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The mental injury compensation system had been introduced into our country for some time, which was not long. Mental injury compensation system had been received in law educational world and the practice, and the attention of it was not inferior to any other law. Mental injury compensation was the hot spot and difficult problem in law educational world and the practice. It also carried on the reconsideration self-criticism research to our country’s laws and regulations. With the development of social economy and the growth of national wealth, all kinds of legal regimes were perfect. Reasons, we thought they were before, were inadequate. Our country possessed the qualifications to perfect mental injury compensation system in our country, such as material, the thought, legal base and referential international legal regulation. All these made the problems existing in mental injury compensation system more serious. These problems should be solved as soon as possible.
     This manuscript embarked from the concept and rationale of mental injury compensation system. We analyzed the current situation of mental injury compensation system above the domestic and foreign original research results. We made systemic elaboration and analysis to mental injury compensation system in our country by using many methods, such as compare and analysis.
     This manuscript contains five parts.
     The part one is foreword. We gave a simple introduction of the laws which mental injury compensation system existed in. We also introduced the current mental injury compensation system in our country.
     Part two is the summary of mental injury compensation. First, we introduced the definition, character and function of mental injury compensation. We introduced the application about the concept of mental injury compensation in many foreign countries in this part. We defined the true meaning of mental injury compensation in this part. From the analysis to the character of mental injury compensation, we understood the connotation of mental injury compensation better. From the analysis to the function of mental injury compensation, we defined the purpose of it clearer. Then we knew that mental injury compensation system went through three stages in the history, which were the germination period of ancient law, the formation of modern times and the completeness of modern times. From the analysis of mental injury compensation in various periods at home and abroad, it was not different to see that the mental injury compensation system was different provisions at different times. We also could see the scope of its protection was more perfect. Then we introduced the civil law countries and the common law countries on moral injury compensation system theory and legislation. From these provisions, we will be able to find perfect draw for Chinese mental injury compensation system.
     The third part is the problems about scope of the mental injury compensation system in our country. In the scope of the mental injury compensation, the scope of the subject and object covered in our country’s current mental injury compensation were introduced. On the scope of the subject of mental injury compensation, the discussion was focused on the whether the corporation can be included into the principal part of rights in the mental injury compensation. The reasons of the limit of natural persons as the theme of mental injury compensation and the excluder of corporation from the mental injury compensation were used to demonstrate our perspective. In the scope of the object in mental injury compensation, the elaboration was mainly from the aspect of the legislative policy. From the study of the two models of law in main land, the current legislation for the mental injury compensation in our country is the trend. But, there are still some problems in the scope of the object in mental injury compensation. Now, the requirement about mental injury compensation in the civil litigation included in the criminal litigation was inadmissible. However, the difference between the independent civil litigation and the civil litigation included in the criminal litigation was only the procedure, no difference in substantiality exist, therefore, the law should recognize the right of the plaintiff in claiming of the mental injury compensation in the civil litigation included in the criminal litigation.
     The fourth part is the problems about the principles and level issues of the mental injury compensation in our country. In our opinions, the principles of the mental injury compensation should include the console-based principles, the principles of the limit of the amount of the compensation and the principles of free discretion from judges. About the amount of the mental injury compensation, we discussed it in theory from the amount of the mental injury compensation stipulated in the tenth act of Supreme Court“interpretation”. We also put forwarded some factors that should be considered.
     Part five is the mental injury compensation problems existed in our country’s State Compensation Law. In this part, by researching the state legislation of the mental injury compensation in State Compensation Law, we deemed that it was necessary to perfect the mental injury compensation existed in the State Compensation Law. We expounded the necessity. Finally, we discussed the mental injury compensation design in the State Compensation Law from three points of view. The three points of view were principle of mental injury compensation, scope of mental injury compensation and the amount of mental injury compensation, which were applied to the state tort.
