chronicles and Interludes of the Fate of Georgian Jews,Xlibris,Indiana,2011:296
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    2 Dawn(May8,2002)
    3 JOHN MASZKA, Terrorism and the Bush Doctrine[M].Publsiharnerica,Baltimore,2008:136
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    2 Pakistani Bomb Kills US Diplomat, BBC News (Thursday March2,2006) see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4765170.stm
    1 South Asia Terrorism Portal http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/detailed news.asp?datel=7/7/2007&id=1#1
    2 SHIPING HUA, Islam and Democratization in Asia(Edited).New York, Cambria Press,2009:280
    3 RAVI SHEKHAR NARAIN SINGH, The military Factor in Pakistan[M].New Delhi, Lancer Publishers,2008:439
    4 The Commonwealth Condemns Attack on Ms. Benazir Bhutto (October19,2007) see: http://www.thecommonwealth.org/Internal/34293/31555/34582/171092/176333/about_bookmarks/
    5 BRUCE RIEDEL, Deadly Embrace, Pakistan, America and Future of Global Jihad.[M].Washington DC, Brookings Institute,2011:77
    1 President and Mrs. Bush Extend Condolences Regarding Assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Condemn Violence, The White House, President George W. Bush December27,2007 see: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/12/20071227.html
    1 ED HUSSAIN, Explaining the Salman Taseer Murder, Expert Brief, Council on Foreign Relations,January7,201 see:http://www.cfr.org/pakistan/explaining-salman-taseer-murder/p23755
    2 EAMON MURPHY, The making of Terrorism in Pakistan; Historical and Social Roots of Extremism[M],New York,Routledge,2013:89
    3 ASAD MALIK, The Anatomy of GHQ Attack(september30,2011)Weekly Pulse Islamabad see: http://www.weeklypulse.org/details.aspx?contentID=1301&storylist=2
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    1 World Report 2011;Events of 2010,Human Rights Watch.(January4,2011),Seven Stories Press:348
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    3 http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/pakistan/database/casualties.htm
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