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The thesis separately carries out researches into the bicycle athletes' load intensity in plain,2300-metre altitude highland,lab,and highway training. The study proves that Vo2max and VE reduce by approximately 20% during the activity,and that the air resistance at the altitudes reduces by approximately 20%. The study has resulted in the conversion pattern of altitude and plain training and the arrangement model of intensity training,which offer the concerned references of periodically solving the problem of the intensity under the conditions of lack of oxygen. The results show that:1) by measuring Vbjrnax and VE,the intensity lacking in oxygen that athletes can stand at 2300-metre altitudes is about 20% when they undertake maximum-dose and submaximum-does training;2) as a result,reducing the intensity in altitude training by 80%,the physical indications show that it reaches 100% intensity in plain training,however,comparatively,because air resistance at altitudes reduces by 20%,there is no need to
    reduce altitude training intensity;3) the load lacking in oxygen fluctuates between 18% and 32% with diversities of altitude training duration and load regardless of the reduction of air resistance,and the basic principle of altitude training intensity parallel to plain training intensity is that during the reaction period the speed over 100 kms/h slows down by 10%;the speed about 200 kms/h by 12%;and that during the initial adaptation period,the speed fewer than 100 kms/h slows down by 5%;the speed about 200% kms/h by 7%,and that during the adaptation period,the speed between land 10 kms/h speeds up by 2%;the speed between 50 and 100 kms/h keeps with that in plain training;the speed about 200 kms/h slows down by 2%;4) according to the conversion of all levels of intensity and monitoring them in turn,the writer puts forward the following characteristics about the arrangement model of bicycle athletes' altitude training intensity:reasonably distributing and increasing the proportion of La without oxygen over
    4mmol/L intensity training by 50% so that the athletes can greatly improve in oxygenic capacity,increasing the proportion of La over 6.8mmol/L intensity training so that they can rapidly improve in the special endurance,and if all levels of intensity can reach or exceed the requirements available to the competition in plain,athletes can get great achievements in competition.
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