1. 唐德华主编:《关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释的理解与适用》,人民法院出版社 2001 年 7 月第 1 版,第 128 页。
    2. 刘风景、管仁林著:《人格权》,中国社会科学出版社 1999 年 7 月第1 版,第 237 页。
    3. 于敏:《我国现行法律规定与精神损害赔偿》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论从》第九卷,第 238 页。
    4. 梁慧星著:《中国民法经济法诸问题》,中国法制出版社 1999 年第 1版 , 第 156 页。
    5. 杨立新著:《人身权法论》,人民法院出版社 2006 年 4 月第 3 版,第203 页。
    6. [美]E·博登海默著:《法理学——法哲学及其方法》,邓正来译,华复出版社 1987 年第 1 版,第 378 页。
    7. 王家福主编《:民法债权》,法律出版社 1999 年 4 月第 1 版,第 441-443页。
    8. 王利明等著:《民法·侵权行为法》,中国人民大学出版社 1993 年第1 版,第 617 页。
    9. 其他几个特性为:精神损害行为是一种不法的侵害他人合法人身权的行为;精神损害直接表现为一种非财产性的损害;精神损害行为是承担精神损害法律责任的依据,参见吴建依:《论精神损害赔偿》,载《当代法学》2000 年第 2 期。
    10.精神疾患如精神损害后产生的精神病、神经错乱、精神分裂症、神经性的癔病等,这完全可以通过现代医学诊断出来。非精神疾患的精神损害,如失眠、心绪不安、信用降低等,可以通过受害人的举证陈述,侵权人侵权行为的各种情节,结合人们和社会对纠纷的评判,尤其可以通过是否影响了受害人正常的工作、劳动、生产、生活,以及其它方面的影响等综合加以分析判断。以上参见关今华著:《精神损害的认定与赔偿》,人民法院出版社 1996 第 1 版,第238—241 页。
    11.有些国家立法并未直接使用“精神损害赔偿”一词,如德国为非财产损害赔偿(《德国民法典》第 487 条),瑞士则称为损害赔偿或慰抚金(《瑞士民法典》第 28 条)。我国立法上最初称为赔偿损失(《民法通则》第 120 条),后来的司法解释中确立了“精神损害赔偿”的概念(1993 年关于名誉权的解答)。理论界还有精神损害补偿、人格损害补偿等概念,但精神损害赔偿已逐渐被广泛接受并成为通行提法。
    12.转引自中央政法干部学校民法教研室主编:《中华人民共和国民法基本问题》,法律出版社 1958 年第 1 版,第 339 页。
    13.佟柔主编:《民法概论》,中国人民大学出版社 1982 年第 1 版,第307 页。
    14.此种处理方式类似于法国。《法国民法典》第 1382 条规定:“任何行为使他人受损害时,因自己的过失而致行为发生之人对该他人负赔偿责任。”法国的司法实践通过对该条的扩张性解释,认为“损害”包括了财产损害和精神损害,因此受害人得以该条请求精神损害赔偿。
    15.魏振瀛著:《精神损害赔偿责任的性质与法律适用》,载《政治与法律》1987 年第 6 期,第 25 页。
    16.何勤华著:《外国法制史》,复旦大学出版社 2002 年 7 月第 1 版, 第 275-283 页。
    17.罗豪才、应松年主编:《国家赔偿法研究》,中国政法大学出版社出版 1991 年 10 月第 1 版,第 130 页。
    18.唐明毅,陈宇著:《国际航空司法》,法律出版社 2004 年 11 月第 1版,第 135 页。
    19.罗豪才著:《行政法学》,北京大学出版社 2003 年重印,第 189 页。
    20.袁登明著:《发达国家赔偿制度》,时事出版社 2005 年 5 月第 1 版,第 259-261 页。
    21.胡锦光主编:《中国十大行政案例评析》,法律出版社 2005 年 11 月第 1 版,第 108 页。
    22.如瑞士债法第 49 条规定:人格被侵害者,于其有重大侵害及重大过失时,有抚慰金请求权。英国提出适用精神损害赔偿的条件是:侵害人的行为和陈述必须在事实上致人精神上的伤害,而这种伤害必须是严重的精神损害,并且是真实存在、持久的,而非一时的精神损害。
    23.王青斌、陶杨:《论国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿》,载于《行政 论坛》总第 60 期,第 61 页 。
    24.我国最高人民法院《关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》第 10 条提出了确定民事精神损害赔偿的相关标准,一是侵权人的过错程度,二是侵权的情节,三是侵权行为所造成的后果,四是受理法院当地的平均生活水平。
    1.唐德华主编:《关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释的理解与适用》,人民法院出版社 2001 年 7 月第 1 版。
    2.刘风景、管仁林著:《人格权》中国社会科学出版社 1999 年 7 月第 1版。
    4.梁慧星著:《中国民法经济法诸问题》,中国法制出版社 1999 年第一版。
    5.杨立新:《人身权法论》,人民法院出版社 2006 年 4 月第 3 版。
    6.[美]E·博登海默著:《法理学——法哲学及其方法》,邓正来译,华复出版社 1987 年第 1 版。
    7.王家福主编:《民法债权》,法律出版社 1999 年 4 月第 1 版。
    8.王利明等著:《民法·侵权行为法》,中国人民大学出版社 1993 年版第 1 版。
    9.佟柔主编:《民法概论》,中国人民大学出版社 1982 年版第 1 版。
    10.刘风景、管仁林著:《人格权》,中国社会科学出版社 1999 年 7 月第1 版。

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